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Mind, Body and Soul: Friends of a Feather

Posted on Fri Jun 29th, 2018 @ 7:48am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Splendora Sage
Edited on on Mon Jul 2nd, 2018 @ 2:48am

1,683 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Splendora Sage's Spa
Timeline: MD 05 1830 hrs


Splendora looked out at the stars. It had been an eventful morning, an eventful night. She hadn't slept and she was feeling a bit low energy. Walking over to the replicator she ordered herself a tea and took a seat in her office. The centre would be closed down for the day. She recalled her conversation with Ariana earlier that morning.

=/\= 1800 hours Earlier that evening =/\=

Splendora sat at the front reception going over Lai'lira's appointments for the day and for the week. She was leaving the station for a bit and needed to get her appointments assigned to her other staff and reassigned for a few days a week at most. She sighed and smiled as Lai'lira's humming drifted down the office. The girl was pure sunshine. She looked up as the hiss of the door drew her attention.

Ariana had made her way to Splendora's Spa she decided that maybe Markus was right when he suggested spending time doing something nice for herself was a good way to relax she had a little while before her shift so what better way than a visit to a Spa.

She smiled, "Ariana! How are you?"

"About as good as can be expected with the dreaded morning sickness starting to kick in" she smiled, "I guess I can't really complain its more just queasiness than anything else at the moment. I thought I'd drop and see your Spa."

Splendora smiled, "Well lucky for you today I have no appointments. Shall I give you a grand tour and then we can get you something for the morning sickness."

"I'd like that" Ariana nodded enthusiastically, "to tell you the truth I've never tried a spa before so this will be something new."

Splendora smiled and liked her arm through Ariana's just as the source of the beautiful singing emerged. A raven haired beauty with hair so black it seems purple with the light hit it and Romulan ridges. Her eyes like two blue grey stars a studding young woman. She smiled, "Well hello!"

Splendora smiled, "Ariana this is my assistant Lai'lira S'Nai, Lai'lira this is Counselor Ariana Monroe."

Lai smiled, "Nice to meet you!" She put down the pot she was carrying and stuck her hand out to shake.

Ariana grinned as she shook Lai’s hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you too. You certainly have a lovely singing voice.”

She blushed, "Thank you!" She looked at Splendora who chuckled.

"Yes you did it right." Splendora looked at Ariana, "Lai is learning all about handshakes and human interaction. She's lived a...sheltered life." That was putting it mildly. She looked at Lai. "What's in the pot?"

"I took a cooking class. It's Betazoid stew for Gregori. He hasn't replicated anything in days."

Splendora smiled sadly, "I'm sure Chief Braxton will appreciate it."

Lai picked up the stew and waved goodbye heading out the door. Splendora looked after her sighed. "Alright how about that tour."

“Sounds good to me” Ariana grinned, “did I hear you mention Braxton just then?” She looked at Splendora curiously.

Splendora smiled, "Yes. Lai'li has made it her mission to tame our wolf. She has fallen for him so hard. He discourages her kindly but she doesn't understand. She just knows she cares for him. I don't think she fully understands it. He cares for her but his heart is with Nicole." She lead Ariana down the hall towards the different treatment rooms.

“I see” Ariana nodded, “it’s a shame I think having someone else in his life would in the long run benefit Braxton but you can’t make your heart do what you’re not ready for...” she couldn’t help but think about Markus he’d definitely made an impression on her but she felt guilty for even thinking about it.

Splendora sensed the guilt, "Did we not talk about this." She warmly put a hand around Ariana's shoulder. "Love when your ready, no guilt and if there is guilt then there is something to tell me." She grinned. She'd never been one for gossip but found and instant friendship with Ariana. She pointed to a room and opened the door to a large studio with wooden floors. "This is the meditation studio. I have a Vulcan teacher that teaches three times a week. He also does pre-natal Vulcan meditation. This is always open."

“Sounds interesting” Ariana looked at Splendora, “I met someone here on the station... he makes me feel... happy & cared for” she shook her head, “I’ve only been here a day & Jonathon has only been gone for a month and here I am finding another man’s company pleasant!!”

"Timelines are tricky things. Everyone's is different. How about some crystal therapy and a Betazoid head pressure point massage while you tell me about him."

“Anything that’ll help me relax” Ariana was starting to feel tense again and she didn’t need to be tense with being pregnant. “Where do you want me?”

Third door to your right. There is a bio bed there hop up and I'll get my crystals and be there in a second.

Walking down to the third door Ariana walked inside, the room was a relaxing shade of mystical pink, there were crystals everywhere she looked and a fair few silk scarves as well. Hopping up onto the biobed she lay back and made herself comfortable laying her hands on her bump. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought of being pregnant with twins.

Shortly after Ariana got comfortable Splendora entered with a bag of Crystals. "I'm using Betazoid crystals for this since they resonate to our energy. What's your favourite scent?"

“Strawberries” Ariana looked at Splendora and burst out laughing, she’d spoken the first thing that came to mind and she had no doubt they were going to be a craving for her during this pregnancy.

Splendora smiled, "Excellent." She turned on her Aroma Therapy machine and added an oil that smelled like strawberries. "Alright I'll get started placing the Crystals and you tell me about this man."

Ariana breathed a somewhat nervous breath but nodded in agreement, before lying nice & still for the placement of the crystals. “Did I tell you he’s a marine?
maybe I’ve developed a soft spot for marines Jonathon was career Corps when he was alive.”

She smiled, "Interesting. Where did you meet?"

“That’s where it gets complicated” Ariana sighed, “he came to see me for Counselling. Then I was passing some personnel quarters earlier & heard beautiful music so I thought I’d stop and compliment the person and it turned out to be him!” She paused for a moment, “believe it or not he left me in his Quarters so I could soak in his bath. He’s given me pregnancy advice and everything!!”

"Hmmmm. That could get tricky." Splendora thought. "It is a bit fast and he is a patient. He sounds nice but get to know him a bit," she said as she started placing the crystals on Ariana's legs and arms. She continued placing the crystals while the two chatted.

“I’m not sure I want to take it anywhere” Ariana lay gazing at the ceiling, “just because he makes me feel good it doesn’t mean I want to be making anything else of it” she sighed, “It seems my presence is being requested aboard the USS Falcon” she couldn’t help but grin, “I had a message last thing last night so it seems the universe wants to be near him.... he’s going on the Falcon’s shakedown too.”

"Alright well then we'll finish this later." Splendora smiled. "Come anytime. I have a staff that will help as I will be gone for a few days off station. Then I could use your help picking my brain a bit if that's okay." She removed the crystals.

"Of course it's okay" Ariana smiled, "Thank you for letting me talk your ear off I needed someone to talk to."

"Always here for you. It's not easy being a counselor. Who counsels the counselor. So are you excited about the Falcon?" Splendora asked.

“Yes I am” Ariana grinned as she moved to sit up, “I was raised aboard starbases and starships I’ve kind of developed a soft spot for the ship’s so it’ll be nice to get aboard the Falcon."

Splendora smiled, "Well then happy shakedown cruise!" She was looking forward to getting off the station herself.

“Thanks, So may I ask where it is you’re off to?” She looked at Splendora curiously, “I don’t want to pry”

"A little adventure. I'm helping the local art gallery owner find something that was lost a while ago." She grinned, "I've never been on an adventure so this should be fun."

“In that case I wish you luck” Ariana smiled warmly, “I’m going to miss not having you around.” She grinned as she looked at Splendora.

Splendora smiled, she hoped this would turn out okay. "It'll only be a few days." She hoped. This was a bit tricky.

“Just promise me you’ll tell me all about it once we’re both back on the station” Ariana smiled, “...and thank you for everything.”

Splendora smiled, "Lunch will be on me. Anytime you need anything the centre is open at no cost to you."

Ariana grinned, "Thank you Splendora, that's very kind & I'll look forward to lunch & hearing all about your adventure." she looked towards the door, "I guess I should be going."

"Until then." Splendora gave a nod and watched her new friend go.

=/\=Present Time =/\=

Splendora sighed as she finished the last of her tea. The conversation Ariana had replayed a couple of times in her mind. She really hoped that she got to see her new friend again. She liked Ariana, she felt as if she could talk to her.

Putting the cup back in the replicator she headed out of her office. She had a few things to do before her dinner with Vito.



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