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Soaring on the Falcon

Posted on Wed Jun 27th, 2018 @ 6:14pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson
Edited on on Mon Jul 2nd, 2018 @ 2:45am

1,368 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: SB 400 Docking Port 24, Airlock Entrance.
Timeline: MD 5 - 1900 hours

Location: Docking Port 24, Airlock Entrance.

Sarah was the first officer to board the USS Falcon from the airlock at Starbase 400. She was tasked with boarding the crew. She was still trying to adapt to the new assignment.

She never asked to serve in the special operations unit. She felt that she was not qualified.

But her first command opportunity, was on a special operations vessel. She wondered why the captain of this vessel had chosen her. She assumed she would be assigned to an older aging vessel.

Sarah had no special operations training. She felt that she was not qualified. Plus the idea of being in the special forces, was not something that appealed to her.

Sarah was an upcoming officer, she was still pretty young. She had only been a second officer, for a short time. When the opportunity arose for her to be promoted to first officer of the USS Falcon. Her last CO, practically threw her to the wolves, demanding she take the assignment.

The next person to arrive was Lieutenant Junior Grade Samuel Carrington the Chief Control Flight Officer of the USS Falcon. Unlike Sarah, he was thrilled to be serving on a special forces operations vessel.

He was eager, and itching to get his hands a little dirty. He made his way over to Sarah. "Morning Commander, Lieutenant Junior Grade Samuel Carrington, requesting permission to board." called out Sam in a bold and proud tone.

"Granted, report to the bridge in two hours. The Captain wants to leave as soon as possible." Called out Sarah. She was eager to get everyone on board. She still needed to put her things away. She wanted some time to complete her move in process.

"Thank you Commander." Said Sam with a big grin on his face, as he continued to board the USS Falcon. He made a straight line for his quarters.

"Next." Called out Sarah.

Ariana had been surprised to be requested aboard the Falcon, she could only guess that the ship required a Counsellor and maybe someone who could lend a hand at Ops if necessary. She smiled politely as she arrived and greeted the officer who was waiting.

Sarah was still trying to get use to all the new faces, but she was pretty sure the lady approaching her was not a member of the crew. "Can I help you Lieutenant?" Asked Sarah, in a defensive tone. She noticed the lady was packed and ready to board the USS Falcon.

“Yes Commander I’m Ariana Monroe, station Counsellor I was requested to join the crew” she grinned at the thought of being aboard a starship again & it would give her more time to spend around Markus.

"Welcome aboard, the Falcon may need a good counselor. This mini intrepid with defiant style interiors may give some of the crew a sense of claustrophobia." Suggested Sarah, who herself. Did not like the idea of the mini intrepid class starship.

“That’s no doubt what I’m here for” Ariana smiled, “I’ll see you later Commander” with that she headed onboard.

"Next." Called out Sarah.

Marcus had finally been given the message that he was to report onboard the U.S.S. Falcon, he had gathered his things that was needed for a short assignment and waited at the port. He had been standing in at-ease at the spot for fifteen minutes before he was suppose to meet Lieutenant Commander Sarah Rogers.

"Cadet Mattson, your punctual. Very good." Simply said Sarah, as she held the padd by her side, and noticed his prosthetic. She did not say anything about it. instead she gave the cadet to say something cleaver, or to allow him to stumble and fall. Her tone to him was stone cold. She was not really fond of the captain's idea to put a cadet in the fighter, during a training exercise. For the moment, she was going to keep her feelings to herself.

He could almost feel the daggers in her voice. "Ma'am, I rather be early than late." he responded. He was sure that her cold voice was because of him. He didn't say anything about it.

"I agree Cadet, and will notate that in your performance review. Meet with the Quartermaster as soon as possible for room assignment. Your fighter has already been loaded, might suggest after getting settled in, stopping by to get acquainted with her."

"Yes ma'am." the cadet said with a salute. He didn't know why, but something told him she wasn't very interested in standing there welcoming new arrivals. "May I speak freely ma'am?"

"Make it brief, the Captain wants the Falcon, to depart as soon as possible." Sarah suggested, with an annoyed tone in her voice. She was just in hurry, and felt rush. She felt bad for her behavior, but it did not stop her from acting this way. Sarah knew she needed to react better to stress. She was still young, and an upcoming officer, now made first officer. She knew she had a lot to learn.

"I can see why the captain chose you to be here. Not just because of your station, but a nice looking woman to greet the new commers is the best way to keep moral at the top. And as the XO, you need to know the crew more in person than the CO." with that he picked up his small bag and was ready to be dismissed.

"Dismissed Cadet," She said while softening her tone. It was very nice of Marcus to say something very nice. He was very professional. Which she appreciated.

"Next." Called out Sarah.

After the arrival of Marcus and Ariana, more of the bridge crew arrived. First to show up was Dustin Reynolds, the new chief of security for the Falcon. Dustin just wanted to boarded the vessel. He was slightly annoyed that he had to go through the airlock. The transporter would have been so much faster. He often wondered why Starfleet still practiced this ridiculous boarding procedure.

"Name" Asked Sarah, trying to get through the checklist as soon as possible. The names seemed to go on forever. This was not a very big ship, but her patience and temper was a little thin. Like Dustin , she was not a fan of this protocol either.

"Dustin Reynolds, Lieutenant Junior Grade. Chief of Security." He simply said.

"I need you on the bridge as soon as possible, the captain wants to depart asap." Ordered Sarah, in a cold hearted tone.

"Understood, I'll drop off my gear and report to the bridge." Dustin replied.

Aubrey and Sam also boarded the vessel. And went through a similar procedure, that only left the captain and his girlfriend Anna. They were two of the last personal to board the Falcon.

Sarah felt that she had been waiting a long time for the arrival of the captain. When in fact it had only been a short time. No more than an hour later. "Morning Captain and Doctor Woodhouse." Called out Sarah, noticing the lovely couple holding hands.

Zeke was a bit nervous, this was his first day in command. A lot of pressure he placed on himself. Things had to go smoothly. He glanced up at Sarah. His new executive officer. "Morning Commander, the crew is aboard and accounted for?" He asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Yes Captain, including Lieutenant Monroe the station counselor and Cadet Mattson, the pilot you requested." She said, as she followed the captain and the doctor aboard the Falcon.

"Very well, we will convene on the bridge in one hour, to prepare for departure. I will see you then Commander." Said Zeke, hoping that Sarah would take her leave, and get herself situated.

"Yes Captain." Simply said Sarah.


OCC 1: The Falcon Crew

Commander Ezekiel Bagwell, Commanding Officer (PC)
Lieutenant Commander Sarah Rodgers, Executive Officer (NPC)
Lieutenant Anna Woodhouse, Chief Medical Officer (NPC)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Dustin Reynolds, Chief of Security (NPC)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Samuel Carrington, Chief Control Flight Officer (NPC)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Aubrey Miller, Chief Engineer (NPC)

OCC 2: Special Guests
Lieutenant Ariana Monroe
Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson


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