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Posted on Mon Jan 29th, 2018 @ 11:31am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & Sogh Varn Son of M'ron & First Ramata`tar & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Octceann AmHain & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Private Kerri Knight & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Ensign Brandy Ragen & Lieutenant Kate Jacobson

2,678 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Various Ships, Talaxian Colony
Timeline: MD4, 1330Hrs *Current*


USS Pegasus

Finally, they had arrived on the edge of the system where the Talaxian asteroid base was. Once the Pegasus and Lexington dropped out of slipstream, they scanned the area to get a look around.

Bremer came out of his Ready Room and took a look at the viewer. "Open a channel to the Talaxian colony."

"Channel is open." Ramata'tar replied.

"Talaxian colony, this is Fleet Admiral Mike K'Wor Bremer of the Federation Starship Pegasus. Please respond."

USS Lexington

Aboard the Lexington, Stark sat in the Commanding Officer's chair resting his chin in his right hand as he watched the screen and listed for the reply to Bremer's message.

Wayne looked over the sensors from the XO's seat. "There's a Talaxian ship on the far side of the system, looks like just patrolling...they have spotted us and are moving toward.

"Keep an eye on them. I don't expect anything beyond a friendly hello, but better to be cautious." Stark replied.

USS Pegasus

"Their patrol ship is on an intercept course, but shields and weapons are powered down." Roebuck reported.

"Why won't they reply?" Draven asked, to no one particular.

Finally, the screen flashed to the smiling faces of three Talaxians. "Greetings Admiral! Welcome to our home. I'm Neelix, resident Ambassador to the Delta Quadrant. I thought Starfleet's message said there would be three ships." His tone changed to concern.

"There is," Mike replied, "The USS Essex has been delayed but will be here soon." He hopped.

"Oh, wonderful." Neelix replied. "Your ships are too big to travel too far into our asteroid field but the leader of our colony, Oxilon, will be eager to meet you."

"Give us a few moments, a few of my officers and I will follow you in one of our auxiliary craft." Bremer replied as the channel closed.

"Roebuck, you have the Bridge. Launch a sensor probe or two to increase our sensor range, we don't want to be surprised by anything once we start sending shuttles and runabouts with the supplies down to the colony." Bremer ordered as Roebuck nodded.

"Ramata'tar, Gillo, AmHain, Matthews, Draven, Lennox, Taz, Agtx, and Cadets K'Wor, and Bremer will go with me aboard the Perseus to the colony. We'll take as much cargo as the small interceptor can hold." Mike tapped in a few commands on his chair's arm rest display. "Commander Roebuck, have Mister Gunther's fighters launch as well and sweep the asteroid field, get a feel for the area. We might be here a few days. Also, signal the Lexington and have Commander Stark follow aboard one of their runabouts. Tell him to have Mister Wayne remain aboard the Lexington in command, while Krall, Robinson, Casion, Blackthorne, and Calthier join us on the colony. We need to get a full appraisal of their facility, medical and engineering needs, and get a plan in place for us to deliver the cargo."

"Understood Admiral." Roebuck replied.

Mike finally stood and headed for the turbolift, where Ramata'tar and Dravin waited. "Also, if there's any word from the Essex, I want to be advised at once."

Roebuck nodded. "Absolutely sir."

USS Lexington

Commander Stark had just been informed of Bremer's orders. "Mister Wayne, the Bridge is yours. Coordinate your activities with Commander Roebuck on the Pegasus." He then tapped his Commbadge, "Krall, Robinson, Casion, Blackthorne, and Calthier join me aboard the Oak Grove in the main shuttle bay in ten minutes."

Several minutes later, Stark stepped aboard the Delta Flyer type runabout. He handed Ensign Krall a PADD with a list of cargo he wanted brought aboard to be taken to the Talaxian colony.

Robinson and Blackthorne brought aboard a case filled with engineering supplies and secured it in the aft hold.

No one in the sector Could Doubt Deborah's devotion to the Clan Calthier. She nearly worshipped the ground he walked on and defended him to the end. And Now to a New world?!! Were the higher powers choosing to set up a colony here?! She'd LOVE IT!! But things were still in flux. this universe was a mess. Being Seven weeks pregnant but not showing. With her protective nature Over the top Sensitive. Didn't help either. She was very happy with life otherwise...

USS Essex

Chloe had the course laid in for New Talaxia Colony" I have the course Laid in for The Talaxian Colony " she prepared to engage the slpistream drive ' "Slipstream drive Engaged" she reported to Admiral T'Lar. Fleet Admiral Bremer would like a status report he asks why we were delayed."She reported.

As the ship entered Slipstream, Chief White verified that the tactile systems were at 100% after the battle that took place and he sent a request to engineering to engineering to replace two power relays across the shield grid. His duty schedule coming to an end he excused himself and left the bridge.

In Engineering, Jack quietly monitored the Slipstream Drive systems from an auxiliary console whilst Quan and his team ran regular system checks. Seeing that the repairs had been successful and that the Essex was safely on her way at Slipstream velocities, Jack left the console and headed off to his office to file his reports to his fiancee.

Once there he ordered a hot chocolate and sat down behind his desk to get the necessary reports written up and sent off to Deela. Jack also made a note to start discussing plan for the wedding once they had completed their mission at the Talaxian Colony. There would be plenty of time on the way home and Jack prayed for no more surprises for the return trip.

USS Essex - Sickbay

Hades closed his tricorder and dimmed the lights of the bay letting the injured sleep. There had been an accident in cargo bay 1. Nothing serious, a few broken bones that had been freshly knitted, a few lacerations but he was keeping everyone in the bay for now until tonight. He had ordered them to try and rest and he headed to his office.

Sitting down with a grunt he let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose. It had been a rough few hours and he hadn't slept much the other night and today looked no different. He had a few reports to send in and a few to read that he got from the station about sickbay there. He'd left Eviess and Braxton in charge.

He moved his chair closer and slapped the consul button. This was going to be a long day.

A few doors down, Rol sat at his own desk putting the polishing touches on his report. He'd finished all the senior staff interviews and was doing his duty clearances. He then had a Herculean task of talking Hades into resting. The man seemed determined to put himself in a stress coma. Rol waivered on weather to clear him or not but he knew that they needed their doctor. He hit the clear button on Hades' chart and stood heading to his office. This would not be a pleasant conversation.

The door opened and Joseph entered Sickbay. He walked over and gently tapped the wall of Hade's Office.

Hades looked up, caught somewhat off guard at the rapping on his wall. "Mr. White," he said standing. "Are you alright?"

"Yes I am doctor. I wanted to check on you. According to your duty logs, you've been burning the candle at both ends." Joseph could see the fatigue on his face. "When is the last time you slept or had a meal?"

Hades let a shadow of a smile play upon his lips. "Oddly I've been avoiding our good counselor just for that very question." He sighed, "Slept...well I haven't since we left the station. As for eat...I honestly don't remember. I had tea." He remembered that much.

"Understandable doctor." Joseph paused and took a few steps into the office. "Well that leads me into a security and tactical concern I have with this ship. I cannot guarantee the tactical performance of 100% aboard the Essex nor the complete security if our Chief Medical Officer is fighting fatigue and malnutrition." He looked down at Hades and cracked the hint of a smile, "With that, as head of ship's Security and Chief Tactical Officer I am ordering you to accompany me to the Mess Hall for food and drinks. Afterwards, you will adjourn to your quarters fro a minimum of 6 hours of rest. Medically speaking, you could use with more but, I will not ask someone to do a task I myself am not willing to do. And since I only require a maximum of 6 hours of regeneration, I feel that is fair." The chief relaxed a bit. "So lets go doctor, I hear the replicators are making a pretty mean steak today so we better not miss it."

Hades sighed but smiled. He did need a rest. He closed down his computer an stood. "Fair enough...I could pull rank on you here but I do need a rest and food." He motioned for White to walk out. "After you Mr. White."

White and Hades exited the Sickbay on their way to the mess hall.

Mess-hall, USS Essex

Within a few minutes, Hades and White arrived at their destination. Hades walked over to the replicator replicating some Romulan pudding as a dessert and a nice big bowl of cheese fries. French fries with melted cheese, green onions, and a large dollop of sour cream. He carried his meal to join White who'd retrieved his own food. "Round one all set...I may go for round two."

The Chief had just sat down and looked up at Hades arrived. "Sounds good to me my friend. So, tell me something not work related. Anything at all." He smiled trying to get Hades mind off anything related to Sickbay.

He smiled as he sat down, "Not sickbay related... well that's a bit of a stretch I live and breath sickbay...but I get your point."

The two spent the next couple of hours speaking of stars, the events on the station, and some interesting seminars that they'd attended.

Bridge, USS Essex

Jewel sighed, "Hopefully we do not come across any other delays should we try to get word to the others that we are on our way?" Jewel asked Deela as she looked at her. She was beginning to get a headache could be from when she fell and hit her head against the railing near her chair in that first attack. But she didn't seem to let the pain show. She would be alright she just wanted to make sure everyone else was and looked at her husband to make sure he was alright.

Looking at them both, Hurd said, “General, Admiral your orders?”

Deela could sense that there was something wrong and she was concerned, "As soon as we get into communications range, go ahead and update them." She was going to say something but David beat her to it.

Looking at Jewel, Hurd had a feeling in gut something was not right. Reaching under a nearby console and retrieved a Medical Tricorder from a medkit. Walking over to her, he opened it and said gently, Hold still baby”. He opened it and started scanning her head, becoming more alarmed and wide-eyed the longer it went on.

She looked at him and rolled her eyes, "I am fine David, just a headache it will go away in a while." Jewel stated looking at him.

Deela addressed Jewel, "Go to sickbay and get yourself checked out. I need you well for this mission." She could tell that David's mind was on her, not his job, "David, go. Accompany your wife. We have a little less than an hour before we get to our destination."

Jewel sighed as she knew there be no point in arguing with Deela, "Very well." Jewel replied as she got up and headed down towards sickbay leaving David behind to catch up.

As he caught up beside her, he said quietly, “Nothing my rear end babe, you have evidence Of recent intracranial hemeragaes, care to tell me what that’s about?”.

She sighed as she really didn't want to argue, "I am fine just leave it at that alright." Jewel replied giving him the look to drop it, that she's not in the mood for an argument.

R'nard was going over some data and was pretending not to hear the argument.

His face going red and livid, yet with a stillness to his voice, he said, “The Doctor will be informed General”. Turning his back on her he said, “Permission to remain on the Bridge Admiral?”

T'Lar was too tired to deal with relationship problems. They were going to have to work it out but today was not the time. She could sense what Jewel was feeling so she decided it was best to have him stay, "Permission granted."

Jewel sighed as it seemed to her David would get mad over anything, she was getting tired of it. She just walked to the medical bay to please everyone. To much on her mind and no time to herself to think it out.

USS Pegasus-B, Main Shuttle Bay

As cargo continued to be brought aboard, Deaven and Ramata’tar walked passed Bremer carrying an unmarked case.

“What’s that?” Bremer asked.

“Classified.” Draven replied with a smirk, but it quickly faded from the gaze from Bremer. “It’s a high gain communications array so they can better communicate with the Federation.” Draven added.

Mike nodded as Taz and Agtx passed by with a case of phaser rifles. Mike glanced at his PADD and tapped a button. “Let’s step it up, our friends out there have been waiting long enough.

Across the shuttle bay Octceann was running final diagnostics on the last of the cargo shuttles. Stepping out of the ship "Ensign, everything checks out here. Let the shuttle bay crew know that they can now fuel and prepare for departure."

"Aye Lt." She responded.

"Alright, let's the first shipments moving." Bremer said aloud to everyone in the bay. "Perseus is departing in five minutes. We have several days worth of shuttling supplies, so if it's not top priority, it can wait for the next trip. I want all runabouts and cargo shuttles en route within fifteen minutes."

"Miller, Hardy, Lattimore each of you grab a seat on a runabout. I want you over there to help keep everything moving. We have a lot of critical repair supplies. You may have some training to do." AmHain pointed to three of the Pegasus engineers. "You heard the Admiral. We depart in 15. Lt. Moon, you remain on board as acting Chief. I'll be heading over on the first trip for a quick inspection".

"Aye Sir," said Moon in reply. He was a solid engineer and would easilly hold the ship together while they were over at the Talaxian colony.

USS Essex

The ship finally dropped out of slipstream. Deela was elated that they were finally at their destination. She stood up and gave orders, "Let Admiral Bremer know that we have arrived and send him my apologies." She started for the door, "As soon as we get our orders, let me know. I will be in my quarters." She needed a break before they start doing what they were there to do.

"Understood," said R'nard. "I will send the message." He sat down in the center seat and began what he was ordered to do.

Having made his way up from Engineering to see the last part of the journey to the Talaxian Colony on the Bridge, Jack smiled as they reached their destination. As Deela left he noticed that she looked tired and decided to leave her to rest. He began running systems diagnostics to see how things were after their encounter with the Alian Vessel previously.



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