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Overdue meeting

Posted on Wed Jan 24th, 2018 @ 11:55pm by Vice Admiral James K`Temoc Bremer & Lieutenant Commander Rann

1,703 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400, Tactical Operations
Timeline: MD4, 1525 Hrs


K'Temoc looked over a PADD handed to him by Commander Rann. "They were able to meeting the last objective, but are running behind schedule again." Rann commented.

K'Temoc shook his head. The Combined Fifth Fleet under Admiral Kahl Th'Shras had been a disappointment so far in the Joint-Fleet Maneuvers, but it was proving that training was needed at all levels.

"Also Admiral, there's a First Lieutenant Elrod and Lieutenant JG Fintel outside, both say they have a meeting planned with you." Rann added.

K'Temoc glance back at the big display screen, then picked up another PADD that was laying on the table. "Ah, yes, good. Send them in."

K'Temoc took a seat at the conference table he was already standing beside near the back wall. As he sat, he glanced over at the other conference table and was pleasantly surprised to see the Klingon, Free Romulan, Cardassian, and C'hakilian Area Commanders still working together. The cooperation had been a real bright spot, but with the looming darkness of the Typhon Pact, it was also a necessity.

Alex waited outside as he waited to be called in for a meeting with Vice Admiral Bremer. Not the type to just sit down while waiting, he looked over a PADD he had in his hand and made sure that he was caught up on all the science information that Starbase 400 and the fleet had gathered for this mission. When a Lieutenant Commander came out of Tactical Operations, he looked over at her, at attention.

"Is Admiral Bremer ready for us?" Alex asked politely, not wanting to seem too forward. He was eager to meet the Admiral and get underway.

K'Temoc stood, "It's Vice Admiral K'Temoc." He motioned toward an empty seat at the table. It was something he'd dealt with his whole career, but he didn't hold a grudge toward the Lieutenant, no way he could have known K'Temoc went by his middle name typically.

"Sorry Sir, here's the report from the Kearsarge you asked for. They are still patrolling the Federation/Romulan border. They report they've been shadowed by at least two different Warbirds, but nothing aggressive." Rann reported as he handed K'Temoc a PADD.

"Thank you." K'Temoc replied as he glanced at the PADD before setting it down and focusing on the new officer.

Fintel motioned towards the PADD in Admiral K'Temoc's hand and said, "I'm assuming the Romulans when you say warbirds, sirs? I actually studied xenopsychology and xenobiology, with a special emphasis on the Romulan people. It was sad to hear what happened after the explosion of the Hobus Star in the Romulan's home system. I've actually talked to some of my connections within the empire and there were a lot of emotions when it happened."

When Fintel took his seat, he looked over at the Admiral and said, "Besides a little bit of me flapping my gums, what can I do for you, sir?"

Commander Rann handed K'Temoc another PADD before he could reply. Apparently, First Lieutenant Elrod was trying to take care of an issue in the Fighter Bay and would be late. K'Temoc slid the PADD to the side.

"With the old man off the Station, I didn't want you to feel like no one noticed your arrival. Welcome to Starbase 400. Have you had a chance to find and settle into your quarters?" K'Temoc asked.

"Yes, sir, I have. They have a wonderful view of the Kaleb IV colony below. I've read a lot about the colony, as well as Starbase 400, in preparation of my arrival on the base. Is there anything I need to know to get caught up to speed?" Fintel asks, curious about the current mission and status of the starbase.

"I'm sure you've read up on the Delta Quadrant mission the Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington are on right now. We're also in the middle of a major joint fleet training mission right now." He glanced back at the other conference table where the Liaison Officers and Area Commanders were seated going over reports from the Combined Third and Fifth Fleets. "From a Science Department stand point, there's not much going on around here, so I'd suggest getting familiar with the department's staff and your command, the USS Endeavour." He handed Fintel a PADD with the Nova class ship's command codes and current status. It also listed Lieutenants Cole and Gilmore as senior in the department, and both on the Delta Quadrant mission.

Looking the PADD over and taking in all the information that was on it, Fintel smiled light. Having never been a department head until now, Fintel never had a command of his own ship, making the Endeavor an exciting venture for him. As he finished reading over the status report for the Endeavor, something caught his eye.

Curiously, Fintel looked up at K'Temoc and said, "Sir, as I looked over the status report of the Endeavor, I happened to notice something about a posotronic computer core update that the Engineers were working on. Mind if I ask what that is? I've never quite heard of those types of computer cores before."

K'Temoc smirked. "Positronic cores were designed in a joint venture between the Soong Institute and the Daystrome Institute. They offer faster processing and high storage capacity than even the Bio-Neural circuitry...basically. They aren't available for all classes of ships, and only the new Gladiator and Odyssey classes are being build with them. I was able to pull some strings and Mister Stark was able to upgrade a few of our ships here. The Endeavor is the only Nova class vessel with the new systems. There's also a follow up report you should read regarding the USS Yorktown-F. She was the first Defiant class with positronic systems, and for a time it appeared the ship was becoming self-aware, but an ion storm put an end to that before we could verify."

"There's been no issues in testing aboard the Endeavor, so I don't foresee any issues at this point." K'Temoc added. "Missions will be assigned as needed by the Stations Senior Staff. Fleet Admiral Bremer, Admiral T'Lar, Commodore Pike, or possibly myself. You might also be assigned something directly from Fleet Admiral Sevlek, but that's doubtful."

Smirking himself, he looked over at K'Temoc and said, "Sir, did you talk to the ship and the ship finally decide to talk back?" Containing a small chuckle, Fintel looked back at his PADD and looked it over once more, looking through the crew manifest of the Senior Staff and Department Heads, seeing which ones were still onboard the Starbase.

K'Temoc smirked, "It never progressed to that level of self aware."

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why did Commodore Pike stay behind on the Starbase? Isn't he the Chief Strategic Operations Officer and wouldn't that make for a useful asset in the Delta Quadrant?" Fintel asked, curious as to why he saw the Commodore's name on the roster for the Starbase crew for this mission.

"He is, and I think the Fleet Admiral wanted him here to help observe the combined fleet maneuvers as well as keeping an eye on the station, but he's had some leave as well. His wife is also a member of the crew, and his cousin's ship the USS New Hampshire was docked for a while." K'Temoc explained.

“Isn’t the New Hamsphire the Galaxy-Class starship run by Colonel Pike? I’ve heard she was a top brass ship and it was hard to get accepted onto the ship. But, I thought she was out exploring a part of the Gamma Quadrant, a request straight from Odo,” Fintel asked, curious as to why the New Hampshire was on this side of the Beta Quadrant.

" incorrect information," K'Temoc replied. "I can't go into great detail, but the New Hampshire is a Galaxy Refit and has been operating in the Beta Quadrant for some time now. She recently returned from the Gorn border and will be heading for the Triangle soon. She's apart of Task Force 99, which I command. Colonel Pike is her commanding officer, Commander MacLeod is the executive officer." None of that was classified information, but it also wasn't something that was broadcast out either. "Where did you hear the part about the Gamma Quadrant from?"

Fintel shook his head and said, "I had several of my associates at the Vulcan Science Academy and Starfleet Command tell me that there were several starships that were beginning to explore the Gamma Quadrant at the request of Odo and I thought one of the starships I heard was exploring was the New Hampshire. Word of mouth isn't always reliable, as it seems. I didn't know she was apart of Task Force 99."

K'Temoc smirked, but it quickly faded when Commander Rann walked back over and handed him a PADD. "Admiral, we've lost contact with the USS Kearsarge. We thought maybe the Romulans were trying to jam their communications, but we can't even locate them on sensors now."

K'Temoc looked over the PADD. "What's the closest ship?"

"USS Vanguard. She left the Station yesterday to beef up patrols along the border during the fleet maneuvers." Rann replied.

"Have the Vanguard investigate." K'Temoc replied. Rann nodded and started to walk off. "Commander, also have the standby crew on the Yorktown bring her to ready status."

"Aye sir." Rann replied with a nod.

K'Temoc looked back at the Lieutenant. "I would suggest getting up to speed on the situation with the Romulans and the rest of the Typhon Pact, and getting settled into your office." K'Temoc stood and flashed a smile, "Welcome aboard Starbase 400 Lieutenant Fintel."

Fintel stood up, following K'Temoc's move. He extended a hand and shook K'Temoc's as he said, "Thank you, sir. I think I'll make my way down and talk to Commodore Pike before I make my way to do a tour of the Endeavor. I'm sure that he would be very knowledgable about the Typhon Pact. Thank you again sir and if you need anything else, please let me know."

With that, the two men departed and Fintel knew that his first stop afterwards would be to Commodore Pike's Office. Now, if he could only find it.


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