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Chit chat Pt1

Posted on Fri Feb 9th, 2018 @ 7:52pm by Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Korel & Splendora Sage

1,523 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400, Promenade, 'Good Fella's Bar and Grille'
Timeline: MD4 2040hrs


Lee had just finished some reports, he decided to head for the 'Good Fella's' Bar and Grille to grab a drink and relax for a bit. Alex and the twins where on Earth visiting Paul and her parents. He entered the place looking around he headed over to a table, ordering an Vulcan brandy.

Raekwon had come to the end of his patience with trying to arrange the items of artwork in his gallery so, in the need of a stronger coffee, he headed to an inviting looking place and took a seat. He ordered a double Americano and waited patiently.

Tom sat at the bar in his restaurant, glass in hand. He sipped the last of the Gentleman Jack then set it down on the bar with the thud. "Paul, blackjack." He ordered.

The bartender on duty took the dirty glass and grabbed a clean one. He added scotch, Kahlua, triple sec, and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker with ice and shook, then poured them in the glass and slid it over to Tom.

"Boss, you okay?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." Tom replied as he took a sip.

Paul walked to the other end of the bar. Vito was standing there, watching the usual crowd, but also watching Tom. "How many has he had now?"

"Six. Jack Daniels, Jameson Irish Whiskey, that Blackjack, Alabama Slammer, Vat69, and Jim Beam. He's just sipped most."

"Hey Paul, give me a Three Wiseman." Tom called down.

"Sure boss."Paul replied to Tom, then looked back at Vito. "So much for sipping. What gives?"

"I'm not sure, he hasn't said much in a few days." Vito replied before he was called over by one of the waiters.

Splendora had been down for a while now. She had wandered and walked for hours and now she found herself in front of Tom's place. She hadn't meant to go there but maybe she had. They hadn't talked since that night.

She looked at the door and was about to turn and leave when she heard her name. She turned and saw a Emma waving and heading her way. Splendora tried for a smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

Emma took one look at her and pointed to the door. "You look like you need a drink."

Before Splendora could protest Emma ushered her into the restaurant and into an empty table.

Splendora looked up and there, there sat the man that had occupied her thoughts.

Vox, who now had his coffee could try to chill out. He still had not sorted the layout for the artwork that was languishing in a cargo bay. He knew he would sort it out but so far, the best arrangement was escaping him.

Tom finished the Three Wisemen, set the glass down with a thud then stood up. He paused a minute to get his balance, then turned to walk toward his office in the back of the restaurant. He paused when he saw someone he didn't recognize.

"You're new here...who are you?" Tom asked as he tried to focus.

Vox turned towards the person speaking to him. For a few seconds he looked at Tom. Sipping his coffee and placing back onto the table...

"My name is Raekwon Vox, I am relatively new here. I just set up my art gallery on the promenade. The Serenity Gallery. Who might you be? " Vox asked as he reached for his coffee, taking another sip.

"I own this restaurant," Tom happened to glance up while he was speaking and say Splendora coming in, "Tom VerI'll be back." He took a deep breath and took a step toward where Splendora was, then turned back toward his office.

"Not a word, leave me alone." Tom said to Vito as he passed him and went into his office. Tom then opened the door back up, "And give that Vox gentlemen whatever he wants, on the house tonight for being the newbie around here." Tom then shut the door back and walked to his desk, slumping down in the seat. 'This is why I don't drink anymore' he thought to himself.

Lee turned his head looking around then saw some new people enter and watched them while sipping his drink.

Vox sipped his current up of coffee looking around the restaurant. While he was relaxing he might as well indulge in a spot of people watching. You can learn quite a lot about people by watching how the behave and interact with each other.

Splendora had managed to get away from Emma and had almost made her escape when she noticed Vox. She'd heard about the art gallery that was opening and she'd seen the adverts for it. Serenity or something like it. She walked over and smiled. "Hello! You're the new art gallery owner aren't you?"

Vox looked up. "Yes thats right. Its not quite ready yet for visitors but it will be soon. Perhaps tomorrow it will be all sorted out and you could come by for a visit. " he said with a smile.

Splendora gave a nod. "I look forward to the opening. I own a business as well." She handed him a PADD. "We are a counseling and wellness centre. Please stop in for a free meditation class and crystal healing session."

Vox took the PADD and looked over the details briefly. "I will definitely consider a visit. It has been a bit stressful setting up the gallery. " he replied with a smile.

After a few minutes of letting his head pound and telling himself he'll never drink again, again, Tom got up and walked into the bathroom in his office. He washed his face and changed his shirt. After a deep breath he walked out of his office and stepped behind the bar.

"Hey Paul, coffee." Tom said. His bartender gave a nod with a smile then brought over a cup. Tom took a sip, then looked out over the crowd.

"Ya alright boss?" Vito asked as he walked over.

"Yeah, yeah." Tom replied as he continued to look over the crowd. After a moment he saw Splendora. She was talked with the new guy.

"Go get her." Vito said with a smirk, then he walked into the kitchen, "Hey, where's table twelve's chicken marsala!"

Tom took another sip, then, then didn't walk over. He didn't want to be 'that guy', and he didn't want to interrupt. Instead, he watched from the distance and waited for Sage to go to her table.

Lee decided to get up from his table and make his way to the bar to get another drink.

"Whattaya have?" Paul asked Pike when he walked up.

Tom gave a respectful nod to the Commodore.

Lee nodded to the people at the bar "I'll take a Vulcan brandy."

Splendora and Vox chatted a bit more and she promised to visit the gallery and even help with promotion and the grand opening if Vox wanted. "Well it was a great pleasure to meet you sir. Welcome to the business group. The Starbase is amazing. Please let me know what I can help you with for your grand opening."

Vox nodded and thanked Splendora for her offer. "Any help is always appreciated. Not sure exactly how you might help as yet but I will be sure to let you know should something arise. " he smiled.

A distinctive Klingon couple entered the establishment to relax from their day of opening up their supply Depot called of all things " The Neutral Zone". A mom and pop organization establishing itself aboard the Starbase 400 promenade. Vagh his younger better half and Korel the bold older warrior, who sported his crutch shuffled to a darker lit table. Being met by a waitress Korel instructed her to direct anyone looking for them to come to the table.

"A Ferengi merchant may come looking for us. If so it is ok if you tell them we are here." Vagh instructed.

The waiter nodded.

Over the station's intercom a Starfleet Officer could be heard. "Commodore Pike, please report aboard the USS Yorktown at once and report to Vice Admiral K'Temoc."

Splendora smiled and was about to head out but one of the waitresses walked by with a Tiramisu and she was hooked. She found a quiet table round back and ordered a slice. She deserved a treat.

Tom watched Splendora find a table and sit down. He took another sip of his coffee and then walked over. Approaching the table, he took a deep breath, let it out slow, then took another sip of coffee. "Good evening."

Splendora had just got comfortable when Tom walked over. The deep rumble of his voice gave her butterflies like always. She didn't think they would speak to one another. Last when they met they both said things that they regretted born out of a genuine care for one another and a fear for one another. She let out the breath that she didn't realize she was holding. "Tom..." His name was a whispered prayer on her lips.

"How are you tonight?" Tom asked sincerely.



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