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Heating Up

Posted on Tue Feb 13th, 2018 @ 9:50am by Lieutenant Commander Rann & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Andre DaSilvor & Lieutenant JG Frank Doyle & Lieutenant JG Dye Heron & Lieutenant JG Victor Clayton

888 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400 / USS Yorktown
Timeline: MD4 – 2210 Hrs


K’Temoc was looking over the last communication and telemetry sent from the USS Kearsarge. It had been over three hours since they lost contact with the Intrepid class vessel based out of Starbase 400. The Sovereign class USS Vanguard, also apart of Starbase 400’s support fleet had been sent to investigate. They had reported that they were on station and beginning a search, but that was over an hour ago.

“Incoming transmission from the Vanguard Admiral.” Commander Rann announced.

K’Temoc walked over and tapped the comm button on the display. There was static, and the communication was garbled. “Vang... to …arbase 400. …located a debris fiel… inside … neutral zone …pears USS Kears… destroyed. Romul… …rbid damaged. Two … ope… fire on us. Taking dama….”

K’Temoc glanced at Rann, “Record that as well as the location and send it to the Yorktown.” K’Temoc turned and headed for the door, tapping his commbadge. “Commodore Pike, Lieutenant Fintel, Lieutenant Doyle, Lieutenant Heron, Lieutenant Clayton, and” he paused trying to remember the name of the other new Operations Officer aboard the Station, “Lieutenant Lorjeen report to the Yorktown on the double.” He closed the comm, then tapped his badge again, “K’Temoc to DaSilvor. Captain, you’re in command of the Station. I’m taking the Yorktown out, the USS Vanguard is under attack near the Neutral Zone and they are reporting they found debris of the USS Kearsarge as well. Keep the Conqueror, Constantinople, Falcon, and Venator on standby and have the Crockett join the Princeton, Dorsetshire, and Warspite on defensive orbit of the Station.”

Andre tapped his comm badge and replied, "Understood, Admiral". Closing the link he headed for ops. He got there before the Yorktown had released its moorings, but even from here it was obviously powering up ready to go.

Fintel was on his way to Commodore Pike's office when he Admiral K'Temoc came over the comm and ordered him and several other officers to report to the Yorktown.

"Computer, halt turbolift. Redirect to Docking Bay Two, USS Yorktown," he said, redirecting himself to the Docking Bays in the upper section of the station. Fintel wasn't sure what was going on, but it must've been urgent. Not taking much time at all, the turbolift doors opened up to the corridor leading to Docking Bay Two. Heading over to the Yorktown and making his way to the Bridge, he noticed he was one of the first few Senior Officers to make it onboard.

He took a seat at the Science Station and activated it, getting ready for departure, as well as the rest of the crew to come onboard.

Lee was in his office when he got the call, he tapped his badge "I am on my way Admiral." He quickly got up from his chair then headed out of the office heading for the Yorktown.

Doyle wasn't expecting to be called for a mission so when he got the message, he immediately threw on his uniform and practically ran to the Yorktown. Out of breath, he took his place at flight control and began departing preparations.

Starbase 400, Ops

Taking the command chair in ops Andre watched the Yorktown prepare to leave. He looked over at the officer of the day, "Send word to the Crockett. Tell them to make ready to leave and as soon as they can. Tell them to join the Princeton, Dorsetshire, and Warspite on defensive patrol of the station. While you are at it, send to the Princeton, Dorsetshire, and Warspite to keep their wits about them." To nobody in particular, "There is something going on out there and we don't want to get caught out".

The OOD merely nodded, "Aye Aye Sir"

Andre got up from the chair and paced the room for a minute, before remembering the final part of the Admirals message , "Put Conqueror, Constantinople, Falcon, and Venator on standby". He slapped his hand on the back of the chair, angry with himself for not carrying out the orders properly.

USS Yorktown, Bridge

A few minutes later, K'Temoc was the last to arrive on the Yorktown's bridge though the port egress. "Mister Pike, status?"

Lee turned looking toward K'Temoc "The Yorktown is all ready to go, the Conqueror, Constantinople, Falcon, and Venator are on standby."

"Admiral, Commodore, I did a preliminary scan of the sector and I've had trouble isolating any weapon's signatures. Whether it's due to our distance or if there's something else coming into play, I can't say, but we will need to get closer to the site of where we lost contact with our crews in order to figure out what happened," Fintel said from the Science Station along the wall of the Yorktown bridge.

"We're definitely getting closer." K'Temoc replied to Fintel.

"Mister Doyle, release docking clamps and umbilicals."

"Yes sir. Releasing them now." The familiar sound could be heard. His attention went back to K'Temoc.

"Take us out. Once we clear the inner marker, take us to slipstream." K'Temoc added.

Rann spoke up from the rear station, "Slipstream systems ready. It'll take about thirty minutes for us to get to the last reported position of the Vanguard Admiral."

K'Temoc nodded as the Yorktown eased out of the space doors. A few moments later she shot off into slipstream.



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