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Chit-Chat pt2

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2018 @ 4:27pm by Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Korel & Splendora Sage
Edited on on Fri Mar 2nd, 2018 @ 6:53pm

1,101 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400, Promenade, 'Good Fella's Bar and Grille'
Timeline: MD4 2155hrs


Tom looked at Splendora, waiting for her to reply when he saw Zark and Mar'g enter the restaurant. He let out a breath and shook his head before looking back at Splendora.

"I'm doing okay." She noted the distraction could sense mirrored feelings within him. "This...this avoiding one another isn't working is it?"

Tom smirked and let out a breath. "I agree." He looked around then took a seat oppiset Splendora. "How do you think we should proceed?"

Splendora was just about to take a drink when his question caught her off guard. She took a moment to swallow her drink and then chuckled. "Just like a man let the lady decide." She studied him and then gently reached out and placed a hand on his. "I meant what I said." Which part she wasn't specific. She'd said a lot that night. He'd been angry that she hadn't stayed in her quarters like he'd asked but she had needed time to clear her head. She knew that he was right about what he'd said and that he'd taken the role of protector. She'd been clear about her feelings for him. In fact she'd laid it all out. She'd been prepared for him to let her down gently, prepared for him to say what he felt but...well what she hadn't been prepared was the silence. "Tom I laid out my feelings. The next step is yours."

Tom nodded, he remembered what she had said, he also remembered what he'd told her when they met, that he didn't want her caught up in his life and didn't want to see her hurt. It was a one step at a time process. "I think, we should go out. Not here, somewhere else on the Station or even down on Kaleb, maybe somewhere in New Hampton. We do slow, but there are just some things I can't involve you in, some aspects of my business that you don't need to know about."

That was progress. She realized that. This was difficult for him. She could tell. It was new for her and slow was good. She reflected on the last part of what he'd said. He was very much a protector. She smiled and gave a nod. "Alright." She held his gaze. "Slow it is. We've both got shadows in our past Tom. I just want you to remember one thing."

Tom nodded, slowly. His head was pounding from his earlier taste testing of the restaurant's liquor supply. "Can we talk tomorrow?"

She smiled sensing the tightness in his head. She stood up and walked over to him. Taking his cheeks in her hands she bent down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Feel better Tom. You know where I'll be." She turned and brushed past Vito on her way out stopping to give him a sisterly hug and headed out.

Vito watched Splendora walk by, then turned and walked over to Tom. "You good boss?"

Tom nodded, "Yeah, I'm good, or will be after I get some sleep. Close up on time, I'm going to my quarters."

Vito watched Tom leave, then glanced over at Marco who was standing by the door and motioned for him to follow Tom and make sure he got to his quarters safely.

Zark and Mar'g looked around, then found a Klingon couple they had come to meet. They walked over as they glanced at each other for a brief moment.

"Korel, I'm Damon Zark. This is my brother Mar'g, he owns a shop here on the Promenade as well. We received a message you were looking to...make a deal." Zark smiled a toothy grin.

Korel stood up, adjusting his sash.

" If the price is right . We run a legitimate merchantile Zark. Know that up front." Korel growled. Vagh then added," Perhaps we should talk elsewhere?"

"No, no, we're not into illegal trading." Zark looking around.

"Our merchandise is authentic and we have receipts." Mar'q added.

Korel sat down and motioned the Ferengi to join them for drinks.

"Let us drink together Zark. I never mix business without first drinking together. Vagh and I make our own blood wine. Share a glass with us." Korel invited as Vagh began pouring.

Zark and Mar'q shared a toothy grin. "Instead of drinking in this, dark and boring Humon restaurant, let's go to my bar, it's much more...exciting." Zark replied.

"The bar is also next to my shop, so you can look over the merchandise after if you'd like." Mar'q added.

Both Vagh and Korel stood up. Leaning in his ear Vagh then exited leaving Korel alone. " Let us see this bar if yours. My delivery ship has just docked and Vagh has gone to receive the first shipment. She will join us later."

Elsewhere in 'Good Fella's, Vito eyed the two Ferengi as he walked over to Mister Vox. "How's everything this evening sir?"

"Oh just great so far. I wondered if you have a beer I liked on my recent visit to Earth? Its rather and old beer called Sierra Nevada.?" Vox asked

"We typically just deal in authentic Italian food and drink, we also have other Earth brews and recipes. Give me a moment and let me see if we have any." Vito gave a respectful nod then turned to walk to the back storage room. He paused a moment as an Andorian and a tall Kelpien walked by, then proceeded on his way.

"Thank you"

Vito returned a few minutes later with a tall glass of the blonde beer. "You're in luck, this is the last we have in stock. I made a note to order more for you."

"Oh thats wonderful and so kind. It is my current favourite beer from Earth. I do need to visit again some time, it has been 8 years since my last visit."

Vito nodded. "It's been, a while since I was home on Earth too." The thought of returning to Earth brought up some memories that he suppressed. "Please, let me know if you need anything else." Vito gave a respectful nod then walked back over to the bar to make sure everything was running smoothly there.

"I will, thanks again." Vox replied.

< Neutral Zone Shop >

The back of the shop had a dedicated transporter pad which availed exterior deliveries . Commanding his own courier ship, Hrull of Cait docked his craft then beamed in.

" This stuff won't unpack itself Vagh."
" It will have to wait. Korel is meeting with two Ferengi traders. Let's join them." Vagh replied.
" Oh no not again..." yowled Hrull.



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