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Musical Plinths

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2018 @ 10:34pm by

1,172 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Serenity Gallery - Promenade
Timeline: MD4, 1200 hrs

Rae now was confident he had most of the pieces of artwork in the right place but not all of them.

He had four items that he still could not decide where to put them. Each piece had now been moved at least four times each. He stood there staring at where these infuriating items currently stood.

"Why don't these sculptures look right anywhere I put them?" he asked himself out loud.

He stepped out onto the promenade. Maybe someone passing could give the situation a glance with a fresh pair of eyes.

Alex was walking through the Promenade, coming from the airlock that the USS Saratoga was docked. He had a little bit of time before he had to report to Admiral K'Temoc's office and he wanted to look around the starbase beforehand and try to get used to base.

He came onto a new shop and decided to walk in and take a look around, quickly noticing that it wasn't completely set up yet. Seeing that the owner was standing in the middle of the gallery, Alex walked over and said, "Nice place you've got here."

Rae notices the man in uniform in the gallery.

"Thank you. I haven't finished setting up yet. Actually having difficulties deciding where the last four sculptures should go. Would you mind telling me what you think if I put them into one possible set up?"

Alex shrugged his shoulders and said, "Why not? Need any help putting them into place?"

He looked over at the shop owner and smiled, ready to roll up his sleeves, as the old adage went.

"I will put them into position and can you tell me if, where they are, looks right. If not, make suggestions on where they would be better placed. The lighting can be adjusted so don't worry about that. " Vox replied.

Alex nodded, a slight grin coming across his face. “Okay, whenever you’re ready! I’m sure that it’ll look amazing, no matter what.”

Vox laughed. "If that was the case, I wouldn't be having this much trouble with the last four pieces. " He replied. Vox moved the pieces into position and then turned back to Alex. "Well?"

Shaking his head and cocking it at an angle, Alex said, "No, there's something a little bit off about it. I don't know what it is, but they just don't look right where you put them. Maybe, if you put that one over there and switch it with that one, it'll look a little bit better."

Vox moved the sculptures as per Alex's request. "Like this?" he asked, noticing they did seem to look better in this arrangement.

"Yeah, that's way better. Those ones seem like they are better suited for one another. Don't know what it is about them, but they seem like they're better together!" Alex said, nodding that those pieces were better together.

Vox stepped back to have a better look. Alex seemed to be spot on with this and Vox wondered how he had managed to miss this. "You are right Alex. not sure how I missed this. Thank you for your help. I hope to have the gallery open by the end of week. Hope you can come to the opening."

Alex looked over at the newest member of the station, other than himself, and said, "Yeah, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Unless the world is in danger and they need a good science officer."

Alex cracked a small smile as he looked over at his newest companion.

"Great, I am not sure of the date yet. Still plenty to do. I have some paintings coming on a transport next week from Vulcan so those should be interesting to look at. I believe the artist's name is T'Vol."

"Wasn't T'Vol the Vulcan Ambassador to Earth during the time of the NX Enterprise in the 22nd century? If my memory serves me well, he wasn't liked by Captain Jonathan Archer," Alex said, remembering a bit of Earth Starfleet history. During that period in history, there were great strides made by many men, Archer included.

Vox smiled. " I think you are thinking of Soval.”

Alex shrugged his shoulders and said, “Oops, my bad. My Earth Starfleet History isn’t alwsys the best. But, Vulcans are always interesting!”

"They are aren't they. So is Vulcan art. Quite different to art from other Federation planets. You might want to take a look when it arrives."

“As long as it’s not like Vulcan poetry, I think I’ll like it. Have you ever heard Vulcan poetry?” Alex asked Vox, looking over his shoulder.

"Oh I have. Its an acquired taste isn't it. I remember my 3rd host Torbin once visited Vulcan and part of the welcome was poetry readings."

"Oh, so you're a joined Trill? Which host are you currently on? If you don't mind me asking," Alex asked, moving one of the sculptures to give it a better angle in the lighting that it had.

"I am the fifth host at the moment. There was " he got hand out ready to count. " Lerani, Azrel, Torbin, Jorran, and then me. " he notices Alex moving the sculpture and the light on it improving. "Oh, good call on the change of angle."

Looking over his shoulder, Alex said, "Why thank you kind sir. But, that's a lot of hosts. I've only met a handful of joined hosts, including Captain Dax of the Aventine. She was definitely one of my more unique interactions with the Trill people."

"Dax? I haven't seen Dax since Curzon. What is Dax like now?"

"Well, Dax went through Jadiza before becoming Ezri and getting a command of one of the biggest, baddest starships in the fleet. So, I'd say she has been doing pretty well for herself," Alex said, smiling as he thought back to Jadiza, when he met her in her younger years, as well as Ezri.

"So the old man is now a young woman. When I last saw Dax, my host then was Torbin who, not only was a gift artist, but also one of the very few people who could drink Curzon under the table.”

“Wasn’t Curzon the ambassador to the Klingon Empire too? So, I’m sure he could probably drink and not think a second about it,” Fintel said, chuckling as he moved one more display.

"He was indeed. Thank you for your help by the way. Its most appreciated."

"No problem. I was about to head up to meet with Admiral K'Temoc, since Admiral Bremer is off the base right now. It was a much needed getaway," Fintel said, walking back over to you.

"Good. Take care and feel free to visit the gallery anytime. Within opening hours of course."

“I definitely. I should get up to the Admiral’s office. Just let me know when your gallery is officially open and I’ll stop by!” Fintel said, as he saluted his new friend and headed out to meet with the Admiral.


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