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Off to the Delta Quadrant

Posted on Mon Jul 31st, 2017 @ 9:14am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & First Ramata`tar & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain R'nard Lokran & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Octceann AmHain & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant JG Connor Maxwell & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Ensign Brandy Ragen & Lieutenant Kate Jacobson
Edited on on Fri Feb 15th, 2019 @ 3:01pm

3,605 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400, Various Ships
Timeline: MD1, 1500hrs


USS Pegasus

Holly made sure that operations were going to be well cared for in her absence because the USS Pegasus was due to leave soon. Her personal life, however, was a bit more complicated. That took a bit more doing but was done in a relatively quick fashion. Ready for work she took in a deep breath and left their quarters knowing that the boys were going to be watched over. This was all new for her but she was coping and would do her job just like she normally would. Boarding the Pegasus she went to the bridge and started to adjust to reading the ship layout and operations for the ship. Whatever was coming their way she was going to make sure she was ready to do her duty to the best of her ability.

William set up in Sickbay. He was going solo on this one as Chief Medical Officer. His assignment was a surprise. He'd done his job on the previous mission, same as he was doing here. This was new to him, being in a leadership role. "Someone must think I'm qualified to be here" he mused then smiled. =^= Matthews to FAdm. Bremer. Sickbay is secured and ready for departure. CMO is as ready as he can be =^=

Gunther was once again aboard the Pegasus. After checking with his pilots, and reviewing the status reports of the mixed lot of fighters they were bringing, he tapped on his combadge. =/\=Gunther to Bridge, all fighters and personnel accounted for, and secured.=/\=

Main Engineering

Octceann stepped out of the Engineering Office into main Engineering. "Umbilical status?"

"We ready for the disconnect, pending main engine startup, Lt." replied Ensign Row.

"Thank you, Ensign. Computer, initiate main reactor startup sequence, Authorization AmHain-November-Four-Five-Two-Seven."

The click of the safety valves on the injectors releasing could be heard coming up the reactor shaft, and slowly the thumping of the reactor cores constriction coils could be heard speeding up. It was a sound that made any Engineers heart want to burst from their chest.

"Main Warp Reactor Matrix Stable" the computer announced. "Confirmed," Said Ens Row, "Agreed, confirmed," said Octceann as he looked at the master systems display.

Tapping his comm badge Octceann said "Lt AmHain to Bridge. The warp core is online and stable, we are ready for station umbilical disconnect at your discretion."


Chief Science Officer Croesus manned his station almost from the moment he received word to board. Once again resuming his science role gave his half Klingon side the butterfly equivalent. Still new to all the main players he planned to step up when called upon.

The turbolift doors opened and Mike stepped though with Roebuck and Ramata'tar. The big Jem'Hadar walked over to the Tactical Station and logged in. "All tactical systems and ready and on stand-by." He announced.

Roebuck walked behind Gillo for a moment and glanced at her panel, then took a seat in the chair typically used by the ship's Executive Office.

From the front of the Bridge, that turbolift opened and K'Wor and Branson entered the Bridge. Chief Branson took a seat at the Flight Control Station then looked back at Bremer. "Both Type-9 Personal Shuttles and both Type-11 Personal Shuttles as well as the Huron Class Runabout and both Mustang Class Runabouts have been off loaded and stored."

K'Wor walked up the ramp to Tactical and stood beside Ramata'tar. The Jem'Hadar exchange officer eyed the Cadet for a moment, then both gave a respectful nod.

Lek Draven then stepped out of a turbolift and took a seat at the Intelligence Station. "All maps, intel reports, sensor scans, everything we have for the region space we'll be traveling though on our way to the Talaxian base has been uploaded.

Mike nodded and took a seat in the command chair. "Cadet K'Wor, man the Strategic Operations Station please. For this trip you'll help coordinate between the three ships."

K'Wor smiled at his father for a second, "Yes sir."

"Admiral, Major Lennox's Marines are already aboard. Their gear is stored and they're ready to depart." Roebuck reported.

Mike let out a breath and looked around, a smile crossed his face. "All departments, make ready to departure."

Holly heard the order and just nodded to it allowing her hands to fly across operations like this was old hat. Reality of it was that she had been on this ship maybe a half a dozen times, but still everything just felt like apart of her. Probably why she was good at what she did. Didn't take but a few moments for her to report back out, "Operations ready, Admiral."

USS Essex

Deela sat in her chair, watching everyone around her getting ready to leave. It had been a while since they had gone on a mission and she was actually looking forward to it. She looked over some information while waiting for everyone to check in.

Hades has left the Sickbay in Braxton and Eviess' hands. He'd had the supplied brought on a few hours ago and now he entered the sickbay on the Essex and dropped his personal bags into the office he'd be occupying. He could have gone to his quarters but he didn't want to. He'd headed to sick bay to put away the supplies. It would be a few hours yet before his medical team would come and he wanted to count all the supplies by hand and create an inventory list so that his staff can relax a little. It also kept him busy, kept him from working on mending his broken heart.

R'nard felt that he had failed his captain Andre DaSilvor as an XO at the Conqueror. He hoped he would do better on the Essex and eventually get another chance on the Conqueror. But he came aboard and took his station after getting settled in his quarters. It would be a long haul here.

Jack made his way on board the Essex and smiled as he made his way to his quarters for the next few weeks. Not long having returned home on the Ark Royal, here he was heading out again and he was glad he was aboard the Essex again.

Whilst he'd gotten used to SB400 as his home and the Ark Royal as a temporary home, the Essex held a special place in his heart...because it was Deela's ship. To Jack, that meant a lot and it meant his duty to make sure that the Intrepid Class starship ran like a dream. Once he secured his belongings in his quarters, Jack headed down to Engineering and stood before the Slipstream core and admired the technology before him.

Jack pressed the comm button on the nearest panel to him. "Solomon to T'Lar, the Slipstream Core is powered up and ready for at least several trips out," he confirmed as he watched the Core purr away.

Deela smiled. It was like old times when they served together on the Essex, "T'Lar here. Good to know. Thank you."

Lieutenant Junior Grade Rol Ilan dumped his gear on the floor of his office. He'd be the only counselor on this trip so they had set him up pretty nice. He had a front room that served as his office and a back area with a little sleeping arrangement. Pretty sweet actually. He looked around. Sighing he sat down on the sofa. He had to unpack his small bag, the rest of his stuff was on the base in his quarters and then he'd have to see the CMO to get cleared for duty. He'd already received a counseling clearance thanks to a quick session with one of the counselors on base. "Alright then, unpack and off to the doctor," he said to nobody in particular.

Chief Petty Officer White had not been himself since the botched mission that saw one of his friends die. He had given into part of his being that was both a blessing and a curse when he used the collective side of himself. At the time his current hive, his friends were what kept him on the path. But, the failure and loss of part of that collective coupled with opening himself to the swarm inside of him took its toll. He had been distant as of late performing his duties with a machine like precision but nothing more. His work and his persona were that of a machine more than a man. He came up with work related excuses to miss his check-ups and always seemed to be unavailable when asked to join his comrades for a drink or a meal. He had become a shut in, nothing more than a calculating drone doing his job to the letter and ignoring the human side of himself as he was once forced to. When this mission came and he was asked to join he accepted like any good member of Starfleet would. But, venturing back into the heart of where his demons were spawned may not have been the best choice for him. He sat in his quarters dressed and unpacked for a while then headed to the bridge.

Chloe went to her quarters on the Essex and began to unpack for the long haul on the Essex she had never served on board the Essex she then left her Quarters with her PADD in hand and went to the bridge to get acquainted with her flight control Station on the Essex she entered the bridge and began to look around the bridge of the Intrepid Class Starship.

Deela was very good at remembering names with faces, "Hello Lt. Young, it is nice to see you. If you have any questions, please let me know."

Patrick stowed his gear and went to the bridge. "Greetings Admiral T'Lar, Lt Young. Major Patrick McMichaels " he said, saluting both of them simultaneously.

Deela did her usual nod a she watched the bridge crew arrive.

Chloe was so amazed at the bridge of the Essex that she didn't see Admiral T'Lar and Major McMichaels " Hello Admiral, Major McMichaels " she saluted to both of them. she sat at her flight control console and began to prep the ship for departure. She reported to Admiral T'Lar "My department staff is ready for departure as well as my station" she said.

"Good. Thank you." Deela glanced at the turbolift in wait.

Dumping his stuff off in his quarters, General Hurd made his way to the bridge. It was Deja Vu in a way, this was how he had come to Starbase 400 in the first place. As the lift doors opened, he walked out, adjusting his sidearm as he did so. nodding to those present, he took a place near the back of the bridge, observing the goings on.

R'nard sat down on the XO's seat. He considered this a second chance to shine in his duty.

Knowing R'nard, Deela sensed something from him but wasn't quite sure what it was so she leaned over to R'nard, speaking very softly, "I heard this last mission was a bit rough. You doing okay?"

"I am passable," said R'nard. "This mission will prove whether I am of the material to be an XO. I had my doubts on the Conqueror."

"That was the Conqueror, not the Essex." Deela reassured him, "If I had any doubts, you would be back in Security, not sitting next to me here. Do not let the other mission define you."

Chloe sat down at her station and waited for the admiral to give the word to get the mission underway.

Jewel had arrived after making arrangements for Alena who's been left back at the station in the care of the doctors. She was nervous about leaving but duty calls. She entered the bridge and eyed her husband and just nodded towards him then looked at Deela and smiled.

Deela returned the smile. It was nice to see more familiar faces. Solomon, R'nard, and D Hurd were part of her crew before they came to SB400. Jewel and Hades she got to know on the base. It was making command of the Essex a little easier because of knowing their strengths and their weaknesses. For the rest of the bridge crew, she would have to see them in action and figure it out.

Soon, Maxwell walked in, nodded at Deela and took his station at OPS. Moments later, Gilmore walked in, taking her place at Science 1 after acknowledging Deela as well.

Deela was waiting for the rest of the departments to check in when Coolidge's voice came over the comms, "Commander Coolidge to Admiral T'Lar." After Deela responded, she continued, "Cargo Bay two is clear. All ships are good to go."

"Acknowledged." Deela checked that off her mental list. She looked over at General Hurd and McMichaels, "Status?" She wanted to make sure that the Marines were all on board.

Looking at her, General Hurd saluted and said, "Admiral, Rifle Companies 1 through 3 are aboard, and their gear is stored, as is a complete field medical section to both service my Marines primarily, but also augment your sickbay and serve wherever else needed, also, ma'am, each rifle company has 3 embedded medics in it, all of whom highly trained." Clearing his throat a bit, he asked, "With your permission ma'am, I would like to keep a quick reaction force of 10 men on duty at all times in case we need them"

Deela nodded, "Do as you seem fit. Permission granted." She was eager to get going, "All departments, complete final checks and get ready to depart."

Chloe did the final checks and said " flight control is ready Admiral and departure course is laid in " she said.

"Thank you." She mumbled under her breath, "Now if we could just get going, that would be nice."

In Engineering Quan was making sure everything was ready at his end. He heard the warp drive powering up and gave a satisfied smile, it wouldn't be long now.

Jack smiled as he saw Quan take his station. He wandered over to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Its good to see that I've got some of the best here on the Essex," he remarked positively to him. "The journey will go a lot smoother that way."

Quan was caught slightly off guard by the commander, but recovered quickly. He turned and smiled. "Thank you Commander, it is good to be here".

The Turbolift doors and Joseph stepped onto the bridge. He surveyed the room momentarily then proceeded over to Admiral T'Lar. "Chief Petty Officer White reporting for duty Admiral. Permission to take the Tactical station?" he spoke in a calm and direct voice almost devoid of any emotion.

Deela looked up slightly. For a moment, his demeanor made him almost Vulcan like which amused her a bit, "Permission granted." It looked like everyone was where they were supposed to be. They were now just waiting for permission to depart.

White took his station and began the pre-flight checks on the weapon systems and the shield grid as well as their backup systems. His hands flew across the panels as he checked the systems one by one making sure that everything was in order. When the screen showed everything operating at full efficiency the CPO spoke again, "All weapon and defensive systems and their backups are online Admiral." he spoke again with calm yet dull voice. Next, he tapped the comm panel to the frequency for the ship's Security Teams, "This is CPO White. All Security Personal, please report to your designated stations and report in." He watched as the panel showed the teams from each deck as active and accounted for.

Patrick turned to BGen Hurd. "General, I'll have Alpha Squad ready and on stand by for the go ahead" he said.

USS Lexington

This was Lt. jg. Sykes first time on a Sovereign class ship and was new to slipstreaming. She looked around once she got settled in her quarters. She made her way to the bridge. When she stepped off the turbolift, she was excited because she was always stuck somewhere else on the ship, never on the bridge. Smiling, she walked over to her station and sat down in her seat to get acquainted with the everything.

Stark stepped aboard the Bridge and took a look around. Wayne, Krall, Ragen,
Archer, and Robinson followed from the other turbolift and took up their positions.

"Mister Blackthorne has Engineering ready Commander." Robinson reported.

Wayne gave a nod, "Thank you."

"Tactical and defense systems ready and on standby, safeties engaged." Krall reported.

"Flight control systems online and ready. Departure course is laid in." Ragen reported from Flight Control.

"All ships systems are online and ready. Standard power allocations are enabled. Operations ready." Archer reported from the Ops station.

"Has Captain Casion and her Marines reported aboard yet?" Stark asked Wayne.

"They haven't reported in yet Captain." Wayne replied.

It was difficult to separate from Calthier, Again... All she wanted was to be carrying his first born. But she was in a different position. Not as chief engineer but as leading section marine. That meant, reaction force, and likely Combat. HELLS yes.. she NEEDED to kick some ass.. Her runabout malfunctioned badly en route to the Lexington. Not a good start.
=^= Lexington this is Mustang One, flight of three inbound. We had a flight casualty including comms. We are coming in lame will be last to board.. Confirm??=^=

USS Pegasus, Bridge

Mike had waited while final checks were made and gave time for everyone and any last minute equipment to be brought on board. But now, it was time to go.

"Miss Gillo, signal Ops, tell the dock master we're ready to depart." Bremer ordered.

"Chief Branson, take us out." Bremer added.

"Aye sir." Branson replied. "All airlocks are sealed. Umbilicals released." He tapped in commands on the Flight Control panel. "Docking clamps released, bow thrusters online, easing us back." He paused a moment as the big ship backed away from the docking bay. "Bringing us about."

Mike watched the view screen, a moment later the open space doors centered on the display. "One quarter impulse Chief, take us out Chief."

Within moments the Pegasus-B was free and out of Starbase 400's internal bay. She moved slowly away from the Station as she waited for the Essex and Lexington.

The Lexington was the next vessel out, and the Sovereign class ship formed up on the Galaxy Refit class Pegasus.

USS Essex

Word finally came in that the Pegasus was departing and the Essex did the same. Deela took a deep breath and let it out. She looked around, making sure everyone was at their stations, "Lt. Young, it is time. Please, take us out."

"Aye Admiral "Chloe said as she set the Engines one quarter impulse power and moved slowly away from the station and formed up with the Lexington and Pegasus B She reported to Admiral T'Lar "Admiral we have cleared the starbase " She said.

Deela acknowledged her, "Very good." They were all set for slipstream.

Counselor Rol entered just as the ship had started to move away from the base. He always loved that sight and stayed well back to take in the departure. As they pulled up with the Lexington and the Pegasus he strolled over to the Admiral. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Rol Ilan reporting. Counselor." He bowed slightly to the Admiral choosing his formal manners.

Deela smiled, "Welcome aboard the Essex counselor. Report to Dr. Hades."

Jewel just sat at the open seat that was available as other then being the diplomat there was really nothing for her to do at the moment. She had orders to keep an eye on her husband to make sure he doesn't get out of line she just shook her head at the thought. At least she was able to get away from the station for awhile thought it meant leaving her baby their but she knew she was in good hands their.

Pegasus, Bridge

Once all three ships were clear of the station, formed up, and moving away at full impulse Mike stood from his seat. "Chief, do you have our course plotted?"

"Yes sir." Chief Branson replied. "Our first QSD jump will be from the edge of the Kaleb System through the Triangle and along the Raeyan Transit Corridor along the edge of Klingon territory and into the Raeyan Expansion area near Starbase 776, adjust our course slightly, and we'll drop out of slipstream near the Raeyan System. We'll proceed at warp nine until we near Kovar then we'll make our next QSD jump and we'll be on a direct line to New Talax."

"How many QSD jumps will we need to make?" Roebuck asked.

"If we go by the book on this, each QSD jump will be about ten hours before a cool down of six hours at which time we'll continue at warp nine or better...we'll need to make about six jumps." Branson replied.

"Then this trip should take us about four days to get there?" Draven asked.

Branson nodded. "Yes sir."

"Cadet, signal the Essex and Lexington. Send them the Chief's flight plan. Let them know we'll coordinate our jumps, I want all three ships to remain close by." Bremer said.

"Aye sir." K'Wor replied.

Several minutes later, as the Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington neared the edge of the Kaleb system, the three ships shot off into their slipstream tunnels. The trip to the Delta Quadrant was underway.



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