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Medical Chat

Posted on Fri Aug 4th, 2017 @ 7:31am by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol

912 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Essex, Sickbay, CMO's Office
Timeline: MD 01 1530 hours


Hades finished inputting the last of the items in his inventory list. He tossed the PADD aside and headed to the replicator. Just as he watched his mint tea shimmer into existence his door chimed.

Hades fixed his uniform jacket and sighed. He walked back to the desk, a mere three steps away and sat down, "Enter."

The door whooshed open and in walked a young Bajoran officer with a medical uniform. He looked at the teal momentarily confused, "I wasn't aware that there were new doctors coming on board." Goodness knew they needed more hands on deck.

Rol cleared his throat, "I um...I'm not a doctor, medical I mean. I'm the new counselor on Starbase 400 assigned to Essex. Admiral T'Lar said I should come and see you."

Hades sipped his tea and then gave a nod, "Yes of course. Please have a seat." He watched Rol sit. "Have you had your on board exam yet?"

Rol shook his head and handed Hades his medical records and orders.

Hades looked at the PADD and left it on his desk for later study.

"Very well then, let's start with that." Hades stood and pushed his tea to the side.

"I'm sorry to make you leave your tea," Rol said.

He smiled at the Bajoran, "It's quite alright. Tea can be heated or remade. Any complaints?"

Rol studied him, "Well I have none but you seem to be a bit..." He surveyed the doctor. The slope of his shoulders as he walked, the lack of sparkle in his eyes, the drawn smile. "You look sad."

Hades shook his head, "You know this is not how it usually works. Usually I examine you."

Rol grinned, "We'll try it your way. I still think you look sad...ish."

Hades laughed, it had been the first time he'd laughed in a long time.

"Okay...less sad...ish." Rol said.

"Have a seat," Hades motioned to the bio bed smiling. He picked up a tricorder and began scanning the Bajoran. He noted a few old injuries that had left a scar on the tissue or bone but that were now healed. He noted an anomaly on the lungs. "Hmmm, you've had Bosen haven't you." Bosen was the Bajoran pneumonia. It usually left a small scar on the lungs.

Rol nodded. "I did indeed. When I was at Peltep."

Hades raised an eyebrow. He stood there shocked and horrified. During the Cardassian occupation Paltep was up there with Galitep and a few other camps.

Rol shrugged, "For a while. I was a child and just as I got sick we were moved out, back home. I got well again." He didn't know why he was talking to Hades about this. It had just come out.

Moved back home? There was only two ways that happened. Either his family became collaborators or his mother had been picked to be a comfort woman. Hades didn't press. "I see." Hades gave a nod. "Well what's past is past. Now you are here.

Suddenly feeling defensive..."We weren't collaborators. My father was part of the resistance. I was part of the resistance from the age of 15 and then at 17 he'd run away to join Starfleet. He'd taken his siblings shortly after his father had been killed. His mother, who'd fallen in love with her captor had made sure her kids got off Bajor.

Hades turned away and put a hypo together. He held it up. "Routine Vaccine. I don't detect Helpotinin in your system. When was your last shot?"

Rol stayed silent a moment. He shrugged, "Two years ago."

Hades gave a nod. "Prefect time for your next and last does. All personnel have usually had theirs by now." It has been a new Vaccine that protected them from space sickness. All personnel were required to start getting two dosed two years apart about three years ago. This young man was late.

Hades pressed the hypo to the man's neck. "Well we're all done. You can go now. Welcome to the Essex, and Starbase 400."

Rol hopped off the bio bed. He gave a nod. "Thank you doctor." Still a bit shocked at his revelations to the good doctor he wanted to get out of there. "Doctor, you know that my door is always open. Should you want to talk. You still look sad."

Hades studied Rol a moment. It hadn't been the first time someone had said it to him. His staff was concerned, Lynn had told him. The nurse needed no prodding. She'd walked right up to him and said, 'We're all worried about you doctor. You are sad, and down, and frankly Doctor Thr'elanon was not all that. You can do better. Get over it.' He had to smile at her directness. Maybe they were right. He looked back at the counselor. "Perhaps I will take you up on that offer over the next few days."

Rol gave a nod. "My office is down the hall from sickbay. You know where to find me."

Hades gave a nod and watched the young man go. He stayed and cleaned up the bio bed and sanitized the tools he'd used, a good habit of cleanliness. He then headed back to his office to reheat his abandoned tea and study the young Lieutenant's medical file in more detail.


Lt. Cmdr. Hades
Chief Medical Officer
USS Essex and Starbase 400


Lt. Rol Ilan
USS Essex and Starbase 400


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