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New Orders

Posted on Fri Jul 28th, 2017 @ 11:50pm by Major Edward Maxwell & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther

794 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: CAG's Office
Timeline: MD1 1200 Hours

Ed sat in his office with a Padd in hand. The Federation's first planned trip to the Delta Quadrant, that was quite something to be a part of. Unfortunately for Ed, he wasn't going to be going on this trip. He'd been cleared back to flight status, though his ribs still acted up once in awhile, but with the war games and the tensions running higher than ever before his place was here on 400 in case things went sideways.

"Gunther, come down to the office. I've got some news for you." Ed ordered over the comm.

Admiral Bremer needed a competent pilot in charge of the Squadron going with the mission, and Ed wanted to be sure he had what he needed. At the same time he had to plan for the worst happening here at home. With all the deployments going on seemingly back to back, Ed had regretfully shipped Ryan back to stay with his grandparents on Earth. If things did go sideways with the exercise at least that was one less worry on his mind though.

It took some time for Gunther to make his way from the Pegasus to the Wing Commander's Office. He finally arrived. He had a PADD in his hand, in case his CO wanted a status on Spectre Squadron. "What can I do for you Sir?"

"You think you'll be alright out there in the big unknown with a squadron?" Ed asked with a smile. "Seems you got word you're going before I did. Have to have a word with the Admiral, or General, whoever told you before they told me, about jumping the chain of command themselves."

Gunther was now confused,"Sir, the orders actually came as a general communique. I apologize for any misunderstandings. I am glad that you will be going with us on the Essex. As for the squadron, I would have been more comfortable with at least an entire group, after reading up on the Voyager logs. But even a Galaxy Class like the Pegasus can only hold so much. I think we will be fine, given that this is more of a mercy mission instead of a military incursion." He looked up to Maxwell, and hoped that his CO was not displeased with him.

"I'm not going on the Essex." Ed shook his head. "I'm staying here on the station for the war games. There's another Maxwell on the station that's going along. Jericho and I have to stay put in case things take an unexpected turn here at home. More than a few of our guests don't exactly like each other much." He explained. "And I'm glad all the Pegasus can hold is a squadron. We're still pretty short handed and likely will be for awhile. Pilots take time to train and birds take time to manufacture. Between destroyed birds and injured crews we're still a full group short and now the squadron going to the Delta Quadrant with you. That's a full 25% of the Wing unavailable."

Gunther knew that they were stretched pretty thin. He still remembers the names of the pilots who did not make it back from Arcanus IV, including his whole flight. "For half my pilots, this will be on the job training. Only a few of the rooks even went through Top Gun. I agree that this stretches us pretty thin Sir. On the other hand, some of the more hostile races in the Delta Quadrant have an emphasis on small attack craft. It is a catch 22 in our case Sir."

"As usual." Ed agreed with a nod. "The Specters pack a punch, but they're big birds. You sure you want to take them and not a mixed unit?"

"Maybe a section from Spectre Squadron, and a section from Nugget Squadron. That would solve some space issues." Gunther said.

"You want to take those old training birds? They haven't seen combat in quite some time." Ed asked mildly shocked at the answer. "At least they'd get some use, we don't have any nuggets just now."

"Rogues will fit the bill for Alert Flights, and take up half the space. We might not have any actual nuggets, but we do have inexperienced pilots who could use the flight experience. This is a mercy mission anyway, right?"

"That's what they tell us.' Ed agreed. "Take a few rookies along with your veterans. Just be on your guard out there. A lot of things could have changed in the 16 years since Voyager got back." He said as he stood and offered his hand. "Watch yourself out there Frogger."

"Sure thing Reaper. We will represent the Wing well.", Gunther replied.

"You better or I'll kick your ass myself when you get back." Ed promised with a smirk.


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