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Departing the Station

Posted on Sun Mar 26th, 2017 @ 12:10pm by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & First Ramata`tar & Captain Andre DaSilvor & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Jack Solomon & Major Patrick McMichaels & Major Edward Maxwell & Commander Hades,MD & Commander Dalenna Coolidge - DaSilvor & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant David Hurd Jr & 1st Lieutenant Jericho Alexander & Sergeant Calthier & Lieutenant Thomas Locke & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant JG Dye Heron & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Ensign Brandy Ragen

3,714 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Episode 94 - Return to Rashanar
Location: Starbase 400, Various ships
Timeline: MD2 0900hrs


As they all left the meeting, Andre headed back to the Conqueror. If they were going to load the Majors fighters, he was going to have to get rid of most of the shuttlecraft that the ship had accumulated over the years. He tapped his comm badge, "DaSilvor to Colonel Hurd and Major Maxwell."

"This is Colonel Hurd, go ahead Captain".

"Maxwell here."

"I would like you and the Major to meet me on the Conqueror, please. We need to organise the Majors fighters and sort out mission defence details."

Hurd tapped his combadge and replied, "On my way".

"Be there momentarily." Ed said as he left his office.

Assigned as the CEO of the brand new Interceptor class USS Falcon, it was a great boost to her career. Amir was in dreamland, A new ship to explore?!!! AWESOME!!! She was in engineering.. a gleaming place with holographic displays and more power than a girl her age had a right to control...

Having finished his call to Hurd and Maxwell, DaSilvor tapped his comm badge again. "DaSilvor to Commanders Roebuck, Soloman and Lieutenant Thr'elanon".

Roebuck was on duty in the Maximum Security Brig when the call came in. He handed a PADD over to a Lieutenant then tapped his commbadge. "Roebuck here." He didn't recognized the voice or know who DaSilvor was so he was wondering what might be going on.

"Commander, this is Captain DaSilvor. We were both at the Admirals briefing. Can you come to my ready room on the Conqueror in an hour to discuss the mission. If you see Comander Soloman or Lt Thr'elanon, or their executive officers, ask them to attend as well."

Roebuck thought for a moment, he had something on his mind and it was obviously taking up more of his attention than he wanted. "Yes, Captain, I'm on my way."

Having made sure that his crew and that the Ark Royal were ready for their new mission, Jack had received the message for him to attend a meeting on the Conqueror. He made his way there quickly to meet up with the others.

Boarding the Conqueror, Hurd quickly found the Captain, saluted and said, "You wanted to see me sir?"

Commander Lokran was already aboard the Conqueror and was at the XO's station. It was his first time as DaSilvor's second in command. It was not for him to respond to Hurd, but simply acknowledged his arrival.

Andre looked up as the Colonel entered the bridge, and returned his salute. "Yes Colonel, Have a seat, we can go to my ready room when the others arrive."

Sitting down, Hurd sat ramrod straight, quietly waiting for the meeting to start.

Roebuck arrived and nodded to the people in the room then addressed the Captain. "Commander Roebuck reporting sir."

With two of the five present, Andre headed for his ready room, "Come in and have a seat gentlemen"

It took Ed a little longer than he'd anticipated to arrive. Turbolifts had been more crowded on the station than usual. "Next time I'm using the transporter." He observed as he entered the room. "Sorry for the delay, had to wait for a turbolift on the station."

Jack made his way to the Ready Room as instructed and apologies for his tardiness. He reminded himself to get familiar with the Conqueror schematics again.

"Not a problem, Major. Things are going to be busy for the next few hours". Andre replied.

With Lieutenant Thr'elanon still not present, Andre decided to press on with the meeting and catch up with the Lieutenant later.

"Right I'll come to the point quickly. I have already given orders to offload several of the Conquerors shuttles to make room for your fighters, Major. So my main question is how much room do you need, and do you need any space on board the Falcon?" He glanced over at the Colonel. "I suggest loading a runabout onto the Falcon for your excursion to the Paris Island. Obviously, you can take a shuttle if you wish, but I suggest a runabout. On that point how many people will you want to go over to the Paris Island with you?"

Andre hoped he had given enough information and questions for a discussion to be begin, but he would see. Letting out a breath, Hurd said, "I agree with your suggestion to use a runabout." Standing up he continued, 'As for personel, at first just myself and enough people to try to bring at least emergency power online and get containment fields up to seal those Hull breaches, and restore artifical gravity." Looking at those assembled, he said, in a steely yet respectful voice,"Under no circumstances is anyone but myself to be on or near the Paris Island's Bridge at any time." "After we get some power and gravity and a little life support back, we will begin recovery operations."

Andre watched the Colonel as he made is statement, something was not right, "I cannot grant you that, Colonel. You requested the honor to board her, recover her data recorders, begin body recovery and see if she can be salvaged, but I'm not placing it off limits to everyone else. If any of our ships need to access the ship and it's bridge then they can do so."

He turned to Maxwell, "You are quiet, Major."

Infuriated, Hurd said, "Well, you mistook my damn words, Captain, First off I did not say the the whole ship, nor did I say the Bridge the whole time." "The Bridge of that ship, like the entire ship, is a tomb, a sacred site, I would treat it just the same if were your ship we were boarding for the same reasons." "There are reasons I request things as I do, at least at first."

Andre shook his head, he like Colonel Hurd was getting angry, "First off Colonel, you said 'at any time'. With regards to the ship being a tomb, I know it is. Every ship there is a tomb, and to someone a sacred site. You may carry out what you requested of the Admiral, but the ship, or the bridge, is not going to be placed off limits to the rest of the fleet. His voice softened slightly, "Think about it Colonel. Suppose I grant your request. What about the other people in the crews of this fleet, or on this station? Do I grant them all special access to ships where they have friends, or family? If I grant it to you, then I have to grant every request for the same treatment. If I grant your request and I don't grant other requests then it smacks of favouritism, or privilage of rank, and I cannot justify either. You and your group are going to be the first aboard, but once the other ships arrive at the Paris Island, they will carry out their work without hinderance."

"A question then?", Hurd said, his voice softning a little.

R'nard was silent, merely listening as the questions came. His ears perked up to hear what Hurd was suggesting. His face was unreadable at the moment, which stood him good at poker.

"Of course, Colonel", Andre pointed to the now empty seat, "and please sit down".

"I would then like to request the Captain's Quarters and his ready room off limits then, i promised his wife i would bring his body and belongings back home"

Andre nodded, "Ok Colonel, and as soon as you have secured Colonel Mitchells body and possessions, those areas of the ship will be open to the rest of the people working on the ship. That is the best I can do."

Jack understood the situation and decided to add in his side of things. "I want to make it clear that any of my Engineering teams involved will be under orders to take the utmost care and respect during this operation...I understand the gravity of this mission," he explianed.

Andre nodded, "I think we all do, Commander. This is not going to be easy on any of us," He glanced at the Colonel, "Especially for those of us with friends or family out there"

Hurd snapped to attention and saluted both Officers, saying "Both."

Andre nodded "Thank you", and moved the conversation back to organizing the mission. "So, Major. I need to know how much space you need on both the Conqueror and Falcon, and what crew you want to bring aboard. Commander Roebuck. I know your ship is meant to be covering the recovery of weapons etc, but can we add the Keasarge to defence duty while your teams are working on the ships?"

"Absolutely Captain." Roebuck replied.

"Thank you, Commander. that will make defending the fleet and people a lot easier", Andre replied.

"For a defensive mission, limited space, I'm off flight status at the moment," Ed said thinking as he went, "We lost two squadrons at Archanus so I don't want to take too much away from the station. Two flights, eight birds total. Depending on the mix, myself as flight ops, minimum 8 pilots, total of 9 plus ground crew. Maybe a few backseaters, call it 25 personnel total."

Andre listened closely as the Major outlined his requirements and plans, "Hmm, not ideal but we will manage. I'll leave it to you to liaise with Commander Lokran to make sure we get everything sorted."

He turned towards Commander Solomon, "How is your ship shaping up and is there any input you need from my end?"

Jack shook his head as he answered the question. "The Ark Royal has a full crew compliment aboard and for this mission, we've also brought along several Engineering teams as well," he explained. "However we'll require some defence during the mission if things get a little exciting shall we say....the Ark Royal can handle herself but as an older vessel, she has her limits," he added.

Dalenna was getting used to maneuvering around the base so it took her a little longer to get back to the Conqueror. Once on the bridge, she looked around for her husband. She then remembered him saying something about a meeting with some of the crew so she took her spot on the bridge at tactical.

Once the meeting was over Andre and the other officers left his ready room. While the officers with duties off ship, left to get on with the preparations for the departure he walked over to his seat giving his wife a grim look as he sat down.

Dalenna stood up and approached Andre, sitting next to him temporarily. She spoke softly, "Is everything okay?"

Andre shook his head, "I'm not sure yet. I hope it is just down to the gravity of the mission or nerves on edge". He smiled at his wife, "We shall see".

She put her hand on his, "It'll be fine. You'll see." She smiled back at him, "I have faith." She walked back to her station.
Andre followed her with his eyes, but didn't comment further, hoping she was right.

R'nard had a few things to do and came back on the bridge in the last part of the conversation. He sat in the XO's seat. "It was a very confusing converrsation." he said. "I have my doubts whether the Colonel himself knew prrecisely what he intended. It is possible even a Betazoid would not know what he was thinking."

Andre nodded and sighed, "I agree, but it is at times like these that being able to communicate clearly is essential. But as I just said to Dalenna, it may just be nerves and the gravity of this mission. I guess this is one of the problems of having an eidetic memory, when someones says something I remember it... exactly."

Changing the subject he smiled at R'nard, "How are you settling in as my new number one?"

"It is new to me, having a command position, sirr, but I am adjusting. I still want to be in on away teams, as I am primarily a 'field man," but I think I'll be a good XO to you." said R'nard.

Andre smiled R'nard had not changed at all in the years they had served together, "I'm sure you will, R'nard, and you will be carrying out plenty of away missions, don't worry."

"Thank you, sirr." said R'nard.

USS Mercy

Hades looked over the PADD in his hand. His eyebrows shot up at the familiar name there. He grinned as he headed off the turbolift and on to the bridge. Thr'elanon was still not there so Hades took the chair. He ran through the list of what had to be done and the inventory of medical supplies to make sure that all was stalked well.

Lt.(jg) Willam Matthews reported to the USS Mercy as required. He was inwardly excited but kept things in perspective. This was a salvage/search and rescue mission. He went over the medical inventory in Sickbay, hoping they wouldn't be depleted anytime soon.

Eviess entered sickbay on the Mercy. She hoped to finish a few things before they left. Mainly she wanted to wipe down the sickbay herself to make sure it was clean. She heard a bit of noise from the inventory room and went to investigate. "Hello?" She called.

William whirled around and noticed the Klingon woman there. "Oh. Hello. I'm Lt.(jg) William Matthews, one of the medical officers. Who might you be?" he asked, a sparkle in his blue eyes

"Doctor Eviess." She smiled. "I didn't mean to startle you." She walked into the supply room. "I was just cleaning the sickbay and heard all this noise." She looked around. "Can I help?"

William smiled at Eviess. She was beautiful, even to humans. He felt a stirring inside himself. "By all means, Doctor. Many hands make light work" he said.

Eviess gave a nod. She hurried started at one corner and began to check what hey had in the drawers and on the shelves. She sighed. "Not the best of layouts."

William nodded. "Probably not but we'll have to make due, won't we?" he asked, rummaging through some of the other tables.

Eviess gave a nod and continued. She frowned a bit. "It appears that we are missing a few medi kits. Four to be exact. I wonder if they were misplaced."

William was looking down on a lower shelf when he heard Eviess. "Found them! They were with the extra tricorders for away missions" he said, standing up and looking at her. "Sorry" he remarked then turned away before the blush registered too much on his face.

Eviess finished entering the data in her PADD. "Well I can safely say that we are well inventoried." She looked around. "You know this is my second day on this station and already I'm getting ready to leave it." She looked at William. "Tell me how long have you been on the station?"

"I know what you mean. I've only been on 400 for a few weeks and already going into danger. But that's part of our job as medical officers. Helping those who can't help themselves" he replied.

Eviess smiled. "Fair enough. So we've got all we need. I guess we should go report to the bridge." She walked to the door. "Coming?"

William waited for her and followed out the door. While she was very alluring and courteous, he got the feeling Eviess had something or someone on her mind. He chose not to ask. If she wanted him to know then she'd tell him.

They headed towards the bridge, now that sickbay was ready for their trip.

Meanwhile on the bridge. Hades had just finished his pre flight checklist. They waited for Thr'elanon to come on board so they could close the hatch and shove off. All others were on board. He cued up the message system for when Thr'elanon was ready to make the departing announcement and waited.

USS Ark Royal

After the meeting on the Conqueror, Jack returned back to the Ark Royal and to his ready room. He felt an air of comfort as he stepped back on board the Ambassador Class starship. Whilst she was one of the older starships in the fleet, she has performed well before and he was well aware that she would again.

He checked the status reports from the various departments as they were waiting for him and he could see that the final prep for getting tools and parts on board for the mission was now complete. It wouldn't be long before they would be departing. Jack headed out to the Bridge and took the conn as he entered.

Having checked his crew rosters, he was aware that he had Lieutenant Commander Croesus, Lieutenant Sullivan, Staff Warrent Officer Blackthorne as team leaders for the mission and he was happy that he'd been assigned such good men. Having worked with them before, he was certain they were up to the task.

USS Keasarge, Bridge

After the meeting, Roebuck made his way to the Intrepid Class USS Kearsarge. This was his first time aboard the ship, and he took a moment to walk through Engineering and a few other areas of the ship before going to the Bridge. Arriving on the Bridge, he saw Jem’Hadar First Ramata’tar standing in the middle of the Bridge overseeing the crew getting the ship ready to depart. At Tactical was the Capellan Ensign Krall. Krall had only been assigned to Starbase 400 a few weeks ago and this would be his first assignment. Roebuck eyed how tall the man was before looking over at Lieutenant Archer at Ops.

“The ships is prepped and ready Commander.” Archer reported.

Roebuck then passed the Science station and gave a nodded to Lieutenant Cole. “Science department ready. There was a minor issue with the lateral sensor arrays out of sync, but we’ve taken care of that.” She reported.

Next was Chief Branson at Flight Control.

“You think you can handle this ship Chief?” Robueck smirked.

Branson smirked, “I might have flown the Pegasus for years, but there’s not a ship in the fleet I can’t pilot Commander. Flight Control is ready.”

Roebuck then looked over at Ramata’tar. “First?”

“The ship is ready to depart Commander.” Ramata’tar replid.

Roebuck took a seat in the Captain’s chair, then looked at the Jem’Hadar. “First, take your seat.”

On Jem’Hadar ships, the crew always stood, and even though he’d been aboard Starbase 400 for a long time now, something like sitting on duty was still hard for him to grasp. Ramata’tar looked around for a moment, then uncomfortably took a seat...on the edge of the XO’s chair.

Roebuck smirked, “Chief, release docking clamps and umbilical supports. Once clear, take us out, thrusters only, and hold position five kilometers from the Station while we await the rest of the task force.”

USS Falcon

After leaving the meeting, Hurd made his way straight to the Falcon without stopping anywhere. He wanted to get this mission done and over, and was eager to get started. Entering the Bridge, Hurd tapped a comm panel and said, "All department heads report status". Turning at the same time to the Lieutenant manning the CONN, Hurd said, "Open a channel to the Conqueror".

Patrick sat in the XO's chair and opened a channel to the Conqueror. "Channel open, Sir" he said and checked with docking to secure all moorings.

"Thank you Major" Hurd said, Hf paused, and spoke again saying, "Falcon actual to Conqueror Actual".

Andre heard the call come over the com, "Conqueror here Falcon"

"Captain, I owe you an apology."

Andre frowned, "Give me a moment, Colonel." He looked at his wife, then said to the comms officer, "Transfer the call to my ready room, please." He walked from the bridge to his ready room. As the door closed behind him, he continued his conversation. "How so, Colonel?"

"For my conduct during the meeting, I was rude, disrespectful, spiteful, and I feel like I undermined what you where trying to say and do".

Andre listened to the Colonel as he made his admission, it must have been hard for him to make that call. He hesitated a second, thinking, "I understand Colonel and I thank you for calling." Andre paused for a second framing his words, "Obviously such behaviour is not ideal, but I put it down to the stress of the forthcoming mission and had not given it any further consideration."

"Thank you sir, do you want us to take the lead to Rashinar since we are the most heavily armed vessel in the group?"

Andre smiled at Colonel Hurds assertion that the Falcon was more heavily armed than the Conqueror. Yes, it had 2 more phaser arrays, but the Conqueror had 15 torpedo tubes and over 500 torpedoes compared with the Falcons 4 tubes and less than 200 torpedoes. It's not a fight that Andre would choose, but he was pretty sure the Conqueror would come out on top. "Only as far as formation on arriaval Colonel. We will all arrive together dropping out of warp at the same time. You can lead with the Kearsarge following. the Mercy and Ark Royal will come in behind you and we will bring up the rear."

"Very well Sir".

Andre looked at his chronometer, "Ok Colonel, we'll see how it pans out during the mission. We'll have our fighters and crew aboard in the next hour, so we can depart as soon as they arrive. DaSilvor out."

Andre got up and left his ready room. On the bridge it was all busy, all they needed was the fighters and crew then they were off.

USS Falcon, Crew Quarters

"Sergeant Calthier, Colonel. All marines secured and ready" he said.

From the Bridge, Hurd said, "Very Well Sergeant, have your men in full combat loadout when we get there".

"You heard the Colonel. Move it or lose it!" Calthier shouted, putting on his armor. He checked his sidearm as well.

USS Conqueror, Main Fighter Deck

1Lt Alexander waited to see what fighters Starfleet would give them for patrol and escort duty on this mission.



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