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Posted on Sun Mar 26th, 2017 @ 12:13pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Petty Officer 1st Class Aquilina de Luca & Larz

1,477 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 94 - Return to Rashanar
Location: Starbase 400 - Admiral's Office
Timeline: MD1 - 1230hrs


Jewel had been released to head back to Starbase 400, with her newborn daughter in the sickbay of the transport ship in the incubator. She waited for them to arrive at Starbase 400. She knew that her daughter would spend the next few more weeks in sickbay in the incubator to make sure everything would be alright. After a few hours they finally arrived and docked, and her precious cargo was taken to sickbay where she will be in good hands she decided to head towards Operations to check back in with Mike.

She was ready to return back to work, and that she was glad that she was back home. After a few moments she arrived just outside of Mike's office and rang the door chime and waited an answer.

Mike was sitting at his desk thinking about what do to for lunch. He was hungry, more so than he really wanted to be. He was thinking of a big thick steak, or heart of targ, or barbecue ribs, or a big bowl of skull stew. He had a taste for both Human and Klingon food. He decided on a thick cut T-Bone Steak with a half-rack of barbecue ribs, and a side of Gagh, with grilled corn on the cob, JInjoq bread, and for desert some Rokeg blood pie.

Mike sent a message to Admiral T'Lar to come to his office and join him for lunch so they could talk more about the upcoming trip to the Delta Quadrant. Mike's stomach growled as he stood up...but then the door chimed.

"Enter." Mike said.

Jewel walked through the open door and smiled, "Hello Mike." Jewel said with a soft smile at her brother-in-law. She was out of uniform as she hadn't had a chance to change yet after returning she figured she have time to do so. Her hair was completely down from her normal braid she usually wore. "They have released me to return to duty." Jewel added with the padd she handed to Mike with her release orders on it.

Deela made her way to the doorway of Mike's office and was pleasantly surprised to see Jewel sitting there with Mike. She walked in, "Jewel. I wasn't expecting to see you here. Does this mean you're back?" She sat down.

"It does," Jewel replied with a smile at her old friend and mentor. "I am glad to be back home," Jewel added with a smile as being on Vulcan was rather boring, she missed her family, her husband and other children.

"Good. I have missed you. Welcome back!" Deela presumptuously asked, "Are you joining us for lunch?"

She looked almost confused, "I hadn't realized you two were going out to eat." Jewel replied as she looked at both Mike and Deela. "I don't want to intrude, I was just coming here to tell Mike that i been cleared to return to duty." Jewel added looking at both of them.

Mike had been looking at the PADD while Deela and Jewel were talking. “She has to, that’s an order.” Mike replied with a smile. Mike grabbed another PADD from his desk and stepped passed them and into Ops and handed it to his Yeoman Petty Officer 2nd Class Aquilina de Luca. “Have Commander Rann look this over and add anything to it he feels necessary.”

"Yes sir." de Luca replied.

Mike then looked back at Jewel and Deela. “I don’t know about you two, but I’m about to starve. I’m not sure what you’re in the mood for, but we can sit in the public area beside Replimat Two close to the Klingon Restaurant and Texas Steakhouse.”

"Good, it is settled." Deela stood up, "You are joining us. So let us get going before he staves to death." She started for the door.

She couldn't help but chuckle, "alright since its an order." she said with a smile and got up and followed Mike and Deela. She was glad to be home again, she missed the socialization and being with family again.


Once in the Promenade, they found a table and tapped a few buttons on it's edge to mark it in use. Mike then stopped by the new 'Texas Steakhouse' restaurant and ordered a large think cut T-Bone steak, rare, with a rack of barbecue ribs, and grilled corn on the cob. He set his food down on the table and walked over to the Klingon Restaurant.

Larz, the owner looked at Bremer for a moment and grunted, " you want?"

Mike ordered Heart of targ, a bowl of skull stew, a side of Gagh, with JInjoq bread, and Rokeg blood pie. Larz grunted again and grabbed a plate. He grabbed a heart of targ and dropped in on the plate followed by a handful of gagh then a piece of JInjoq bread. He then grabbed a bowl, poured some skull stew into in, and then finally a piece of blood pie was added to the first plate. He grunted as he handed them to Bremer.

Mike took the Klingon food to the table and his Human and Klingon feast was ready. Why he was so hungry he didn't know, but he was about to eat good!

Deela had followed Mike to the steakhouse and ordered herself a 12 ounce ribeye, a baked sweet potato with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon, plus a side salad. She went back to their table and waited.

Jewel raised an eyebrow to Mike, "Hungry?" She asked as she laughed before deciding to go to the steakhouse and ordered a T-Bone steak medium-rare, a baked potato and some green beans. She also ordered a coca-cola that she grown accustomed to the taste. After she got what she wanted she took her food back to the table and sat down and looked at both Mike and Deela.

Mike smirked. He hadn't eaten a meal like this in a while...and it sure was good."

"So, what have I missed while I been away?" Jewel replied with a smile.

Deela shrugged, "Nothing exciting. But I am sure that will change at some point."

Mike finished chewing. "No, not much...but you weren't gone but for a few days anyway." He took a sip of his drink then continued. "We are preparing for a trip to the Delta Quadrant, Starfleet's first real mission there since Voyagers' return. We're to send aid and supplies to the Talaxian Asteroid Colony, and help them deploy additional defensive arrays. The Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington are going."

Jewel took a bit of food as she listened to Mike, "The Delta Quadrant huh, sounds like you might need me?" She asked as she was interested in going along, but knowing Mike that's probably what he had in mind anyways or he wouldn't be talking about it with her over lunch.

“We’re not sure who we might encounter on the trip, so yes, a skilled Diplomatic Officer would be of use.” Mike smirked then took a bit of the Heart of Targ and after chewing he continued. “I’m sure Deela wouldn’t mind you bunking aboard the Essex for the trip. I’d keep any staff you bring to a minimum, we might have some Talaxians staying aboard the ships while Engineering teams are helping make repairs to their settlement.” Mike then took another bite of the Heart.

Deela smiled, "Anytime. Just let me know who will be coming with you."

She nodded as she took a bite, "Sounds like a very interesting plan." Jewel replied then thought about Alena. "When do we leave? So I can make arrangements with the doctors and Alena." Jewel asked looking at them.

Deela wasn't able to give her a precise time frame. "In a couple of weeks. I have asked several departments to get me a list of what we can spare."

Mike nodded as he finished off his grilled corn on the cob. "I want the ships heading for Rashanar back here before we depart. K'Temoc will be in command of the Station, while we're away and I want Pike and DaSilvor here in case something comes up. I also plan to take Maxwell and some of his fighers as well as a Marine Platoon or two with us." Mike took another bite of his steak, finishing it off too. "So you have time to settle in first."

She nodded, "Sounds like a plan." Jewel replied with a smile as she continued to eat until she was full.

After finishing their meal, they returned their dishes to the restaurants they received them from then headed for a turbolift.

"Deela, you have Ops...I think I need to go to the Gym for a bit." Mike said as he patted his stomach that was full from the huge meal he'd eaten.



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