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A talk between husband and wife

Posted on Tue Mar 28th, 2017 @ 9:58pm by Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike
Edited on on Tue Mar 28th, 2017 @ 10:01pm

1,044 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 94 - Return to Rashanar
Location: Nimbus III / USS Luna
Timeline: MD1 1240hrs

Lee had just finished getting ready to go on the covert mission to look for the Klingon and take care of things, he made his way to his and Alex's quarters on the Luna to talk to her for a few minutes. He entered the quarters looking around.


"In here." Alex called out. She was also getting ready after getting orders that she was also going on this mission. She was almost ready.

Lee walked in to where Alex was, he was dressed in Black pants, black boots, Midnight Blue tunic, Black gloves, black vest, black knee length coat. He stood there looking at her "Why are you dressed like that for?"

"I, my dear husband, am joining you." She brushed her hair while talking to him, "I am very capable of taking care of myself."

He stood there looking at her "My dear wife, there is no way that you are going down to the planet with me, I know that you can take care of yourself."

"Is it because I'm pregnant or are you just being overly protective?" She put the brush down and faced him, "You know, I can still handle myself."

He stared at her "It is both on why you are not going down." He let out a small sigh "Yes I know that you can handle yourself, but I worry about you and also about our twins to be."

Alex sighed, "You worry way too much." Alex was tired of being on the sidelines. She wanted to be apart of something bigger.

Lee touched her belly "Yes and I have extra things to worry about now." He looked her "You are part of something big Imzadi, you will be the one who will command the Luna while I'm gone and offer support if need be."

"I already have a ship that I can command. Soon, I'm going to be too fat to do anything and I don't want to stand on the sidelines." Being pregnant was making her cranky.

Lee stood there directly in front of her "I know that you have a ship to command. No matter how big you get with the twins you will still be gorgeous to me." He still had his hand on her belly "I know that you don't like being on the sidelines and as the time gets closer to having the twins that you will be on the sidelines, but I'm only looking out for you."

Alex sighed, "I get it, I really do." In a disappointed voice, "I guess I was hoping to be part of an away team one last time before I can't anymore."

"I know that you do Imzadi, I really do...and you will be able to after the twins are born and a couple months have passed. I have plenty in my family that would be willing to relocate to Star Base 400 for awhile to help us out with the twins."

Alex thought for a moment, "Fine. I'll sit this one out and run the ship while you are down there." She picked up her uniform that was laying neatly on the bed.

Lee stood there looking at her being silent for a couple of minutes "I know that me telling you that I want you up here has made you upset but I'm just your over bearing caring loving husband."

"I'm not upset, disappointed maybe but not upset." She sat down on the bed, "Don't worry. I'll get over it."

Lee let out a slow breath then sat down next to her on the bed "I know" He put his arm around her "Sorry I'm new at being a Father..."

"It's okay." She stood up, "You probably should get going. I'll meet you back up on the bridge in a few."

Lee sat there on the bed looking at her "I still have a few minutes my wife, so talk to me..and tell me what is really on your mind?"

She sat back down on the bed, "It's not that I have anything specific on my mind. I just feel restless. There isn't a whole lot for me to do in my line of work in my condition."

Lee half turned looking at her for a couple minutes "Did you ever in your life think that you would get married again or have more kids?"

"No. I didn't think that I would ever get even close to another man after my divorce. Then again, I never thought that Paul would have come to live with me one day." She looked down for a moment, "I had my career and that was okay."

Lee sat there listening to her then gave a nod "For years I was starting to wonder if I would ever get married or even have children."

"We did and now we are." She looked at him, "I am happy that we are starting our own family but I also love being on missions and taking down the bad guy. But for the last year, I've done nothing but existing. And with Paul away, I notice it even more that I have lost my sense of purpose." She sighed, "Am I making any sense at all?"

Lee sat there on the bed next to his wife listening to her as she talked "I'm glad that we are starting our own family and I know that you do love being on missions. Yes my lovely wife you are making sense." He looked at her for a minute or two "Sorry that I'm being over protective and I do know that you can handle yourself. Ok you can come with me on the mission."

"It's okay and you're right. So I will run your ship while you are gone. Besides, who better to run your ship than me?" She smiled.

Lee smiled at her "True there, no one else then you that I would trust the most then to run my ship my lovely wife." He stood up cupped her face then kissed her on the lips. "I need to go finish things before leaving."

Alex smiled, "Okay. I'll meet you on the bridge." She saw him leave as she was finishing changing her clothes. She then left for the bridge.


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