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Out There

Posted on Wed Mar 29th, 2017 @ 12:08pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

760 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 94 - Return to Rashanar
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 1420hrs


Leaving the gym, Mike returned to his Quarters for a shower and clean uniform. Janice and Christopher weren’t home, Christopher was at school and Janice was out with some friends.

After leaving his Quarters, Mike took the long way back to Ops. He stopped by the new Light Escort bay near the Runabout bay and looked over the two new Aquarius class Light Escorts that had been assigned to Starbase 400. They could serve as added defenses for the Station, patrol the Kaleb system, or short range transport within Federation space. The USS Tiger and USS Panther were tough looking little ships and Mike was glad to have them as part of the Station’s compliment.

From there, he headed for the Docking Bay and took time to go aboard the Pegasus. Reports from the Engineering Team on board were positive and she would be ready soon for post repair and overhaul test flight. After signing off on the report, Mike walked through the ship, taking time to look over Engineering and the Bridge.

After leaving the Pegasus, Mike stopped by the CnC. He saw the Conqueror’s Task Force would soon be arriving at the Rashanar Boneyard, probably sometime in the early morning hours of tomorrow. There had been no communication from the Luna and Mike could only hope their mission to Numbus III was going as planned. Mike then monitored a large Klingon Fleet leaving QonoS and headed for K’Vak Station and another small fleet headed for Kovala. K’Vak Station had been taken over by Opposition Forces not long ago and the Loyalists wanted it back, badly. Its shipyards were vital and its position on the Klingon site of the Triangle was also important. Then there was Kovala, a system deep within Klingon space that had be found to be the location for the Opposition Forces’ Headquarters. J’mpok’s ship had given Chancellor Martok and the Loyalist Forces excellent intelligence and they were now looking to strike hard and fast in hope of ending the civil war.

Mike then headed for Ops. The Lieutenant at Docking Control was talking with the USS Dunkirk (Excelsior Class - NCC-19400), as she moved into position to be pulled into the docking bay. She was due for an overhaul and crew rotation. The board showed that the USS Andrew A. Haldane (Akira Class - NCC-68884), the USS Atlanta (Intrepid Class - NCC-77009), USS Bertram Ramsay (Excelsior Refit - NCC-51940), USS Blue Ridge (Miranda Class Refit - NCC-29573), USS Camaro (Defiant Class - NCC-74409), USS Clemson (Interceptor Class - NCC-88374), USS Daniel Inouye (Ronin Class - NCC-75245), USS Drexler (Galaxy Class - NCC-79237), USS Israel (Century Class - NCC-82389), USS James H. Doolittle (Ascension Class - NCC-89894), USS John Basilone (Bayfield Class - NCC-87145), USS Kowloon (Galaxy Class - NCC-73101) USS Langley (Onimaru Class - NCC-83001), USS Oriskany (Steamrunner Class - NCC-64310), USS Richard Winters (Diligent Class - NCC-81945), USS San Miguel (Ambassador Class - NCC-24895), USS Wolverine (Achilles Class - NCC-82252), USS Xanthium (Akira Class - NCC-69211), USS Ypres (Excelsior Class - NCC-13751), and USS Zephyr (Vesta Class - NCC-81002) were all due in today at some point or another. Most were only coming in for replenishment of the ship’s stores before heading off on their missions within the Ares Operational Theater. There were also a few cargo ships and civilian craft due in and scheduled to depart. It was a busy day for the Station.

Mike made his way around Ops, speaking with everyone present. His Yeoman handed him a mug of hot raktijno and Mike smiled and thanked her. He then walked over to the holographic display in the middle of Ops and watched the Dunkirk approaching the space doors to the docking bay.

K’Temoc entered Ops from one of the turbolifts and handed a PADD to the Officer at Communications to send to the COs of the USS Dreadnought (Ascension Class - NCC-77447-B - Rear Admiral S'iraa), USS New Hampshire (Galaxy Class Refit - NCC-84702-A - Colonel Jack Pike), and USS Tigris (Sovereign Class - NCC-78600 - Captain Joseph Boston)...ships assigned to Task Force 99 and currently in the Ares Operational Theater.

Walking over to where Mike was standing K’Temoc quietly said, still healing his injured neck and throat, “You look like someone deep in thought.”

Mike smirked, “No...just someone that wants to get back out there.” He looked up and out one of the windows that ringed the upper bulkhead of Ops.

K’Temoc nodded. He understood.



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