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Who's Looking For Who?

Posted on Sat Apr 1st, 2017 @ 5:26pm by Commander Leksander Draven & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

950 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 94 - Return to Rashanar
Location: Nimbus III / USS Luna
Timeline: MD1 1300hrs


Lee stepped onto the bridge of the Luna has it sat cloaked in orbit above Nimbus 3, he was dressed in Black pants, black boots, Midnight Blue tunic, Black gloves, black vest, black knee length coat. He walked over to the command chair.

"Is everyone ready Captain?" He said looking at his wife.

Alex acknowledged him, "Yes, everyone is ready." She was still a bit disappointed that she was stuck on the ship. It had been a while since she was part of the action.

Lee nodded "Very well, you have the conn Captain, I'll be in the shuttle bay getting ready." He then turned to leave.

"Commodore, one moment." Draven stopped Pike. "I've noticed a pattern to the incoming traffic. Larger ships are landing here." He showed Pike a PADD that displayed an overhead view of the main settlement on Nimbus III. "Smaller craft like the borrowed shuttle we have land closer, here. Most people head straight for one of the bars down there, so I recommend following the same path so it looks like you belong there just as much as anyone else. Also, there's a Corvette Class Pirate raider scanning the approaching vessels. I'm not sure if it's part of Morderin's security or apart of one of the Pirate clans and they're looking for someone or don't take anything with you that might be picked up on sensors and recognized as Starfleet."

Lee stopped a couple feet before he reached the turbo lift then turned looking at Draven listening to him as he spoke, taking the padd also. After Draven was finished he gave a curt nod "I agree with you there Commander, and since we don't know what that Corvette is up to it would probably be in the best interest not to take anything down with us that is StarFleet issue."

Down in the Secondary Shuttle Bay, Chief White finished the pre-flight sequence for the modified Peregrine Fighter. He stepped back into the alcove and allowed himself and the ship to connect and become one. The sensations nearly overloaded him but he quickly took hold of himself and the ship. After checking everything was in order he sent a communicate to Lee. It was just a simple one second tone but was enough so he knew the ship awaited him so they could depart.


Draven continued to monitor comm chatter and sensor readings. Suddenly a blank look came over his face. "Oh no." He looked up, "Captain Harrison, stop the launch. Let...let Commodore Pike know that Mister Stonebridge's cover has been blown. I've picked up chatter saying his undercover team was captured and one of them gave up the Lieutenant. Morderin's men just executed him. He was briefly questioned, asked how he got here, he did not give up the Luna or the mission."

Alex cursed under her breath, "Damn, just great."

"Ma'am, I suggest we withdraw and return to the Station. We need to find out how they discovered the team. I can deploy a Class VII probe fitted with a micro-cloaking device to act as a spy satellite. It has low observability coatings and a maximum loiter time of 3.5 months. If it's discovered, it also has a molecular destruct package tied to anti-tamper detectors. We can drop it over the planet's pole so it's out of their traffic patters too." Draven explained. He didn't like running, didn't want to run, but he also didn't want to risk more lived on an operation that was compromised and Morderin was now aware of.

Once she was sure that Lee hadn't left yet, she contacted him, "Captain Harrison to Commodore Pike."

Lee was going over a few last minute preparations before getting ready to take off when he heard the call, he tapped a wall console "Pike here, what is it Captain?"

She spoke with urgency, "Lee, you need to abort the mission. According to Commander Draven, Stonebridge's cover has been blown, resulting in his death."

Lee stood there listening to his wife on the comm, he couldn't believe what he heard but knew it to be true from reading her thoughts. He said a few curse words in Klingon then a couple in Vulcan before responding. "Any suggestions Captain?"

"Commander Draven suggests that we deploy a Class VII probe fitted with a..." She looked at Draven to make sure she heard him correctly. "Micro-cloaking device." Although she was in charge right now, she wanted to see what his opinion was since he was the one risking his life.

Lee blew out a breath "Commander Draven's idea sounds like a good one to me, go ahead with it then get us out of here and back to Starbase 400 as fast as you can."

Alex looked at Draven, "You heard him. As soon as you are finished, let's get out of here."

Draven gave a respectful nod to Harrison then let out a breath. Morderin's security was obviously better than they though and Lek was concerned what else he's learned from his interrogation of Stonebridge and his team. To the Lieutenant's credit, it appeared he given a story about a being part of a pirate ship's crew to get there. He hated to lose a good man, but it was part of the job that they all accepted.

"Probe away Captain." Draven reported.

Alex nodded, "Plot a course back to Starbase 400. Let's go home."

Lee cut the comm off, still cursing he turned and walked out of the shuttle then headed out making his way to his and Alex's quarters, clearly not happy but not saying a word to anyone. He went over and sat down hard at his desk.



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