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Formal Inquiry

Posted on Tue Jul 12th, 2016 @ 4:02pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Paul MacLeod & Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Fleet Admiral William Toddman & Fleet Admiral Leonard James Akaar & Admiral Nicholas Watson & Vice Admiral Nathan Taylor

1,750 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Earth, Starfleet HQ
Timeline: MD2 0830hrs, Current


Bremer woke up early, ate a little something, and dressed in his uniform. He beamed over to Starfleet Headquarters where Dow, Draven, Micklin, and the rest of the MARSOC Team were waiting.

“We thought you could use a friend or two, looks like you already have enough support.” Dow said to Mike, glancing at the Marines.

“Thank you.” Mike replied. “Master Sergeant, pick two men and come with us.”

Mick did not even say anything. As he stepped forward, two of his men stepped forward with him.

Bremer, Dow, Draven, Micklin, and two other Marines walked through the entrance of Starfleet Headquarters. The rest of the Marines remained outside in "non-threatening" defensive positions.

Approaching Akaar’s Office two of the Marines stopped the corridor. Draven and Dow took seats in Akaar’s outer office and Bremer nodded to Micklin to remain there as well. Mike adjusted his uniform and stepped into Akaar’s inner office.

Mike snapped to attention, “Fleet Admiral Mike K’Wor Bremer, reporting as ordered.” Mike saw Akaar and Toddman, and two other Admirals he knew of, but hadn’t met before. They were new to the Starfleet Command Senior Staff, replacing the now retired Admirals Ross and Nakamura. Vice Admiral Nathan Taylor was a Human, about fifty years old, from New York. Admiral Nicholas Watson was an older Human, in his early seventies from Scotland.

The four men eyed Bremer for a few moments before Akaar spoke. “Fleet Admiral, please sit.”

Mike nodded and took a seat. Akaar also sat while the other Admirals continued to stand, flanking Akaar’s desk.

The Gladiator had arrived at Earth only 10 minutes after Bremer's party had arrived. Sevlek beamed down, he was to be the last voice in the inquiry that was about to take place with Fleet Admiral Mike Bremer. Sevlek was content to allow Admiral Akaar and the others at Starfleet Command handle the situation, but he was reminded that he held a position on Starfleet Command, the same as every Quadrant Commander, and as the direct superior of Bremer, he should be there.

Sevlek walked into the room, the swoosh of the doors announcing his arrival, Andrenicus close to his side. The Vulcan nodded to his human protege, who went to the side of the room to join the other aides in attendance. He walked around the table and took the empty seat next to Akaar's right arm. A symbolic seat for Akaar. He used it to ensure people knew which person at a particular briefing, inquiry or engagement held the most sway in decision making. It was something he'd picked up from Nechayev.

Sevlek looked to his left and right and nodded, "Admirals." Then nodded at Bremer, "Admiral Bremer."

Mike suppressed a smirk. "And you said we'd talk after I returned from Earth."

Without waiting for a rebuttal he knew would come, Mike sat up a little taller. "I'm prepared to answer any questions you might have." He looked around the room at each Admiral present.

Akaar gazed at Bremer for what seemed like hours. “I’ve read over all reports, those from the Cardassians, Voyager’s and the Defiant’s Command Staff’s, yours, your Command Staff’s, Commander Cobb’s, and his ship’s Command Staff’s. I’ve also read over integration reports of Admiral Mendek and Starfleet members tied to Section 31 taken into custody at the asteroid base. I’ve discussed what I read with the Admirals present, and while we all agree the actions of your crew and yourself not only stopped a mad man’s attempts to start a war, but it also saved the Alliance between the Federation and Klingons, with the Cardassians. You’ll be pleased to know that the official Alliance paper work has been completed and will be signed, here, tomorrow. You are required to attend the signing.”

Akaar paused for a moment to let his words be heard and understood, then he continued. “However, as Humans say, the ends do not justify the means. Your actions that led up to the engagement with the USS Hattori were insubordinate and reckless. The days of Captain Kirk and 'cowboy diplomacy' are long gone.”

Toddman looked over Bremer, “Fleet Admiral, your background is Security. As a Security Officer, or Commanding Officer, how would you feel if a member of your crew broke out of custody, conducted an unauthorized investigation, and engaged another Federation Starship in battle which resulted in the loss of several crewmembers and heavily damaging two ships.”

Mike waited to answer the question for a moment. He did those things, yes, but in his mind his reasoning was justified. “Firstly Admiral, I wouldn’t have thrown a crewmember into the brig without getting his side of the story and investigating all sides, no matter how obvious the evidence looks to be. Secondly, with Commander Cobbs threats of sending me to Cardassian to stand trial, I knew I never would have a chance to prove my innocence.” Mike paused a moment, then continued. “I never requested or authorized my crew to come after me, however once they did I knew it was our only chance to find the real attackers and save the peace. That being said, those are my crewmembers and I’m responsible for their actions as Commanding Officer. They all went above and beyond the call of duty to protect that peace, but if you intend to discipline them, don't, discipline me instead.”

“Perhaps you should have allowed the justice system to do its job so you could prove your innocence in the correct manner.” Admiral Taylor added.

“Commander Cobb’s warrant for my arrest was signed by Fleet Admiral Akaar, there was nothing Fleet Admiral Sevlek could do, there was nothing I could do. From what was said by Commander Cobb and the charges on his warrant, it was a cut and dry case, I was already found guilty of crimes I didn't commit. If I had sat in that cell, been brought to Earth for Court Martial, or taken to Cardassia for trial more Cardassian ships would have been attacked, more lives lost, and we may not be signing an alliance tomorrow.” Mike replied.

“Fleet Admiral, I believe the actions of your crew were nothing less than gallant, that being said I also believe the cowboy methods have no place in Starfleet today. I do however understand them, and quite possibly would have done the same thing myself, but it does not make it right.” Watson added.

Sevlek looked at Mike for a moment before adding his thoughts, "As was already said, the ends do not justify the means. What those you are responsible for did is unacceptable and is something that cannot be tolerated. "Sevlek paused as a few of the other flag officers shifted slightly. "Had that endeavor not yielded such fruitful results, this inquiry would be a series of courts-martial with you and all officers involved as the defendants."

Sevlek watched Bremer as he spoke, "However, that is not the case, and it would be illogical to heavily punish individuals who went above and beyond personal loyalty to uncover situations. As a result, I will be noting official reprimands in all personnel files of those involved. There will be no positive citations. What this inquiry decides to do with you, Admiral Bremer, is up to it."

Akaar leaned back in his chair, listening to the words spoken by everyone present. He thought back to how one of his mentors, and former Commanding Officer, Hikaru Sulu broke regulations to help Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy escape custody of the Klingon after they were arrested and tried for crimes they hadn't committed, and how that 'cowboy diplomacy' allowed the Enterprise-A and Excelsior stop General Chang at Khitomer which allowed the Federation and Klingons to find peace. Perhaps, sometimes, the ends did justify the means.

"Reprimands will be placed in your Starfleet records and you are ineligible for any promotion of position for the next year, but history will record what you and your crew did to protect the peace. You will maintain your current position and rank, and no further charges will be placed upon you or your crew. You're highly regarded Fleet Admiral, your entire career has been one of protecting the Federation. The Borg, Dominion, Section 31, the Borg again, the Typhon Pact, you've stood up to them all. You did the Federation a great service, however insubordinate acts will not be tolerated." Akaar said. "Lastly, and for the record, President Matthews wants to speak with you regarding your actions. He will of course be in attendance tomorrow as well Chancellor Martok and Garek of Cardassia. Garak has asked to meet with you briefly after the alliance signing as well."

Mike nodded. "Understood sir, I'll be there. Thank you." He paused, then looked Akaar in the eyes. "If I see a situation pointed the wrong way, I'll act to protect the Federation. I will go through all official channels that are available first, but if that fails, and there's no other way to save lives or the peace...I will act."

Akaar met Bremer's eyes, and he understood what Mike was saying, one warrior to another. After a moment the gave a slight nod.

"Your authorization codes have been reauthorized." Toddman added. "This inquiry is closed, all transcripts will be filed Security Clearance Alpha-One."

Mike stood and gave a respectful nod to the Admirals present. He turned and left Akaar's office. Walking out, Dow, Draven, and Micklin walked out with him.

Once outside, Mike took a deep breath and just looked around for a moment without saying anything.

"Everything okay?" Dow asked.

"Absolutely." Mike replied.

"Heading back for Starbase 400?" Draven asked.

"Not til tomorrow afternoon. I have to be here tomorrow for the signing of the Alliance with the Cardassians." Mike replied, then a thought came to him. "My family has a house on Sullivan's Island just outside of Charleston, it was my Great, Great, Great...Great Grandfather's. He was the commanding officer of the old NX-10. It's right on the beach with great views of Charleston Harbor and the Atlantic Ocean beyond. I think it's time for an old fashioned southern barbecue on the beach. You're all invited of course, and I need to make a stop by Starfleet Academy."

Dow smiled, "Lek and I will go pick up some things and meet you there."

Mike nodded to Dow then looked over at Micklin. "Let's go."



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