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Checking In

Posted on Tue Jul 12th, 2016 @ 1:56pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Captain Jack Solomon

1,229 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Station CO's Office
Timeline: MD1 1030 hours

After preparing himself for the day ahead, Jack finally completed his catch up reading from the Night Shifts work. Whilst he finished off his now cold Raktajino, Jack finished up reading the final report and then uploaded the file to main computer to archive as logs from the various shift commanders.

He stood up from his desk in the Chief Engineers Office and looked over at the one PADD he had left. this was the one that held the repair and maintenance lists from the recent action seen by the Pegasus...and what a pounding that poor ship took. Jack had an appointment with Deela whilst the Admiral was on Earth, answering for the actions that took place and it meant she was in charge.

He always enjoyed a woman in charge...

Jack smiled as he headed out of Main Engineering, Jack nodded to Boone to let him know he was in charge til Jack returned. He took the turbolift up to Ops. He'd never been in a happier frame of mind and being made Chief Engineer meant that his workload now tripled, but that just meant he was kept busy and that was a good thing. As the turbolift made its way, he also reminded himself that they hadn't spent a lot of time together and he admitted to himself that he was missing Deela a lot.

For a moment, he was lost in a sea of thought as he realized how much he had missed her, however he knew to keep things professional when on duty. Jack stepped out of the lift as he reached Ops and made his way over to the CO's office, nodding to Cmdr Gillo as he passed her. He pressed the door chime on arrival, PADD in hand.

Deela was going over a few reports among other things she needed to do when she heard the door chime, "Enter."

As he heard Deela's voice, the doors opened and Jack walked in and stood to attention as he reached her desk, still keeping a quiet thought of how good she looked sat at the CO's desk. For a moment, Jack was reminded of the good old days on the Essex.

Deela looked up and almost let out a small chuckle. She cleared her throat, trying to compose herself. He reminded her of the first time they met on the Essex, "Lieutenant Commander Solomon." She did her best unemotional Vulcan imitation, "Please have a seat."

Jack was trying his best to be professional as he swore he heard her chuckle...or cough? Was someone just happy to him as he was to see her? Jack took the seat offered and made himself comfortable, whilst still admiring his CO.

Deela rearranged a few things on her desk, then sat back in her chair. She folded her arms, "How may I help you?" She didn't crack a smile.

Jack presented his report to her and put the PADD forward so that Deela could sit before her. "With Admiral Bremer...away, I thought it best to let you know how bad the damage is regarding the USS Pegasus after her recent skirmish," he began before getting up and approaching the desk to point out the important parts.

For some reason he couldn't put his finger on it, Jack felt sure that Deela was enjoying this a lot.

"Quite simply, the Pegasus was pounded hard and I've already got repair teams and maintenance squads working around the clock. The Warp engines and Impulse engines are being overhauled as we speak whilst there's a lot of hull damage to repair," he explained before moving to the next point.

"As your aware, the Saucer section was sacrificed in combat, so I've contacted Utopia Planitia for a replacement. The Saucer from the USS Mackenzie Forbes is currently being being towed here and should arrive in the next 3-4 days. Once here, I can get it connected to the Stardrive section and begin linking them up... however I'm going to need some serious manpower I'm afraid," he added.

Deela looked the report over, trying not to think about how close he was to her, "Okay." She took a breath, "Use as many people as you need to so we can get that ship back in shape."

Jack looked up from his PADD where he was pointing out his agenda to catch a glimpse of her, face to face. He held her gaze for a moment where he felt a sudden rush of excitement, something he was trying to keep level by using all of his control.

"Thank you, ma'am... I've already assigned the engineering crew on the saucer section to the repair effort and I plan to oversee this as well... I thought it best to dig in and get my hands dirty..." he caught himself saying.

She looked at him for a moment, "Dig in and get your hands dirty...sounds like a plan." She tried to think of something else to keep herself from kissing him.

Jack smirked as she responded to his comment and he sensed that they were both thinking along the same lines, which also made him happy. He pressed to the next point on the Agenda on his PADD, making sure to lean in a little closer so that she could see clearly. "I'm also working on the USS Cutlass along with Cmdr Gillo and Cmdr Croesus. The Sabre class was on patrol before the recent incident and I was making sure that that she was fit for duty again... I'm pretty certain that once we're down all she will need is a good...shakedown."

Jack turned as he said the last word and caught himself face to face with Deela, extremely close and for a moment he considered giving in...

Deela had never felt so compelled to do something like what she was thinking of doing. Being an em-path didn't help. Many thoughts went through her head, wondering if...

"Good thinking." She remained face to face with him, "Anything else we discuss?"

"Well, there was one final point I hadn't put on the agenda, its something I thought of on the way up here..." and without warning or hesitation he moved into her and gently placed a kiss on her lips, giving in to his emotion.

As he pulled back, Jack looked sheepishly at her and explained, "This is also my way of saying sorry for not meeting up with you recently...Things have been a bit mad around here and I admit that I've missed you a lot...I'm sorry if that moment wasn't professional, I'll be more in control from now on..."

Deela smiled, "That is quite okay. If you had not, I would have." as she joked with him, "Hmm, I guess we will both have to be put on report...later." She gave him one more kiss, knowing they both had jobs to do, "Now, I believe we both have work to do. Supper tonight?"

Jack smiled and nodded. "I like the sound of being on Report....and Supper sounds good too," he agreed. Jack grabbed his PADD from her desk and turned to leave. "With your permission, Admiral, I'll be attending to my duties," he said, winking to her.

She smiled back along with a chuckle, "Permission granted." She watched him leave, hoping the day would end quickly.


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