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Part 2: Unpacking

Posted on Sun Jul 10th, 2016 @ 7:07pm by Splendora Sage

826 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Arts Centre
Timeline: MD01n 0700 hours - 1700 hours

OOC: LOL might be a bit boring but had to be done :)


Splendora looked around feeling quiet proud of herself. She’d scrubbed the office and the rooms from top to bottom; managed to sign for the deliveries of boxes and had answered a message from a Lieutenant Hades about coming in. He hadn’t specified what treatment he was interested in just that he’d seen her outer sign and was interested in meeting with her.

Her first potential customer! She was quite happy. Phoenix, her Great Dane, had roamed around the office investigating everything. She had to smile at her pup. She was so cute!

She decided that she’d tackle her office first as it was the easiest. As she moved boxes she was grateful that one of the young ladies that had delivered the boxes had left the gravity skid. She’d be picking it up soon so Splendora decided to move the boxes into the rooms where they belonged.

Being extremely organized worked for her in this case. She had labelled and numbered the boxes so it was just a matter of shoving them on the gravity cart and then taking them into the right room and getting them off the gravity skid.

A couple hours later and several back and forth trips after her door chimed. She smiled as she recognized the young lady. “Great timing! Just got the last box into the room.” She handed the gravity skid over and thanked the woman again before heading to her office to unpack the boxes.

===Room 1: Office===

Splendora started with her personal bathroom. She put all the toiletries she’d brought into the storage cabinet mirror and over the tub holder. A few towels and a floor mat later the room was done.

The office itself was going to be the fun part. She opened the boxes and started by putting up copies of her credentials. She knew that everyone could read them on the computer but she wanted to have the hard copies displayed. There was something about that. She was proud of all she’d accomplished and it beat having bare walls.

She called up some music on the computer as she added her little personal touches to the room. A big fan of the antiquated Pen and Paper she pulled out a bunch of multi-coloured notebooks with cutesy images, a pen cup, and pens that she’d replicated back on Earth before she’d left.

Pictures of her and Phoenix were next as well as images from school and her prized picture with the woman who took her in and helped her when she was down, Eviess s’Kiell a beautiful Romulan soul from the Romulan colony known as Mogai.

Of her biological family she had no photos. Well that was a lie, she had one with her and her brothers but she didn’t display that. That was locked in a drawer in her quarters…or at least it would be when she unpacked her quarters. This was her priority now.

The display case she’d ordered had arrived and in it she kept artefact replicas from Romulus, Betazed, and Earth. She was particularly fond of a statue of an old Earth Goddess known as Artemis.

Satisfied with the job she removed the empty crate like boxes, placing them in the reception area for disposal, and moved on to the assessment and therapy room.

===Room 2: Assessment and Therapy Room===

The assessment and therapy room was easy to set up. The desk and chairs were already there, the sofa and sofa chair were in one corner and a little bio bed in the back of the room. All she had to do was put up motivational pictures and sayings and a herb chart. She also had to stalk the cupboards with all the equipment that she needed.

The desk, like her office held a notebook and a cup of pens as well as blank PADDs.

She finished the assessment room quickly and then moved on to do the rest of the unpacking. She worked through most of the day without even stopping for lunch. The only time she’d stopped was to take Phoenix for a walk and then to her quarters.

The centre was by no means done but she’d made the decision that she would open tomorrow and take in only names and hand out PADDs with info about her business. She’d already had some bites about the receptionist job but she’d given some time until the job closing.

She took one last look around deciding that it was done for the day. It was after all 1700 hours. She’d go home and maybe unpack her quarters.

Splendora left the centre and used her code to lock the doors.


Dr. Splendora Willow Sage
Owner of Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Arts Centre
Starbase 400


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