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Arrival on Starbase 400: Hades

Posted on Sun Jul 10th, 2016 @ 9:01am by Commander Hades,MD

681 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD01 0500 hours


There had been a delay with the shuttle and as a result they arrived an hour later then they thought. He had been able to convince his sister not to get off at Starbase 400 with him but to go onto DS9 and then catch the return shuttle to Vulcan.

He’d promised her that he would see a counsellor and that he was alright. When he wanted to he was pretty convincing.

He had arranged for all his things to be put in his quarters. It was still early and he figured that he’d use this time to walk around the station and maybe get some breakfast.

He’d stopped at a replicator and gotten a buttered croissant and some peppermint tea. As he walked and snacked something caught his eye. He read the sign out loud, “Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Arts Centre. This looks interesting.” Below it was another sign stating that it would be opening soon and a list of services provided. Psychiatry and Psychology services were listed amongst other things. This might be his answer.

He was a doctor. He knew that even though the main symptoms of his depression were gone for now they could come back. He would need to talk with someone. If he saw a Starfleet counsellor his record would be updated and negative consequences would be a sure thing.

This was a private counsellor. He took down the information about making an appointment and decided that he’d head back to his quarters.

{Location: Habitat area Dr. Hades’ Quarters}

Hades walked into his quarters and sat down at the desk. He typed a short note about finding the centre interesting and some of what they offered and sent it to this Dr. Splendora Sage. He smiled. What a name.

Before he could dwell on things a note came back. The note said that the centre was still closed but that she could make an assessment appointment tomorrow for him if he’d like. He sent a note back saying that he’d wait until the centre was fully opened.

He closed the com and looked around his quarters. He’d have to unpack and get ready for his med assessment and all the other wonderful things that came with taking over a new post.

Hades sighed. It was still early. He’d right things here and then go.

Deciding to start with the bathroom he put away his toiletries then unpacked and hung his clothing, books, and various knickknacks. Within two hours things were looking normal.

He finished by putting new linens on the bed and then decided for a shower and change of uniform. He’d head in to see his new office and he would maybe go into sickbay hoping that the CMO could see him early.

Hades grabbed his last medical information and his most favourite item, an old style doctor’s bag that had been a gift when he’d graduated the Academy. He smiled at the fond memory as he picked up his doctor’s bag, the records PADD and headed out.

For the first time in a long time he felt….hope. As he walked through the station he allowed the waking hustle and bustle of the station to comfort him to awaken his spirit. Maybe, just maybe, this was what the doc needed.

He’d been on Earth so long he’d forgotten how wonderful it could be to be in space. The wonder he once felt reared its head as he walked by the windows and looked out into the sea of stars.

He stopped for a moment looked out the window. “Hello old friend. Be kind to me and my fellow crewmates.” He smiled.

Hades raised his hand and touched the wall. “Hello Base 400. I’m Hades.” It had been a tradition for him. Even on the ships he served he’d always introduced himself to the ship or facility as if it were sentient.

Now smiling he headed off towards his office.


Lt. Hades
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Starbase 400


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