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Dropping Off The Trash

Posted on Sat Jul 9th, 2016 @ 9:37pm by Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs & Sogh M`Kota

1,123 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Level 44, MSAU Office
Timeline: MD1, 0800hrs

Division MSAU Office

0800 hrs and shift change for the Marine Security Augmentation Unit. Carlton Gibbs relieved the A-Watch Sergeant, and started going over last night's Duty Log. Besides dealing with a couple of drunken and disorderly Marines loitering at the Tank Motor Pool on level 54, the night was quiet. Apparently, in their drunken stupor, the pair of tanker marines decided to take a MBT (Main Battle Tank) for a spin around the bay, and ended up crashing it into a row of MBTs. They were arrested, of course, an were sitting in the holding cell behind the office. The Division Commander was notified, and ordered the two delinquent marines "Placed in the Brig until he got tired of them sitting there." That was as good of a transfer order as he can get.

After conducting Role Call for B-Watch, he decided to make the Brig Transfer himself, since they were short handed. He took out his duty belt, and donned it on his Class B uniform, and checked the equipment on it including his hand restraints, collapsable batton, and his holstered Phaser 2C-IV. He then tucked the PADD with Jackson's Detention Order, and got the now hungover marines out of holding. They both had hand restraints placed on them, and were escorted out of Marine Country by Gibbs, and another Marine MP.

The walk to the turbolift was long, but uneventful. Some fleet security officers offered the group stares. They were not used to seeing Marine Security Officers outside of their area. A sigh of relief came out of him when they boarded the turbolift.

Level 100, Brig

The turbolift doors opened, and they walked the pair into the Brig entrance. Carlton had the orders in his hand before approaching the Booking Desk.

M'Kota stood up as the three entered, "We got some more misfits?" She asked looking at the three. She walked over to the holding cells and opened 2 cells for the two to enter. "You can place them in their." She said as she looked at the Marine.

Gibbs did a double take on the officer manning the booking desk. It took him a minute to remember the Officer Exchange Program. "Yes, two misfits. Drunken Disorderly Conduct, Public Intoxication, Unauthorized Access to Federation Property, and Causing Damage to Federation Property. If they are smart, they will just accept NJP when and if the General remembers he put them in here."

"What a shame," M'Kota said with a grin. "they can only hope," she replied as she made sure they were in their and raised the shielding around the cells. "Make your self at home boys," she said.

With their heads hung low, the two soon to be Privates just sat down in their cells. None of them said a word. Gibbs looked at the Klingon, "So how is life in the Fleet?"

She raised an eyebrow, she wasn't used to small talk she usually just worked and kept to herself most of the time. "It's going well," she stated looking at the man. "Sogh M'Kota and you?" She asked looking at him.

"Master Sergeant Carlton Gibbs." He offered her a Klingon style handshake, something he learned during his time on Q'ono's.

She took the handshake, not most humans knew the Klingon handshake she she was pleased. "Pleasure," she stated as she then took a seat at the console.

"Is this the beginning, or ending of your shift Sogh?" Gibbs was already thinking about his lunch break.

"It's about over got a couple more hours before I am off duty." She replied looking at him she wasn't used to talking as no one really showed must interest in talking to her.

"Well, this is just the start of my shift. My lunch break is in three hours, if you would like to grab a bite." Gibbs could tell she was not used to people talking to her.

She looked at him and thought for a moment, "Sure why not." She said looking at him she really didn't have anything special to do after her shift.

Gibbs smiled alittle, something he normally does not do on duty. "1200 hrs, Prominade Deck, your choice of places. If it pleases you, I have had an acquired taste for Klingon Cuisine."

"Skyline Lounge will work fine," M'Kota stated as she liked some of their foods.

Skyline Lounge-1205hrs

Carlton was not used to being late, even it was only five minutes. But a medical emergency in the Division Commander's Office delayed his departure for lunch. Upon arrival, he started searching for M'Kota.

She was sitting at a table by the window that was a bit more private she waited for Carlton to arrive.

She was easy to spot by Carlton. He greeted her with the same handshake, and took a seat. "Enjoying your time off?"

"It is enjoyable," she said looking at him as he took a seat, when the waitress walked over she ordered her food, was a steak cooked not completely raw but where you can still see the blood with a side of what humans call french fries which she has kinda taken a liking to. She also ordered a drink.

Carlton also ordered a very rare steak. For a side, he ordered a baked potato. As they enjoyed their meals, he noticed M'Kota's family emblem on her clothing. "House Pir'up Pa"?

"Yes," she said as she looked at him even though it was her adopted house. After a few moments their food arrived and she took a bit while looking at him.

"I am not familiar with that House in particular. I did know a few people in the other houses, specifically the House of Noggra. I was stationed at Q'ono'S for a few years at the Federation Embassy in Imperial City."

She heard the house Noggra and looked away didn't say anything as she didn't want to remember. She just continued to eat without saying anything, she sat quietly.

Gibbs could tell that he struck a nerve. "I am sorry if I committed an offense."

"Your fine, you didn't know but it's something I'd rather leave in the past and not talk about it." M'Kota said sternly.

"Understood," Gibbs said. In his mind, he now wondered if she was somehow related to Korris of the House of Noggra, but he would not press the issue. "Well, I hope you enjoyed your lunch. Can we dine again sometime?"

"I don't see why we can't," M'Kota said as she looked at him and somewhat smiled.

Gibbs looked at his chonometer, "Unfortunately, I have to go back to work. But we will do this again." He smiled, then spoke in Klingon, "This looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


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