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Uncharted Space

Posted on Sat Jul 9th, 2016 @ 8:50pm by Major General Thomas Jackson

1,630 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Promenade-T'honvik Vulcan Restaurant
Timeline: MD1, 1900hrs

The one off military skill Jax has is how to dress properly. Growing up in a socially upward family tended to do that. He got some brief stares in front of the Vulcan eatery, mainly from marines, as he sported a charcoal grey semi-formal suit. He tried not to look like he was on sentinel duty, as he waited out front. It has been over a decade since he was in this type of social situation.

T'Lyn was wearing a beautiful long blue dress, which showed her shoulders, and her chest. Was almost to elegant, had her hair down which went little past her shoulders in a nice way. She usually always has her hair tightly in a bun in the back of her head when on duty so this felt weird. She walked through the promenade getting looks her way. She finally came up to the restaurant and seen Jackson standing at the front. Her heart skipped a beat and she became more nervous and flush in the face.

Jackson was not sure if he was obvious as to his reaction at the beautiful woman coming his way. Maybe it was his jaw dropping, or maybe it was the sweat on his forehead. The Major was full of surprises. "Hello T'Lyn. You....look...stunning."

She blushed a little, "Thank you sir." She said not sure what she should call him. She looked at him, "you look handsome yourself sir." She said hoping she chose the right words.

Jackson was surprised by the compliment, but he was not unhappy about it. "Thank you. By the way, we are off duty. You can call me Tom in this situation." He led her inside. It did not take long for them to be seated. The server handed out the menus, and he was thankful that Federation Standard was superimposed wit the Vulcan glyphs on the menu. "Do you know what you want?"

"Alright, Tom" she stated with a then she looked at the menu and spoke Vulcan to the waiter who nodded and wrote it down. She ordered a pasta dish that was her favorite. It was the Vulcan version of spaghetti. She also ordered a nice wine to go with it. "Yes," is all she said afterwords as she decided to surprise him she smiled at Tom.

Jax was tempted to pinch himself, to see if he was dreaming. In fact, he did pinch himself on his thigh, out of view under the table. The sting he felt confirmed that T'Lyn did, in fact, smile. He smiled back at her, and proceeded to order, "I will start off with a bowl of Plomeek Soup. For the entree, I will have some B'Litarr, with a side of T'Mirak Rice." He ordered some wine as well.

After the waiter left she looked around for a moment then looked at him, she wasn't sure what to say next. This was all new to her, she was never asked out on a date. She always seemed to stay to herself the majority of the time if she wasn't on duty.

"So how did you find the Federation Marines T'Lyn?", Jax asked, wanting to learn more about her.

She looked at him, "When my parents where killed when I was rather young, a human couple found me and decided to adopt me. They were with Starfleet and with the Marines themselves." T'Lyn stated as she looked at him. "I do show emotion but usually to those who are close and usually only privately." She added looking at him, their was something about Tom that made her feel comfortable talking to, as only a select few know.

Up until this evening, Jax never noticed T'Lyn being expressive when it came to emotions. But now he is seeing it. "To be honest, I snuck into the Marines, unknown to my parents. My family either went to school too become politicians, or to become Star Fleet officers. If you could, imagine how my parents initially reacted when they found out I was a PFC in the Marines." He paused for a minute. "I am sorry to hear about your parents." He continued to eat in between sentences. He was not even close to being a vegetarian, but he found this Vulcan food to be both simple, but delicious. He was also starting to see T'Lyn in a completely different light.

She took a small bit of food, and then a sip of her wine, she watched Tom and just thought. She was beginning to enjoy this, "So Tom, tell me what you like doing on your free time?" She asked feeling more relaxed.

"Well, I like target shooting. I have participated in shooting competitions most of my life. When I am not doing that, I practice an ancient Earth martial art known as Kali, with an emphasis on edged weapons. And finally, when I am not doing those things, I love studying military history. How about you?" Jax was sorry he did not have anything interesting to tell about his off duty activities.

"I also enjoy some martial arts, but I tend to meditate and read." She said as she had a more boring life then Tom did. Maybe now things will change, only time would tell she thought.

But Jackson was happy to have three things in common with T'Lyn, first they were both marines, second they both practiced some form of martial art, and finally, they were both readers. "Very nice," he managed to say. The wine, and the company were making him more relaxed than he has been in a long time. "Dinner was excellent. But now I need to walk it off. Would you care to walk with me at the botanical gardens?"

"Sure, would like to." T'Lyn stated flashing another smile as she always found the gardens relaxing. She stood up and waited for him to lead the way.

The walk to the gardens seemed to have lasted an eternity, but the pair eventually got there. The lighting was set dim to reflect the time of day with a blue hue, which did alot to set the mood. He took her by the hand, we started a slow walk through the gardens.

She closed her eyes for a moment, the sent relaxed her even more. She embarrassed the touch of his hand on hers. She slowly walked with him and smiled and looked around but then drifted back to Tom.

Her hand was very warm to the touch to Jax, who almost forgot that she was a Vulcan. She also appeared hyper sensitive to his touch, especially around her fingers. Instinctively, he started running two of his finger tips up and around her first two fingers, having no idea what this would effect a Vulcan.

She stopped and closed her eyes as the sensation from his fingers sent through her body. She let out a soft moan, if that's what you would call it. "Tom..." She said as she opened her eyes and looked at him.

The way she said 'Tom' was different, very different from the way she usually spoke, both on and off duty. He also thought that he imagined hearing a moan coming from her. He continued dancing his fingers on hers as he answered, "Yes T'Lyn?"

She took a deep breathe before she spoke, "You do realize what your doing?" She asked looking at him with a soft look wondering if he was aware of the significance of what his fingers were doing to hers. She stood in front of him, close to him and gently looked up in his eyes as he was a little bit taller then her.

With her face very close to his, he managed to stutter, "No, I do not know what I am doing to you, or at least I did not until now." Then his lips touched hers in a gentle kiss. His finger never stopped moving on her fingers, because he forgot about them.

She closed her eyes and returned his kiss, "Well it means more then that Tom, when a man does what your doing it usually means, well to us Vulcans that you want to mate. That's usually one of the rituals, that starts it." She said looking at him not objecting to the idea but also looks down for a moment. "We usually mate for life," T'Lyn also stated but then looked at him with a lot of emotions going through her. She liked his touch, his lips on hers, even his smell was calming to her.

Jackson took in her words. He was enjoying her company immensely. "So, you skip the whole dating phase, and go right to being 'married'? Jackson was not nervous, nor apprehensive at all. He was just curious, and he was very attracted to her.

"Well, usually Vulcans are betrothed at an early age." she simply said thinking she said the wrong thing. She began to walk to a spot just a little ways away. "I not saying we got to do it that way." She said softly has her heart rate was already up.

"Let's just think of the here and now. I am not dismissing any ideas by any means. What would you like to do in the here and now?', Jackson asked.

She turned around and looked at him, "would like to go somewhere more private." She said as she was close to him again she felt very attracted to him and just wanted to be close to him. She looked in his eyes, her heart rate still elevated. She placed one hand on his chest near his heart and could feel his heart beating.

=/\=General Jackson to Transporter Control, site to site transport on my signal, to Level 706, Room 7066. =/\=


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