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Arrival of the USS Cairo

Posted on Sat Jul 9th, 2016 @ 8:47pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Major General Thomas Jackson

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Docking Bay 30
Timeline: MD1 - 1700h

USS Cairo, Bridge

The USS Cairo had just finished a patrol mission which they got into a little scuffle with another ship in a hurry. Didn't last very long, and only received minor damage. They where heading up towards Starbase 400 to dock for repairs and request some R&R as well as some well needed training. She sent a message to General Hurd a message with his request and to see if she could possibly meet him at Docking Bay 30.

Starbase 400

Jewel was working at her computer when it beeped and displayed a message from Colonel Hannon. She read it and replied she meet him their, she would also request to have General Jackson meet her their.

"General Hurd to General Jackson please meet me at docking bay 30." Jewel replied then ended the comm channel. She then headed out of her office and headed towards docking bay 30. The USS Cairo wouldn't arrive for at least another 20 minutes but she wanted to be their to watch her old ship return home. She also liked to be their early, once she arrived she stood by the view window waiting for Jackson to arrive.

Jackson arrived to the docking bay minutes later, curious as to the reason of his summons. He saw General Hurd,"Good evening Ma'am."

She smiled "I am sure your wondering why I asked you here, you will see in the window here in a few minutes." Jewel replied just as the space doors opened and a Luna-class USS Cairo slowly made her way into spacedock. Jewel smiled, "Isn't she beautiful?" She asked as she knew she probably get a weird look from Jackson.

Jackson noted the unique looking starship. "She does look nice, but I have had limited exposure to starships, unless they were trucking me from Point A to Point B."

"That would be the USS Cairo, a Luna- Class Starship a Marine ship commanded by Colonel Marcus Hannon." She stated looking at Jackson, "as well she used to be my old ship before I resigned as her Commanding Officer." She said as she watched the Cairo finish docking procedures.

Well, that explained the General's reaction to the Cairo to Jackson. Everyone gets attached to one of their commands. The Cairo was Jewel's attachment. "I could see you are still proud of her." Jackson also noted that this was the first Marine ship he has seen, that obviously was not geared up for mere transport and fire support duties. She looked very much like a fighting vessel.

She smiled as the Cairo was finally docked and the Colonel made his way out of dry dock and meet up with General Hurd and Jackson. "Welcome back to Starbase 400," Jewel replied looking at him. "Thank you General," he said as he gave her a quick salute as well as the other General in the room. "Colonel Hannon this is General Jackson our 1st Marine Division Commander." Jewel introduced each other.

"Nice to meet you sir," he replied with a handshake.

Returning the handshake, Jackson said, "The feeling is mutual Colonel. That's a nice ship you have."

"Thank you sir, she's had some major upgrades from your standard Luna-class to make her more of a Marine ship. She's a tough ship, but I can say I am proud of her." Hannon replied as he looked at both of them, "maybe sometime I can give you a tour." Hannon added.

"That would be lovely," replied Jackson. Then he looked at Jewel, knowing that this was more than just a welcoming committee.

Jewel chuckled, "The USS Cairo will be docked for minor repairs and some R&R but has a special request to ask of you, hence why I asked you down here." She said looking at Jackson.

"Our ship might be a Marine ship, but one thing it lacks is a good training area. Yes it has some but nothing like what Starbase 400 does, was wondering if my crew could use some of your training area for training?" Marcus asked looking at him.

"Well Colonel, that would depend on what kind of training you are talking about. For normal sized simulations, and small arms ranges, the Star Base 400 Marine Training Areas has you covered. Just look for the time slots each holodeck and range is not in use. If you need something much bigger as far as simulations, I do believe the Kaleb III MTD has one holodome that is not being used right now. You and your crew are welcome to use either one of them.", Jackson said.

"Great, I will be working on getting a schedule up for my team." Hannon said as he looked at him. "I am down for giving you a tour of the Cairo whenever you want to, for the time being the Cairo isn't going anywhere." Marcus added.

"A tour it is. After you Colonel." Jackson looked forward to this.

They all entered the USS Cairo and began their tour of the ship, which would at least take a good hour to do.


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