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Viewing the New Shop

Posted on Sat Jul 9th, 2016 @ 8:14pm by Splendora Sage

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: New Location of Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Arts Centre
Timeline: MD01 0400 hours


Splendora walked up to the big silver doors behind which she’d find her new space. Her hand shook as she reached for the control PADD. She had to take a deep breath to steady herself. She was finally doing what she wanted, she had her own business and things were looking up.

She’d arrived at 0300 on the station and just dropped her things in her new quarters looked around and then she’d come here. She was excited about how things would look. It would take a while to get everything ready and of course she had to find a couple of staff members so there was lots to do. She looked down at her dog, a Great Dane, called Phoenix. “Well girl? Should we go in?”

Phoenix just tilted her head to the side.

Splendora smiled. She entered her code and the doors whooshed open. With another deep breath she entered her new space and the door closed behind her and Phoenix. “Lights!” She called and waited as the computer hummed and the lights blinked on.

“WOW!” She stepped back a bit. There, in the middle of the floor was a beautiful U shaped desk. It was a tall desk with privacy barriers so her staff, when she did get them, could work. There was a little ledge where the clients could put their purses and items while they checked in. it was lovely. The desk was a lacquered white with blue and grey decoration splashes near the bottom.

The floor, as she’d ordered, was tiled with grey porcelain wood tiles. To the left, and right were red leather chairs with arm rests. The walls were coloured light blue with grey lines, again as she’d ordered.

She looked at Phoenix. “Amazing isn’t it!” She walked over to the wall that stood behind the reception desk and found that the replicator there was indeed working. That would help ease wait time tension for her clients. She ordered a bowl of water and dog food for Phoenix and put it down in a corner that was out of the way. “Now you stay here. I’m going to see the treatment rooms and my office.

She walked down the long hallway. There were two doors to the left, two to the right and dead centre was where her office. One either side were two smaller rooms one which would be storage and client file storage and the other that would be a small herb garden.

She had decided how the rooms would be divided. As she walked down the hall she decided that the first door to her right would be the meditation studio which was the biggest room. Right across on the left would be the crystal therapy room, also on the left beside the crystal therapy room would be the sound therapy room and on the right across from that would be the naturopathy assessment room and the room where she would see clients for her psychology/psychiatry practice.

The room to the right of her office would be her storage room and to the left of her office her little room for the herb garden. Her office would be her haven. She could keep Phoenix in there when need be and when she wasn’t at doggy daycare. She would meditate in that room, keep files and use it as a work room. She was happy that it had its own full bathroom. There was a little bathroom for staff and clients in the front by the waiting area. Being a bit germ fearful she was glad to have her own. “Computer what’s the time please?”

=/\=The time is now 0430 hours.=/\=

She sighed. Her boxed from Ops would be getting here around 0600. There would be much to do today. She walked back to the reception area and picked up the bag she’d dropped when she’d entered. Turning to Phoenix she said. “Stay here girl.” She went back towards her office.

She entered her office and placed her large bag on the desk. From it she pulled a bunch of cleaning supplies. She’d clean this place from floor to ceiling before the boxes came. She’d go room by room. In the mean time she’d have to send out a help wanted call.


Dr. Splendora Willow Sage
Owner of Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Arts Centre
Starbase 400


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