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Zero Five Hundred

Posted on Tue Jul 12th, 2016 @ 4:41pm by Major General Thomas Jackson

448 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Suite 7766-Jackson's Quarters
Timeline: MD2-0500 hrs

In the course of their long careers, Marines do not even require a wake up alarm to awake at the same time, every day. In the field, 0500 wake up for Stand To. In garrison, 0500 wake up for Physical Training, the Three S's, and Division First Call. Jax had one hell of a dream, but as good as it was, his eyes opened at 0500. He is usually fast to awake, but this morning, his eyes opened slowly. He did no want to move, which is uncharacteristic of him. His muscles and back were also very sore, as if he already had an intense physical training session. He determined that he musht be coming down with something, so instead of PT, maybe a visit to Medical was in order. He rolled over, and bumped into a person next to him.

T'Lyn was under the covers as she felt Tom move, she slowly woke up and stretched. She to was rather sore, she moved and looked at him. "Morning," She simply said with a soft smile. "Did you sleep well?" She asked as she slowly sat up keeping the blanket up over her chest.

Jackson blinked once, then he blinked twice. It did not take him long to determine that he did not dream. "Good morning T'Lyn. You can say that I slept well, I just have no idea how long I got to sleep." T'Lyn was one of those women who looked great in her uniform. Without a uniform, she was breath taking. Feeling his muscles scream at him, he also remembered that Vulcans were alot stronger than Humans. "Did you sleep well?"

She smiled, "Yes actually I did for once." She said as she could tell he was sore she told him to turn around and she began to message his back. "I have never been through this but, does this mean we're what you call it....a couple?" She asked looking at him while gently messaging his shoulders and back area.

Jackson did not take long to answer, "It does to me, if it is okay with you. BUT we need to be discrete when we are on duty. "

"Yes," She said as she continued to message his muscles. "I am good about being discrete." She said as she then looked at him, she gently kissed him all while messaging his shoulders and back working out all the kinks.

"Good answer," Jax said. From the corner of his eye, he looked at the chronograph on the bedside table, and thought to himself that around now, he is going through his morning physical training. As the kissing became more passionate, he decided that physical training was now in session...


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