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Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2016 @ 5:53pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & Christopher Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & First Ramata`tar & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Fleet Admiral Leonard James Akaar

1,422 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Earth
Timeline: MD2 1130, Current

Arriving at Starfleet Academy Mike took the long way, walking around the grounds. So many memories came flooding back, mostly good ones. As he walked by, Cadets and several instructors turned their heads to watch the Fleet Admiral go by. After looking out over San Francisco Bay, Mike headed to the Administration Office. Even though it was the summer, since both of hid oldest kids had started their first year late due to activities on Starbase 400, they were using the summer to catch up on things they missed.

After finding out where K’Wor and Becca were, Mike headed to the Medical wing. Becca was in Room Three finishing up an exobiology class. Mike walked and stood at the back of the class quietly. The professor looked up, then back to his book before realizing a Fleet Admiral was in the room. He looked up again and was about to call the room to attention when Mike shook his head no and put his hand up. A few moments later Becca finished her test, stood, and took her PADD to the front. Turning around she saw her father and she smiled.

In the corridor, she gave him a hug. “What are you doing here?”

“It’s a long story, we’ll talk about it tonight. Right now get your things, we’re going to Sullivan’s Island for a little get together tonight. I’ll be going back to Starbase 400 tomorrow.” Mike replied.

“The summer semester ends next week so K’Wor and I planned to go to the Station then.” She replied.

“That’ll be great.” Mike replied, knowing they’d only be able to stay for a few weeks before the fall semester and they started their junior years.

A few minutes later they were in the Operations Wing. K’Wor was in finishing an exam on field stripping and maintenance on partial weapons. Mike walked into the room and saw K’Wor chatting with Chief O’Brien. Mike walked over and shook Miles’ hand and talked for a few minutes before they left the room.

“You’re invited too if you have time.” Mike said to O’Brien.

“Thank you, but Keiko already has plans for us tonight to go to Paris for dinner, she’s been planning this for weeks.” Miles replied.

Mike nodded, flashed a smile, and told him he understood.

Several minutes later Mike, K’Wor, and Becca had beamed to the old house on Sullivan’s Island. Janice and her Mom were already there along with several of Janice’s cousins from Italy. They were all in the kitchen while the kids were playing on the beach. The men, including Draven and Dow were also on the beach gathered around a couple of old style grills cooking barbecue ribs, chicken, steak, and fish. A few of the neighbors had also come over, and the air was filled with the sounds of laughter, good convocations, Draven’s 1960’s rock music, the ocean waves, and a cool breeze.

K’Wor found a few of his cousins about his age and they all had questions about Starfleet Academy. They walked off away from the noise to old Fort Moultrie and walked around the old coastal fort talking. Becca made her way inside to help her step-mother and her family and join in on the gossip and convocation.

Mike changed clothes then made his way to the beach with the rest of the men. Down the beach, Mike saw Micklin’s Team patrolling the area, and he walked over.

“Sergeant, you on and men are welcome to join us. Have some food and something to drink.” He smiled. That’s an order.”

"Yes Sir. " Mick said.

Walked back, Mike tapped his commbadge and had the ten people still onboard the USS Laffey including Chief Branson and First Ramata’tar beam down and had the Laffey herself towed into a docking port at Earth’s Spacedock for safe keeping. The rest of the Micklin's team were among them.

When Ramata’tar beamed down, several people nervously and even angrily eyed the Jem’Hardar until Mike walked over to him and introduced him. This was all new to Ramata’tar too. He’d been in social settings on the Station, but nothing so relaxed or with so many civilians. Even through his stone cold expression, Mike knew he was a little nervous.

The afternoon became evening and a bonfire was now burning on the beach. Just about everyone was outside on the beach too. The music had changed to the sounds of Jimmy Buffett and few of the old folks were dancing, as were some of the kids. Becca talked with an aunt while K'Wor talked with Christopher. Draven had asked Bremer for permission to transfer to Starbase 400 and Mike had already submitted the paper work, but a position was still to be determined. Ramata’tar had returned to the USS Laffey insisting diagnostics were needed on the ship’s defensive systems. Mike was sitting in a chair close to the fire with his feet propped up, mug of bloodwine in his hand, the cool ocean breeze in his face.

To his right, Mike heard someone approached from the side of the house. A few of the Marines also heard the noise and were on their feet in defensive positions. After a moment a very familiar voice called out from the darkness. “K’Wor, why do you need Marines to watch over you, have you lost your Warrior’s heart while relaxing with your feet up?”

Mike smiled and stood, walking over to the group of four that approached. “Chancellor Martok, welcome! I wasn’t expecting you.” He then saw General Klag beside Martok. “General, good to see you again.”

“Fleet Admiral Akaar told me where to find you.” Martok replied as Klag nodded.

Mike looked over to see the tall Capellan Fleet Admiral to Martok’s left and gave a respectful nod. “Please.” Mike gestured with his hand. “We have plenty of food and drink.” Klag and the other two Klingons with Martok looked at each other, then walked over to see what was to eat and drink. “I wasn’t expecting Klingons so there wasn’t much Klingon food but there should be a little left.”

"Not to worry" Klag replied as he sat a case of bloodwine down. The others layed trays with gagh, heart of targ, and blood pie on the table.

Martok nodded as Akaar also walked over to the crowd. Martok waited until no one else was around. “There’s unrest in the Empire. Ever since the assassination attempt you help stop, a segment of the High Council has been increasingly displeased with our Alliance with the Federation and have spoken out against the new Alliance with the Cardassians. There have been some minor fighting already and these traitors say I’m not only weak for needing the Federation’s aid in stopping the plot but weak because the plot took place at all.”

“The same people speaking out against you are probably behind the plot from the start.” Mike replied.

“Same are, others have rallied to their cause after promises of power.” Martok replied. “I sense civil war maybe on the horizon.”

Mike nodded. “Keep me updated.” The two then walked over to join everyone else.

The rest of the night was uneventful. Akaar stayed only a short time. Most of Janice’s family beamed back to Italy just after midnight while the Klingons stayed another hour. Dow and Dravan left soon thereafter, and Branson and the rest of the crew of the Laffey beamed back up the ship about the same time. Mike finally went to bed a short time later, the next day would be an important one.

Micklin's team enjoyed the evening. Taking advantage of being at the center of the Federation, they deemed it safe to consume a generous amount of alcohol, both from the party, and when they acquired on the way to the party. In either pairs, or solo, they gradually left the party. Intoxicated or not, MARSOC Marines would not pass out on the Admiral's Lawn, especially without their CO to join them. Micklin beamed over to his old neighborhood in Columbia, South Carolina, just to see if the economically deprived area has seen any improvement over the years. He was happy when he saw that things were a little better. Having no family left in the area, he found a place to spend the night.



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