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None Judicial Punishment

Posted on Sat Jul 16th, 2016 @ 11:31am by Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs & Sogh M`Kota

522 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Level 100 Brig
Timeline: MD2, 1330hrs

Giaus likes having his own little command. What Giaus does not like are all the things that come with having officer duties, for example, when someone of someones commit a violation of regulations, an officer from another unit gets to decide punishment.

Since Charlton has been there before, he decided to be the escort for today's assigned Judicial Officer. Besides, he now had a friend who works the Brig from time to time.

Both marines entered the Brig, and to Gibbs' delight, his friend was working it today. "Hello Sogh M'Kota. Can we see Lance Corporal's French and Paballonia in the Hearing Room please?"

"Yes," she said as she walked to get both prisoners and a short time later brought them into the Hearing Room. "Have a seat," she said to the two.

Gibbs managed to shoot a quick smile to her before resuming a more serious facial expression.

With Gibbs standing next to him, Giaus placed two PADDs on the table. "I'll just read one of these to both of you, since they says the same thing. This is an Article 15 Proceeding as outline in the Star Fleet Uniform Code of Military Justice. Lance Corporal Bobby French, Lance Corporal Max Paballonia, you have been Charged with the following specifications. You each have one count of Article 911.111, Drunken of Reckless Vehicle Operation; and 5 counts each of Article 908.108, Military Property of the United Federation Of Planets Damage, Destruction, or Wrongful Disposition. How do you two plea?

Both marines looked at each other with remorseful expressions on their faces. "Guilty Sir."

Giaus tapped a few buttons on both PADDS.

"Do you both waive your right to a Trial by Summary Court Martial?"

Knowing the wrong answer could risk them getting hit with a harsh sentence, they both answered, "Yes Sir."

Giaus tapped more buttons. "The charges have been presented. You both waived your right to a Summary Court Martial, which includes legal representation. Here is your punishment. You will be both Confined to the Star Base 400 Brig for a period of 14 Days. Upon release, you will both perform 14 Days of Extra Duty, you both will give up one week of credit allowances, and finally, you are both reduced to the Rank of Private First Class. This proceeding is concluded. Master Sergeant, confine these two back to their cells."

Charlton took off their Lance Corporal pins, and placed them back in their cells, as Giaus left the Brig. Then he spoke to M'Kota, "Well, they could have gotten much worse is they did the court martial. General Jackson himself would have done it. So how are you?"

"I am doing alright," M'Kota stated as she looked at him "How are you?" She asked in return.

"I am fine. I am almost looking forward to these Brig runs.", he said with a smile. "I have to return to saving Marine Country. My shifts usually end at 1600hrs. If you ever get bored, you know how to find me."

"Very well," She said as she looked at him.

"Chow", he said as he walked out of the Brig. The M'Kota sure wasn't used to attention he thought.


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