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Where Pride Can Kill

Posted on Sun Jul 17th, 2016 @ 1:13pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Major Patrick McMichaels & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon & Commander Hades,MD

2,991 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: 1st Division CO's Office
Timeline: MD2, 0845hrs

Previous Day, 1113 hrs, Jackson's Office

Jax then ran to his closet, where he kept he tactical gear, and pulled out his Individual First Aide Kit, and knelt next to Casion. Staring at the spider like being on her, he said "I am going to try to help her." Then he cut her uniform where the bleeding was coming from, and placed a coagulating dressing on it, and applied pressure to her wound. He looked up, and glared at the newly minted Major, suspecting that he knew she was wounded.

Amir was torn, She'd been part of Deborahs secret, Not the first time either.. She had to give in.. "We share injuries in a way thats hard to describe.. She had a bad delayed reaction this time.. She begged Doctor Shindo to uphold doctor patient privilege.. I didn't know what to do..." "Please be good to her, She doesn't know how to be something other than what she is..."

Patrick was a bit startled by Amir but saw the connection between her and Casion. "They appear connected, General. Not just mentally either ..... like they're symbiotically linked" he said.

Shrivol ran through the doors and slid on his knees to the patient laying on the floor. "What happened?" he managed to get out as he opened up his medical kit and removed a dermal regenerator and tricorder.

Jackson answered, "I am no Medic, but these look like battle injuries."

Shrivol hurried to scan her. "She has internal bleeding. How long has she been wounded?" he barked as he tried to stabilize the lieutenant.

"I would guess a day and a half ago at the latest, since that was her last battle. She spent a few hours in Medical. I assumed she was cleared when she showed up to Debriefing yesterday." Jackson said.

Amir reacted to the unknown faces,, By Hissing angrily.. But she would not leave Deborah to save her own life... So she had to explain what Shindo had discovered.. "It's Not her fault,, We had been sharing blood chemistry for nearly 20 years.. It has had a side effect we discovered a few years back.. Injuries that I received transfer to My Deborah.. This time It was all that saved me.... It might take My Deb away from me..."

"Okay everyone, please give me some space." Shrivol tapped his comm badge "Shrivol to sickbay have biobed one ready for medical emergency and where is that damned team."

As the Doctor was stabilizing Casion, Gibbs and a Marine Security Team ran into the office in response to the emergency. Gibbs then told the two MSAU marines to keep the area in front of the office cleared of onlookers.

''General, what in the hell is going on?', Hurd said confused

"I am not 100 percent sure myself, but if I were to guess, someone left Medical way before she should have. While I commend her zeal, I am also annoyed that if we were to go to war right now, we would be doing it without our lead Combat Engineer." Jax looked at the Doctor, "Doctor, is she stable enough to transfer to Medical?"

''Doctor'', Colonel Hurd said sternly, ''The General asked you a question''.

Shrivol took a moment to answer. "She will be in a moment." he said almost ignoring the rest of the staff.

Patrick looked at Hurd and Jackson. "General; Colonel, she was in tremendous pain when she walked out. I'm not medical but I've seen enough battles to know when someone is pushing too hard to make an impression on someone else. Question is : which one?" he asked.

"We can worry about that later. I just want her taken to Medical to be taken care of." Jackson said.

Barely conscious Deb felt like a complete failure. At this point her mating needs were going to kill her?!? All she could tell was Amir was clinging to her , near bat shit crazy herself.. would one of the Alphas step in and Take her life in there hands or would she die a regretted foot not???

Brushing the Doctor aside, who for all Hurd could tell was doing jack all to help, Hurd said, ''Somebody grab her feet, we will carry her to Sickbay''

Instead, Gibbs had his team grab an antigrav litter from down the hall, and they brought it next to Casion. "On three," Gibbs said. "1,2,3..", and the marines lifted their injured comrade up, and placed her on the litter. Gibbs' men took her to Medical.

Medical Center-Previous Day

Casion was unconscious in a biobed.

Hades had just finished wrapping what he saw as a paper cut when a group of Marines came in with a woman on a anti grav bed. As they were transferring her to the bio bed he'd already been scanning her. "Internal bleeding." He looked over at the nurse. "Prepare a surgical bio bed." He'd remembered that the CMO was answering a medical emergency and he wondered for a moment if this had anything to do with it.

Shaking away his questions he looked at the group that had come in with the woman. "I"ll take care of her. I need to get her into surgery to stop the internal bleeding. Please wait out here."

Amit had played it safe once Feb was in sickbay. She was in the overhead watching s new face try to care for her young companion. A nightmare was turning into a long dreadful night.

Hades walked over to the surgical prep area and got into his red pants and gown. He put on the head piece covering his hair and his Nurse was already tying the red mask. He ran his hands through a sterilizing machine and put on his gloves. He looked at the med aid. "Find the CMO. Tell him what's happening. Let me know when he scrubs in.

Hades walked into the surgery room. "Steri-field on." He looked to his nurse. “I need her medical records on screen behind her. Species.” She looked human but you never knew.

“Reman Betazoid mix.” Said the Nurse.

“Okay.” Hades listened to the hum of the steri-field as it turned on. This wonderful invention would make sure that it sterilized his hands, gloves and all every time his hands passed through the field and it would keep the surgical area sterile. “Turn on vital signs monitoring and I need you to give her 5CCs of Anetrizine. Set the hypo to slow release on a 10 second dispense.” While the nurse did that he reviewed her last medical records quickly. Part of Hades’ genius was to read and digest quickly.

He leaned over and spoke to the young unconscious woman. “I’m Doctor Hades. I will take good care of you. We’ll work together okay. You just keep fighting and I’ll do my bit to make you well.”

Hades looked at the nurse. "When the CMO comes have his surgery attire ready. Laser Scalpel." He looked at the read outs for the vitals and using the scanner located where the problem was. He made quick clean cut. "Clamps. Light. I need to see things better."

Shrivol walked and proceeded to suit up in the surgical scrubs. The red color always annoyed him slightly. A nurse helped him with his mask as he ran through the sterilization field. "Doctor Hades, any changes?" Shrivol wanted to see Hades work. He liked the new Doctor and liked the fact that he didn't let formality get in between the patients needs and regulation. For once Shrivol was going to assist.

"No change. I've got the clamps in place and...Gods of the Galaxy!" He hadn't used that one in a long time. It was reserved for those festive occasions where everything that can go wrong did. "The internal....some of her organs are burned. "I could use cellular microsutures but I don't think that will do Jiminy!"

Shrivol jumped in his face contorting in a determined look even through the mask. "Damn." Shrivol was shocked by the damage.

Hades watched her vitals. Things were looking a bit rocky there too. He hated situations like this.

"How did she ignore this for so long." Shrivol whispered under the mask

"I have two um...non traditional suggestions. One replace the burned organs, not time for that. Two...We could um use a dermal regenerator on the burns but! Big but, is it would have to be on the lowest setting and exactly 2 inches from the organ or we could fry them. The burns are quiet big and we can't suture properly without treating the burns. So one suggestion. You're the chief, boss. But with her vitals are not so stable this might work. And before you ask sir. I know his is crazy and yes I've done it three times 2 times it worked like a charm, once not so much."

"Doctor I agree. If needed we can replace the organs later, unfortunately we are going to have to perform a bit of meat ball surgery. Get the regenerator ready, I am going to repair this internal bleeding or no matter what the regeneration won't matter." Shrivol began to work. "Doctor Hades, if I haven't said it before, it is a pleasure to have you on board."

Hey this went well. He liked his new boss. The first time he'd suggested this procedure to a CMO, on the USS Olympus the woman had literally thrown a tricorder at him, then seeing that he was right and no other options were available she did it again.

Hades took off his gloves and prepared the regenerator when the doctor worked to stop the bleeding. He peaked a bit admiring the doctor's work. In the time that it took Hades to prep the regenerator Shrivol had stopped the bleeding. He walked back to the CMO finally responding to him. "You did and I am happy to be hear, sir." He placed a Neural stimulator on the young woman's head. "Just in case. If her vitals drop I don't wanna be fumbling for one of these.

Medical Center-Current Day, 0200hrs

It was well after midnight, 0200 when the surgery was done in fact. Both doctors had worked without stopping. The young woman was now in recovery. It had been touch and go for a while. Now it was up to her. She had to fight and they would give her what they could.

Hades and Shrivol had decided that Shrivol would talk to the Marines. He was the CMO and Hades was grateful that the man had taken this task on. He waited until Shrivol left and then looked up at the ceiling speaking to the spider like creature. "She's going to be okay. You, my friend should not hang there all night." He turned and left.

Amir looked after the doctor. HMM.. strong willed. Great hands. Observant caring. Not as bulky as a Marine but nicely fit. Bed side manors. Amir wondered if the doctor knew he was a different kind of Alpha??? With the Marines seeming to turn cold to Deb her options were disappearing.....

Shrivol went to the replicator "Coffee, black, 4 expresso shots." he said and grabbed his drink. He went to his office and sat down and realized he was going to have to talk to the Marine CO to update him. In Shrivols opinion Marines were worse than command staff at medical needs.

Walking back to his office Doctor Hades locked the door. "Computer lock door and broadcast Do not disturb message for two hours." He heard the chirp of acknowledgment and only then did he lean against the wall and sink down. Covering his face with his hands he wept. Maybe he did need to speak with someone. Maybe this alternative healing place could help.

Amir felt something quite interesting and couldn't help but check into it.. She crept through the ventilation system.. Being able to change her frequency at will made it impossible for the vast majority of sensors to detech her so she was able to reach her spying spot.. The Doctor was on the floor of his office,, Weeping?!??? He'd done an incredible job saving Deborah, Whom was sleeping fitfully but at least resting... Deb would know what to do,, Amir had No clue...

After what seemed like ages but was only a half hour at most. Hades picked himself up off the floor. Dragged himself to the sink washing his hands and face. It had been a long surgery and he'd been petrified that after almost a year out he'd be rusty but it had been like riding a bike. He hadn't forgotten. He sat at his desk and typed a note to Splendora Sage asking for the first available appointment. He had an odd feeling like he wasn't alone.

Typical humaniod reaction.. Well known to her kind in this and All universes.. He'd sensed a presence,, a shadow.. Good for him.. his senses were working perfectly, as limited as they were.. Normally she wouldn't do what she was about to... But this was Completely apart from whatever Normal was supposed to be...

In the room there was an audible "POP" and like magic she reappeared against the wall above the Humaniods desk...

Hades looked up at the sudden noise. He arched his eyebrow like a Vulcan would. "Hello friend. Worried about Miss Debbie?" He thought for a moment. "Can you speak...or is telepathy better. I can speak telepathically. If it's easier."

"Not only can I speak,, I speak several languages. Unfortunately I am only able to use telepathy with my host/companion... Until she develops her own abilities.." Amir was surprised by his candidness... "I am seeking to find peace for my Deborah, We have spent most of our time fighting just to survive,, It is vastly unfair to her..." "We have never felt fear till we arrived here,, Things have been very troubling..."

"I am sorry you both have had a rough time. I can understand that. New places are always frightening. But fear not. She will be okay. Both the CMO and I will do our best to make sure your friend is okay." He thought for a moment. "You were on the ceiling the whole time during surgery were you not?"

"We watch after each other period.. Had you turned against her you would be very dead.." Amir admitted. "I will die for her..." "Can you care for her?? Afterward??" It was awkward but Amir had to try something...

"Yes of course. Both I and the CMO will be her doctors. We will make sure she's healthy and fit."

Medical Center-Current Day, 0845hrs

Jackson entered Medical to check on his officer. He did not want to disturb Casion until he spoke to at least one Doctor.

Amir had detected the General, Deb's wishful wanting Alpha.. Maybe he was coming to take his place in her life??? Amir wasn't sure, the General, as big and fierce as he was, had pulled away from Deb's longing advances.. Most did, it was the curse of being barely civilized.. She didn't want her Deb to grow up lonely, forsaken by Love.. But what was an alien Spider to do to change that fate???
She stayed above him as he moved, Observing, things were still helter skelter and it felt aweful... She wondered if he'd ever speak to her???

Shrivol saw General Jackson and walked up to him. "Good to meet you under better circumstances. How may I assist you General?"

"Yes Doctor, what is Captain Casion's medical status?", Jackson asked. He was what Marines called a "Marine's General". He cared for the well being of each marine under his command. He would never give an order to a marine that he would not be willing to do himself.

Shrivol took a deep breath. "General, she will recover in time. We are seeing if the burns to her organs will continue to heal, but we might have to replicate her new organs if any further fail. She had extensive internal bleeding, which was repaired. Unfortunately she was moved too soon but we managed to fix that." Shrivol cleared his throat not wanting to ask but figure he needed to. "General, I hate to ask but is this typical behavior to hide possible mortal wounds?" He asked as calmly as he could but with enough emotion to be let known that he generally had concern.

"I have heard that it happens from time to time, but only in times of battle. I never heard of anyone holding out on wounds that bad while in garrison," Jackson answered.

"I must say, I am impressed she managed to hold it in as long as she did. Then again I swear marines are made of stuff stronger than starships." Shrivol said. "She will be unconscious for a while, but if it would help the morale of your personnel or you then by all means you may visit a while."

Jackson said, "I will. But first I need to ask you a favor. We are short on Marine Medics, and even though I have sent the requests for more, Star Fleet Medical has a hand in the process. When you have the time, can you help me get at least one more medic?"

Shrivol showed a face of annoyance "Unfortunately General this isn't the first time I have heard of delays in medics, Starfleet Medical at times sees them as well a burden, if you will." he had to think a moment "I will contact a few friends I know in the appropriations and distribution of medical personnel department. No promises but they owe me a few favors. Is there anything else I can be a service for?"

"Not at all, and thank you for the help of getting Medics.", Jackson said.

Jackson then stepped out of Medical. He had a memorial service to prepare for.


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