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Initial Medical Review

Posted on Sun Jul 17th, 2016 @ 3:10pm by Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon & Commander Hades,MD

1,569 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Chief Medical Officer's Office
Timeline: MD1: 0730 Hours
Tags: Medical Records, Borg, Implants

The door to the turbolift opened and CPO White made his way down to hall stopping at the Chief Medical Officer's office. He reached out and pressed the door chime.

"Enter please." Shrivol said in a voice that seemed out of breath.

The door opened and Chief White walked in a few padds in his left hand. As he approached the doctor he noticed the shortness of breath, "Hello Dr. Thr'elanon, I'm Chief Petty Officer Joseph White ... did I come at a bad time?"

Shrivol's antenna moved around sporadically. "Uhh no...I just got in and was almost late, its a big station." Shrivol straightened. "How may I help you Chief Petty officer?"

Hades had woken with the mother of all headaches. Today was his unofficial first day. He didn't technically have to be in until the CMO got off duty but he hadn't done his medical pre duty and he hoped that he could get it done now.

He reached the med bay and went in. He found one very out of breath CMO and what appeared to be a Petty Officer. "Bad time?"

The chief looked over his shoulder at the new arrival, "Not at all Dr. Hades, this makes it easier to go over any specifics or questions either of you may have."

He looked back at the CMO, "Sorry doctor I got ahead of myself. These are you one." He handed the three padds to Shrivol. "Per Starfleet Special Order Picard 27, these are my medical files which are never to be sent by transmission and only for the eyes of my Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Chief Medical Officer, ACMO and Chief of Security. Padd 1 outlines the basic information on my synthetic organs and and my physical capabilities. Padd 2 goes over the multitude internal systems from my neural processors to my adaptive shielding. Padd 3 has the specifications on my portalbe regeneration devices as well as how to construct a new Cordical Node in case mine becomes damaged." He watched both doctors anticipating the usual series of questions he has gotten before or maybe some new ones that have not been asked before.

Hades gave a smile. "I'm just here for my medical." He held up a PADD. "These are my records. Been on Sabbatical for a year." He looked at the Petty Officer. "He was here first. I'll just step to the side out of your hair." He was interested in the young petty officer had questions but wasn't on duty yet.

The Chief turned his head towards Dr. Hades, "You are the Assistant Chief Medical Officer are you not Lt. Hades?"

"I am, yes." He'd settled some on the way here. Each day was still a struggle but he'd gotten okay enough to function. "Just call me Hades or Doc H or Doc....or Lieutenant, but please not Lieutenant Hades...sounds diabolical. " He tried for a smile.

In between the Chief and Hades conversation Shrivol smiled.

The Chief straightened up, "Yes sir. Sorry about that sir."

"Not at all. I'm not big on the sir thing either." This time he did smile. His world famous bedside manner was kicking in even though he wasn't the examining physician.

He turned to the CMO. "Sir, if you'd like I can come back later my exam. Or if things are busy I can right into it and help out. I know I'm not suppose to start until a bit later but I have no problem starting early."

"Chief, this is as good a time as any." Shirvol smiled broadly.

Chief White relaxes for the first time since he's entered this office. Its not a that he is being less formal but more that he seems to be letting his guard down as the conversation progressed. He chuckled slightly, "Well, I cannot call you Doc as I already have a physician with that name who I've known for too many years. But I guess Hades will work and I should get used to calling officers by their first name now that I'm part of the command crew."

He turned towards the CMO, "Forgive me Dr. Thr'elanon. I just assumed when your Assistant CMO entered the room, that he had been called in and I got right to the point of my visit and opened a can of confusion on the entire situation." He straightened up a little bit. "It is a flaw of mine to be too direct and sometimes brash so I apologize. How would you like to proceed?"

"I prefer direct, most Andorians do." Shrivol reached for a mug on his desk and took a long sip.

"If you'd like I can perform the incoming Evaluation for the young man." He grinned. "This way you can see if I am up for the job"

"thank you doctor. That would be wonderful. Also it is a pleasure to meet you both." Shrivol said.

Hades turned to white. "Would that be okay?"

"Sounds fine to me."

Hades and the two men walked into the exam room. He was well aware that his departmental CO was observing him and when he was younger it had made him nervous. Now he was glad to have the doctor hear. He needed it as proof to himself that he was still worth something.

"Alright Mr. White! Up on the bio bed. I promise no unnecessary poking." he took the man's medical PADD and loaded it into the computer.

Chief White removed his jacket and layer on the bed, "Please remember to update the Panda and not to save anything to the computer. Those are to be stored in the Sick Bay secure files section once completed."

"Of course." Shrivol said.

Hades reviewed the medical information quickly. "Please lay down." He waited until the Chief complied and then lowered the scanner arm. He also pulled out his tricorder. It might have been over kill but he wanted to get two scans. "Any changes since your last exam? Any worrying symptoms?"

He laid there calmly while the trickster and scanner did their trick. His Cordial Node alerted him to a scan of his systems which made him chuckle to himself with the redundancy of the situation. He replied calmly to the question, "Nothing major. Sythahol still disrupts my C ordical functions while alcohol does not. The micro regeneration units are doing their job and my components seems to be working as good as if not better than they did when I was a drone."

"Well then," Hades smiled. "Use alcohol rather then synthahol...but only while off duty." He winked at White. "Now then. Everything else seems okay. "Let me have you sit up. How have you regeneration cycles been. Any problems there?"

He sits up, "I haven't had to forgo them if that is what you're asking Dr. Hades. I have both regeneration units here. One in my quarters and one in my office in case I work late. My appetite has not been that great lately but nothing really of note. These visits are mainly to familiarize you as well as my CO and XO of the 'Unique' situation I represent."

"Wait, wait. You're appetite is not great. Hmmm. Why? How long? By how much percent has your appetite decreased? Hades tapped a few buttons on his tricorder and scanned the man's stomach and tapped and then scanned the man's head.

"The last time I ate was three days ago."

"Well jumping jiminy. Why on earth have you not eaten? Loss of appetite or are you not processing food well? Any pain when eating?

"I just haven't felt hungry is all. I have been keeping up in fluids and vitamins through supplements though. "

"Hm..." Hades said. "You might be former Borg my friend but you're human and it looks like there are some issues. You my friend are fighting the stomach flu." He grinned. "Lucky for you we have a shot for that."

He was gone a moment and then came back and administered the shot. "Alright this should help but I'm afraid your appetite might not return for a few days. Try some warm soup, and peppermint tea. Good for the stomach. Come back and see me in a day or so. If you have any more symptoms come back right away. Now because it's relatively simple I'm not going to bad you from duty all out. But I will order you to take an extra rest cycle and the rest of the day off. See me tomorrow before your shift and we'll decide if you need more time or if you can go to work. Fair?"

The Chief let out a sigh of annoyance, "Are you sure? I have not been sick a day since being freed. This has me concerned now as my synthetic organs should be immune to any biological hazard." He got up from the table and put his jacket back on, "In the meantime, I will take the day off per your request. Let me know how the tests go and I will return tomorrow."

"Sounds good Chief. Before you run off I want a blood sample."

The chief raises an eye brow, "A blood sample? Do I look like a Founder to you?" he chuckled. He extended his arm and allowed the sample to be taken. "See you Gentlemen tomorrow at 0600 hours." With that the Chief left Sickbay as both doctors began looking into their findings.


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