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Guide Through Dark Times

Posted on Sun Jul 17th, 2016 @ 6:08pm by Splendora Sage & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila

1,761 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Centre
Timeline: MD2, 1630


Splendora still had a lot of work to do and a staff to hire but she decided to open shop. She manned the reception desk. She wondered if anyone was going to show.

She'd asked the computer to play soothing music on a low frequency. Now that her assessment room and office were ready the rest would all roll into place.

Since the Battle Of Death Valley, Giaus has gained control of his mental trauma from the event. Yet, it was still there, and the nightmares of his battle with the Borg still woke him in a cold sweat. Holly has been a help, but there was only so much she could do.

At this point, Giaus was willing to try anything, especially if it matched a popular style of medicine on his home world. He saw an advertisement of this new holistic health center, a privately run business, the other day. So now here he was, searching for it. If this place proved legitimate, money was no problem due to his family background. He finally caught glimpse of the sign "Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Center". He could hear some soft music coming out of the shop entrance. "Hello?"

Splendora had just finished entering the registration data in the computer and had made several copies on blank PADDs when the door opened. A rather tall man with short brown hair and incredible blue eyes walked in. She sensed there was an air of urgency to him. "Hello! Welcome to Mind, Body, and Soul." She stood up came around the reception desk and held out her hand. "I'm Dr. Sage. How can I help you?" She wasn't officially open yet but she made it a point never to turn anyone away.

The glassy stare in his eyes already told her of his problem. "Doctor, I am Giaus Aquila. I seem to have...a....problem since my last fight with the Borg. It has had an adverse effect of my moods, as well as my sleep patterns." He held out his hands, which were trembling, "I also can't seem to get over these shakes."

"Oh dear." Her Betazoid senses were screaming. "Okay." She told the computer to broadcast a message on the front that said closed back soon. Locked up the front, she really needed a receptionist, and grabbed her notebook a blank PADD and pen. "Then we shall not wait. Please come in and follow me."

Splendora lead him back to the assessment room where he had a choice to sit at the desk, on the sofa, or bio bed. She usually let her clients tell her where they were most comfortable. She had a feeling this man was suffering from severe stress but how stressed she'd have to do a formal exam. She would have guessed Post Traumatic Stress Reaction by the symptoms.

"Please sit where you are most comfortable.

Giaus has not had the desire to get out of bed every morning for weeks. So the biobed was the most appealing place to sit.

"Okay. Now then Mr. Aquila." She grabbed a notebook, pen, tricorder and PADD.

She stood leaning her him on the counter. "First some ground rules. The most important one being that your recovery is my number one priority. I devote myself to my clients well being and I expect that they will devote themselves to their well being also. This is a private business and as much as I abhor talking about funding I have to. My prices are reasonable and I always offer my clients the first 7 sessions free. No it's not a sound practice but you know what it lets you see if you are comfortable with me and vice versa...although I never turn clients away."

She handed him a PADD. "This is an intro PADD an it allows me to get to know you so there are some personal questions, it's divided into Health, Personal Life, What brought you here and what you hope to get out of the sessions." She opened the drawer right by her hip and pulled out another PADD. "This is for your doctor. It will give me a chance to know your medical history. I am a trained psychiatrist and have the ability to prescribe medications in working with your doctor but I try to go the more natural route. Herbs and the holistic approach. Be as detailed as possible when you fill out the PADD and please list any allergies."

She smiled. "How's it sounding so far?"

"Well, money will not be an issue when the time comes. It will take me awhile to fill out my part of the PADD. If you have a consent form, I can release my medical file to you." Giaus said. As he spoke, he was wondering how Holly would feel about his being here.

"Wonderful." She walked over to her desk and pulled a consent PADD. She walked over to the Marine and handed it to him. "Here you go. Consent PADD, now then. If you have a spouse or family member that want to be active during the treatment process they can come as well. Are you open to a more Holistic approach?"

"Well, I do not want my two sons involved at this time. BUT, I do have a significant other who would take great interest in this.", Giaus said, thinking about Holly. "And where I come from, holistic medicine is the most popular form of medical treatment other than going to the appropriate temple." He then signed the Consent Form.

She smiled and gave a nod. "Very well then. Why don't you speak with your significant other, I look over the medical side of things, you fill out the questionnaire and send it to me as soon as you can and we can set up meeting at your first available time." She walked over to one of the cabinets and pulled out a what looked like tea bags. "These are Veklian herbs. If you drink the tea from them at night, they will aid in dreamless sleeping. All natural, no side effects but will let you get the REM sleep you need."

"Thank you," he said, as he read the questionnaire, and started to fill it out.

"In the mean time it appears my manners have disappeared. "Can I get you something to drink or would you like a snack wile you are filling that out?"

"Some water would be fine."

Splendora replicated some water for him and handed him the glass. "So I should have your medical records tomorrow and would tomorrow be a good time to schedule our second session..well first official session." She smiled.

Meanwhile At The Aquila Residence

Holly was going to see Giaus like she normally would when having down time only to find the boys by themselves in the quarters. They were quick to greet her and tell her what he was up to. Without hesitation she kissed both boys on the forehead and thanked them for letting her know before walking in the rest of the way and stating she would wait for him to call or to come back. They seamed agreeable to this and let her enter. Holly didn't want to disturb him but couldn't help but feel she failed him in some way as a mate that he had to go to an outside source to attempt to deal with the issues his previous deployment caused him. So much to ponder in his absence but no time to do it as the boys were quite energetic.

Titus and Octavian have grown used to Holly's presence. In fact, they loved her like a mother. Both brothers competed at to how long of a conversation they could strike with her. Titus was the less serious of the two, yet his questions today were not exactly humour related, even if he tried to make them appear to be funny. "Holly, are you our mother for the day?"

Holly tried to keep things light with the boys but knew one way or another something somewhat serious was going to be brought up. Sure enough it was and Holly had to try and come up with a response both diplomatic and not undermining of Giaus's work with the boys, " Well, I guess in the absence of your Father when I am here and you need advise from someone a bit older than you then yes you can ask me. But the Mother question I think you'll have to ask your Father as I think that is something you two and him have to come to an agreement on before saying it."

The boys knew exactly what Holly was saying.

Mind,Body,and Soul Healing Center

Giaus finished the lengthy survey, and handed it back to Splendora.

She sighed. "There is one more thing. This is a private practice so I'm not officially Starfleet. Would you like me to work with the Starfleet counselor to share information? If so both of us will need proper paperwork filled out." It was why she hadn't joined Starfleet. The paperwork.

Giaus' response was immediate, "No, Star Fleet will not be involved. Besides, I haven't spoke to the Counselor much about my problem anyway, which is why I am still on full duty. "

"Sorry I had to ask. Policy. Very well Mr. Giaus." Shall we meet tomorrow for our first official session?"

"I could see why not.", Giaus said.

She smiled. "Excellent. I will review your medicals and questionnaire by then and we can sit down and go through our plan of action. In the mean time try the tea and let me know if you have a dreamless night tonight."

She made a few notes. "Mr. Giaus before we bring in you significant other maybe we can have a few sessions alone. Would you prefer morning, afternoon, or evening tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow evening would be fine, but I plan to let her know what I am doing. I don't like hiding things, especially from her.

She shook her head. "Didn't ask you to Just said your first few sessions should be solo and then bring her in." She smiled at him.

"I understand." Giaus said.

"Wonderful. So if that's it then I'll start my homework and get the records going and we'll meet tomorrow evening. In the meal time try the tea I want to know if it works. No more then one cup only tonight before sleep."

Giaus stood up, and shook her hand, "Thank you Doctor. "



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