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A Minor Disagreement

Posted on Mon Jul 18th, 2016 @ 12:09am by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

966 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Hurd Quarters
Timeline: MD2 - 1400h - After "Non Judicial Punishment"

Jewel decided she take a break from work, she walked to her quarters and entered to see her husband sitting on the couch playing with their son for awhile. She smiled as she knew he loved their son and he was a good father. She sighed as she felt that they were drifting apart. She knew that duty always way and never seem to have time together. She walked over to kiss both her husband and their son who just giggled "mama" Jr said which made Jewel smile. "Hey my boys." She said with a smile hiding how she was feeling for the moment.

''Hey'', David said gruffly, polishing his boots.

She told the nanny to take Jr for a walk for a bit, after they left she looked at David. "What is your problem?" She asked as she didn't like his tone of voice he just gave her. She was pregnant with a little girl this time and she didn't need the stress. She loved David more then anything, she sighed as she walked to the window to look out.

''I do not have a problem'', he said, switching boots.

"Sure sounds like it David," She said as she tried to keep her calm. She stood their looking out the window as a tear ran down her cheek. "I feel we ate drifting apart David..." She said trying to keep it together, she wanted everything to be fine but things are far from fine at the moment. She felt like she was loosing the one person who has kept her going these past few years they been together.

''Just what do you mean?''

"We never see each other hardly anymore maybe but a few minutes at a time. I miss spending time with you which we never do anymore. Ever since you went back to active duty you changed that you don't want to be here....with me very long." She stated as she turned to face him a tear running down her face. "I feel are marrage is failing, sometimes I wish you wouldn't have went back to active duty." She added as she turned back around placing her hand on her growing stomach.

''While i agree we dont spend much time together anymore, i very, very strongly disagree with the other things you said.''

"David, you might not see it but i do." Jewel said as she walked to the bedroom and laid down on there bed and started rubbing her stomach. The baby was getting wild inside of her.

''I have no clue what you are talking about'', David said growing irritated.

She didn't say anything for a few minutes as she was trying to get their unborn daughter to settle down. "David are you that blind? Ever since you went back to duty you always away." Jewel said she she walked to the door and stood their looking at David. "We need to find time together, if it means taking a vacation soon off station to build the spark again. I want to know you still love me and want to be with me still." Jewel added as she looked at him she loved him more then anything.

''You should know that i love you, that i always have and always will''.

"Then start showing it David like you did when we first meet, not just once in awhile." She stated she walked back to the window tears running down her cheek. "Be romatic, keep that spark going is that to much to ask of you?" Jewel asked almost in a raised voice trying to keep her tears down.

''Just where did this come from all of a sudden, and why did you not say anything sooner?"

She was now getting frustrated that David wasn't listening to anything she was saying. "Maybe if you been around maybe I could have David but your never home." She said now frustrated and getting irritated.

''I am always around, General, all you had to do was say something''.

"Using rank now huh? And no your not I am here more then you are and when you are home your asleep." She now barked getting mad at this point, her own husband was now using rank which made her mad they where off duty for the time being.

''Just what is your major malfunction?''

"You are David!" She said as she just walked out she was tired of talking and seeming David wasn't listen to anything she was saying. She was about to give up and not even try anymore tears ran down her face. She walked to the Station's botanical gardens to calm her down.

Walking after her at a fast pace, David entered the garden a few moments after Jewel had. Grabbing her, he kissed her saying, ''You know i love you, that im not leaving, and that im always gonna be here''.

She kissed him back passionately "then every once in awhile do something romantic, is that to much to ask?" She said with tears running down her face. "I love you David more then anything." She said placing a hand on his cheek looking him in the eye. "Oh your having a little girl," she said with a smile.

His jaw dropping, David said, ''A..a what?''

"You heard me," She said placing his hand on her ever growing stomach which she kicked. "Meet our baby girl, well soon anyways." She said looking at him, "I love you honey forever." She said looking at him.

''I love you too, forever and always, and i know now Mike is going to kill me'', he said laughing

"Where married and no he wont," Jewel said as she rolled her eyes then they went on a walk through the gardens.


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