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Assistant CMO Check in Exam

Posted on Mon Jul 18th, 2016 @ 9:18am by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon
Edited on on Mon Jul 18th, 2016 @ 9:19am

1,396 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Medical Bay
Timeline: MD02


Hades had been ridiculously nervous. He'd already started working but had yet to have his Medical Exam. Over the last year he'd lost a lot of weight and he knew that his system would show some signs of that. Over the last few weeks he'd upped his exercise routine and food intake so he'd been gaining back the muscle and weight. He sat on the bio bed fidgeting. It was very true what they said that doctors were the words at being on the other end of things. He waited for the CMO to come.

"I see you hate exams as well." Shrivol said from across the room with a smile on his face. He studied the readings on the bio bed and the PADD. "Now let's start with a question that I hope you will answer truthfully but being a fellow doctor will most likely sugar coat, have you had any medical problems recently?" Shrivol's tone was jovial with a touch of concern.

Hades smiled. "Doctors make bad clients...or something like that." Now how to answer...He dared not tell anyone about the time spent as a catatonic robot but there were stuff he could say... "To be honest," at least partially. "My wife and I lost our child about a year ago, and then she left. I took a year's sabbatical for research," Thanks to his sister's little lie. "And I have to confess I didn't particularly take care of myself. I lost a lot of weight but I'm on supplements, started exercising now. Eating well. I should be fine."

Shrivol's antenna became very animated. "I can understand, also understand that I know when a patient is not telling me everything, but I can accept it. Just do me a favor and keep me up to date, I am here if you need me. Plus you are the first Doctor that I can work with in a pleasant manor. Please don't neglect yourself, the oath states 'do no harm' that also means to your own person." Shrivol didn't mean to lecture, but he'd seen this before, he was just thankful that 400 wasn't a isolated station. Shrivol grabbed a vial from a dispenser. "These supplements might help better, especially with your unique physiology."

He smiled, genuinely, another thing he hadn't done in a long time. He took the supplements. "Yes being part Vulcan, Part El Aurian has it's interesting side effects." He thought over what the doctor has said. "Most doctors make it a point to pry into everything. I really appreciate the acceptance. Sometimes it's hard to come to terms with things but having the faith of one's departmental CO helps. The offer to talk is appreciated and may be called upon but that goes double. If every you need to chat I am here." He then grinned. "We doctor's do tend to be hard to work with don't we but I agree. I have been here scarcely a day but I feel like working wise we are a fit." It was unusual for Andorians and Vulcans to mesh well but he really liked this doctor. He listed, he cared, he was creative and really knew his stuff.

Inwardly a chord struck and he began to laugh.

"Things change Doctor, remember a couple hundred years ago my people and half of your people were in endless war." Shrivol smiled as he put a few medical instruments away.

He waved his hand. "I'm sorry it's just that I seldom make friends for so many reasons yet I feel like I'm falling into a friendship here. I'm a bit surprised and delighted to tell you the truth."

"I understand, I meant everything I said. I wish you didn't lose someone, but unfortunately you aren't the only one nor will you be the last. I feel we need more friends than less." Shrivol said. "It appears other than what you told me and not told me you are in good health."

He smiled. "If anything changes you will be the first to know..." He looked around. "So that being said I know that each CMO runs his bay in his own way." He shook his head at the little rhyme. "Sorry. I don't usually rhyme. Long night. Anyway what are some policies that you have that are non negotiable."

Shrivol was slightly taken aback by that, most doctors never asked. "Well, first I don't like too much of a distance between the staff and patients. We need to have a certain familiarity especially when many doctors have become cold. One of the best doctors I met was a hologram. Second, if there is a large scale emergency you and I are in charge. I know a lot on command staff generally want information last week, we aren't engineers we are doctors we are in charge. Other than that I want things to run as we best we can but with a friendly face." Shrivol was hoping he wasn't sounding like a self righteous Physician. "My apologies, I just hate that our...forgive me humanity has been stripped away from our profession at times."

"No apology necessary I agree. Too many physicians see clients as numbers, injuries without faces. I like to see any person who walks through that door as my family." He thought a moment. "What are your policies on alternative medicine. For example our friend that we operated on. I've found that the sent of Bajoran Lilacs at night during REM can promote the bodies natural healing. Also teas. I'd very much like to hear your view." He shrugged. "Oh my! I just sounded like my professors." He grinned.

Shrivol smirked "I have heard of this plant, as long as it works and doesn't harm the patient then I have no problems. Let's just make sure she isn't allergic to it." Shrivol said with a slight smile.

"Excellent!" He looked around the bay. "Now then! I've asked a lot. You're turn."

Shrivol chuckled slightly "What do you expect out of this assignment, Doctor?" he asked genuinely curious as this was one of the first doctors to not annoy him thus far. Starfleet doctors were odd, they either worked well together or their egos got in the way. Hades and Shrivol seemed to put away that and actually serve what they were sworn to do.

"I admit my reasons are two. One of them and the most important is to help people. I love medicine. It's life, my soul and as long as I'm doing that, seeing people recover, preventing suffering then I'm happy. I love the challenges, the research, even the long hours and bad days. It's not about thanks or being acknowledged its about making a difference. Now the second reason, somewhat more selfish I admit, I hope to finally find a home. I've never felt at home in my assignments but there is something about this place...The moment I stepped onto the station it was a feeling like I was home. Very hard to explain i'm afraid."

"Not hard to explain at all, trust me I know the feeling. On Andoria I wasn't there that long, on Earth it was interesting but my various assignments made me feel like I was in a state of flux. Granted other concerns that I had never made me feel at home." Shrivol stopped short of going into a further explanation, in part to not bore Hades and in another to not ramble. "I think this starbase has the best chance to make someone feel at home."

Hades smiled. "Well then doctor shall we go fix the galaxy?" He grinned wondering if the CMO had had the same professor at the Academy. An ancient Vulcan who would always dismiss the class by saying "Go forth and save the galaxy."

"I haven't heard that from another doctor since the Academy. We shall doctor go forth and save the galaxy, one patient at a time." Shrivol said giving a laugh that was a little louder than he expected.

Hades laughed as well. "I see Professor Sardek strikes again." He clasped the Andorian on the shoulder. "Thank you for sharing your home with me." He said sincerely.

"Looks like it's our home." Shrivol said with a smile, part of him excited that he can break his bad habit of not getting along with other doctors.


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