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A good fellow!

Posted on Mon Jul 18th, 2016 @ 9:28am by Splendora Sage & Tom Vercetti

712 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Tom Vercetti's Restaurant
Timeline: MD2 1515 hours, Following 'A Minor Disagreement'


Splendora had been wondering for a while now. She saw an Italian restaurant and remembering on Earth how amazing Italian food was she opted for that.

She looked and the bar seemed to be closed but there was a man not far inside. She tapped on the door.

Tom was looking over receipts from lunch, it had been a slow day. He was sure the evening would be better, it always was. He put the PADD away and turned to say something to his hostess when he heard a tap on the door.

He adjusted his jacket and walked over. "Ma'am, we're closed, we'll reopen again at 1730 hours for dinner."

She sighed. "No chance of getting in before that?" She could go away but she was determined to get in.

Tom looked the woman over for a moment the opened the door enough for her to walk in. "I think we have a little bit of the Peppered Shrimp Alfredo and the some of the Baked Ziti left." He motioned her toward a table.

She smiled. "Sounds like heaven. I really need some comfort food now." She smiled at the man. "I'm Splendora Willow Sage." She held out her hand.

Tom smiled, "Tom Vercetti." He replied, giving a gentle kiss to the top of her hand.

"Susanna bring some Peppered Shrimp Alfredo and bread, and two glasses of Pinot Noir" Tom called to one of his servers.

He waited for Sage to sit before he took a seat. "New to the Station?"

Splendora sat smiling all the way. She'd never had her hand kissed and he'd even pulled out a chair for her. She'd read about it but met nobody with manners like that. She gave a nod at his question. "I am! I'm in the processing of opening my business. Thank you so much for opening up for me. I love Italian food and it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Vercetti."

Tom smiled, "Business? What kind? Oh, and a word of advise, try to stay away from Zark and Mar'q, the resident Ferengi. They try to hit on every new woman on the station, and they try to involve themselves in everyone's business dealings. They've been rather quiet lately, so I'm sure they're up to something."

She smiled. "Good to know." She took a sip of the wine that had been brought out. It was delicious. "It's called Mind, Body, and Soul Healing Arts Centre. We offer private counseling, Aroma and sound therapy, Naturopathy, Meditation, and Crystal Therapy." She smiled. "I'm hoping to eventually add more spa therapy but for now since it's only me It's more then enough. I just have to find a good receptionist."

"I have some friends that can get a little stressed out, now I know where to send them." Tom replied. "Just don't offer oomox and you shouldn't have too much trouble from the Ferengi."

She laughed "Trust me that will never happen. I'm just really glad to be here. You have an amazing establishment here. I think I've found my regular spot." She grinned.

Tom returned the smile. "Just be sure to come in before we close between lunch and dinner."

She smiled. "I will, today was long one. Think since I arrived I've only slept three hours and I needed a pick me up."

"For someone in the relaxation business, that's not good." Tom replied with a smile, then took a sip of wine. "Where did you move here from?"

"I just wanted to make sure that I had my business open." She took a sip of her wine. "Originally I'm from Betazed but I lived on Mogai, a Romulan colony, since I was 16. Most recently I came from Earth, I was doing some training in Herbology, sound therapy, and crystal therapy."

Tom nodded and took another sip. "I was born and raised on Earth, but moved around some."

One of the kitchen staff called Tom and he stood. "It's been a pleasure." He gave a respectful nod.

Splendora gave a nod. This man hand been such a sweetheart. "Why don't you stop by for some aromatherapy. On the house. You've been so kind to me and I'd love a chance to replay the favour."

Tom smirked, "I'll do that."



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