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Posted on Mon Jul 18th, 2016 @ 2:10pm by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain R'nard Lokran & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo

854 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: MD2 1955hrs, Current



It was a quiet evening in Ops. K'Temoc was looking over a report and sipping a cup of tea.

Roebuck was at Tactical working though his duty shift. "Heard anything from the Fleet Admiral?"

"I did a few hours ago. The inquiry is over and things seemed to have worked out. He's throwing a little party tonight actually and said he'd be returning tomorrow."

Roebuck nodded. "Good. I hope..." Before he could finish the sentence his panel beeped out an alert. "I'm getting proximity alerts from three of our listening posts along the Neutral Zone. They seem to suggest a ship is trying to cross into Federation space very slowly, but they can't get a reading on the ship. No power signature, nothing."

K'Temoc walked over behind Roebuck. "A cloaked ship?"

"Negative, it sees something, but can't identify it or get a solid reading." Roebuck replied.

K'Temoc reached over and tapped in a few commands to alert Admiral T'Lar, General Hurd, Commodore Pike, Commander Lokran, Lieutenant Gillo, and Chief White and request they report to Ops.

Lee was in his office when he heard the call, he left his office then entered Ops looking around he then heading over to where the others where "What's going on?"

Jewel walked onto Ops shortly after the call, "K'Temoc what's going on?" Jewel replied looking at him.

The Chief exited Turbolift 1 and joined the rest of the senior staff. He had just gotten off duty the hour before and was putting on his jacket as he exited. "Sorry for the delay, I was on the Holodeck getting some exercise."

Not the last. R'nard was next. He had spent much time in sickbay with several broken ribs and massive internal injuries from his battle with his mirror counterpart. He had spent countless hours in intensive care and was one of the last released to duty after all that had happened. He was now fully recovered and took his place at Ops.

Holly heard the call and got herself around as quickly as possible before reporting to ops. There had to be something going on to request her presence at operations at this time in the station cycle.

Deela was the last to walk issues. She spoke under her breath as she approached K'Temoc, "When the cat's away."

Once everyone arrive, K'Temoc filled them in. "We're getting alerts from multiple sensor arrays and listening posts along the Neutral Zone suggesting a ship is trying to slowly cross the border. They can't seem to get an accurate reading or sensor lock on it, and can't identify a power signature. I suggest we send a ship or two out there to investigate. I've already had the yard bring the Essex, Yorktown, Luna, and Sutherland to ready status."

Lee raised an eyebrow "Interesting...I'll take the Luna out to see what's going on."

Deela nodded, "I agree. With that said, I will be taking the Essex out to intercept the ship." She already had her crew complement in mind. She glanced at those around her.

Chief White looked over to the Admiral, "Good a time as any to get me feet wet Admiral. In case a repair or tactical group is needed to board the ship, permission to join you on the Essex Admiral T'Lar?"

"I am going with you Deela," Jewel said as she looked at her friend she wanted to get off the Starbase and this was better then anything.

She addressed both Jewel and White, "Permission granted. More the merrier. K'Temoc, you will be in charge until we get back."

K'Temoc nodded. "Understood."

"If allowed, I would like to go with you." said R'nard. "I'm itching for some action."

"Of course, it would not be the same without my best Chief of Security." She addressed Pike, "Commodore Pike, go ahead and get your crew ready to depart as soon as possible."

Lee nodded "I will Admiral. I have a few people in mind."

Deela turned her attention to K'Temoc as she moved to where he was, "Keep me updated."

K'Temoc nodded, "Yes ma'am." He looked back over at Roebuck as he was actively scanning the area.

Chief White nodded to Deela, "I'll grab my Tool Kit from my office and meet you at Docking Port 3 then Admiral." With that he moved briskly to Turbolift 1 and entered, "Level 7 Section A1" and the Turbolift doors closed.

With all the action around her Holly was steady at her post. She wasn't going to leave unless requested to do so. Learned along time ago not to put one self out there but to let things fall into place. Making sure that the station was doing it's part to keep up with all the motion she was fulfilling her function.

Lee turned around and headed for the lift to collect his crew "Commander Gillo you're with me."

Looking up from her console she gave a questioning eyebrow to the command and then spoke her response, "Aye, sir." Turning the station over to another officer she came around and joined the Commodore in preparing to depart from Operations.



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