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Maintenance on The Cutlass

Posted on Tue Jul 19th, 2016 @ 2:54am by Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

1,642 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: USS Cutlass
Timeline: MD2 1800 hrs

Lt Commander Croesus, Assistant Chief Ops Officer wasted no time getting up and out for another long hard days work. Hard work was good for the soul and mind. Tapping his PADD he messaged his Chief, LT Cdr Gillo of his itinerary and headed to the docking ports.

Holly received the itinerary of Lt. Commander Croesus and was able to respond back with an acknowledgement and an invitation to ask for any assistance that was needed to get the job done. That included asking her. Setting the padd down on her desk she waited to here again from the second in command of the operations not knowing much about him and anxious to see what kind of officer he really was.

Solomon had begun his next shift early. He'd spent longer than he had planned to on the Princeton the day before, however after a swift raktajino got him going again the next morning, Jack felt back to his normal self.

He had headed to Engineering first to pick up his tool kit and picked up his PADD with his work list on. He smiled as he saw a message from Admiral Bremer, requesting that he begin a maintenance check over on the USS Cutlass. The Sabre Class had recently returned from Patrol duty and was in need of some tender care. Jack grabbed his things and left Engineering in the capable hands of Ltjg Boone. Whilst the Cutlass needed looking at, Jack already had repair teams looking over the Pegasus Star Drive section to find out what work was needed before the Saucer Section arrived for refit and fitting.

It almost goes without saying that Devin Boone was into it up to his neck. But of course that's how he liked it. Lieutenant Commander Solomon showed a lot of faith in him to keep the starbase in tip top shape while the chaos of activities abounded. In some ways Devin was still the FNG, but not really. Boone had seen a multitude of personnel changes, transfers and promotions. This was definitely the place to be if you wanted to get anywhere in Starfleet these days. So full immersion up to his neck was exactly where he wanted to be. He looked over the PADD to review the duty roster and wondered if this PADD even had the storage space to hold all the duties to be performed. He chuckled and began assigning his engineering teams, they would also be neck deep soon.

LCDR Croesus also had fetched his tools, securing them better for this round. Tapping his comm badge he tagged the Chief Engineer.

=/\= Commander Solomon do you need any assistance with USS Cutless? =/\= Croesus asked.

Jack tapped his combadge as he responded to the question from Commander Croesus. =/\= Go ahead Commander, any help you can spare me on the Cutlass would be greatly accepted =/\= he responded as he made his way to the Engineering section of the Saber Class vessel. Despite on being on a Patrol mission, the ship seemed in need of some care and attention and he quickly sent a message to Lieutenant Boone to spare a small engineering squad to assist in getting the ship up to specs.

Wasting no time Croesus went quickly and began his share of the repairs on the Cutlass. With Chief Solomon working on propulsion system matters Croesus concluded to check on computer core issues and deflector control calibrations. Sending coded texts to the Chief, via padd of repairs as he completed them. Reading her tag he responded { I invited myself but if you're free Commander join me on the Cutlass. I never turn down a pretty woman.} pausing as he re-read his own words. Maybe here he should not be so...flirty, as his Rivers blood acted out.

Croesus wanted to tweak the subspace proximeter before Holly arrived, to show he had done something this late in the day.

Jack finished up with his list of diagnostics on the impulse reactors, the warp flux capacitor matrix and the RCS Thruster systems and was satisfied that if the ship needed to go out again, she was up to specs in that area at least. He chuckled to himself quietly as his workstation as he recalled hearing a quote from a senior officer back in the day when he was an Ensign...

"As long as it goes in any direction we tell it, that’s all we need. If anything gets in the way...well that’s what we have shields for..."

Jack checked the list on his PADD and saw the next job was re-calibrating the Forward Sensor array from the Bridge Science Station and making sure that the RCS Thrusters had a better response time from the Helm station as well, which meant pulling apart the control desk and seeing what parts needed replacing or re-aligning. He pressed the comm button at his workstation.

"Solomon to Croesus, just a quick heads up for you Commander. I'm heading to the Bridge to start on my next list of jobs," he explained as he packed away his tools and tricorder, "I'll be there if you need anything more or any assistance from me." Jack left the comm channel open to any response from Croesus and set the comm system to re-route it to his combadge as he headed out of Engineering and went to the nearest Turbolift to go to the Bridge.

Once he arrived on the Bridge, Jack set his tools down by the Science Station and ordered himself a Raktajino. It had been along day for him and he was happy that the replicators were in fine working order. As he took a sip of his drink, Jack stopped for a moment to look around the small Bridge area and realised that he has become used to serving larger ships nowadays. With only 6 separate stations and a lot of wall panels dedicated to various operations and tasks, he felt it was quite a cosy place.

Jack took a seat at the Science Station and logged in to begin his next course of work.

Holly was able to tear herself away from the station for a moment and headed to the Cutlass to check in on her right hand man and how he was holding his own on the task of repairs. The text from him was enough to make her chuckle a bit and think that perhaps she wasn't the only 'flirt' around now. Finding out where he was on the ship was easy using his comm badge and so she made her way from main operations station side to the Cutless where he was at.

Jack took a final sip from his Raktajino as the computer beeped for his attention at the Science Station. He pulled up the final update on the panel to see that the diagnostic was complete. He ran a thorough check to make sure that the Forward Sensor array was fully re-aligned and smiled. Jack then moved himself over to the helm to begin his check on the response time of the ship's RCS thrusters.

By the time that Holly made it to the Cutlass bridge she could see Jack was already at helm working on the next steps to bringing the ship back up. Deciding to let him work for a few she then spoke, " Commander I trust things are going well with the Cutless so far?"

Jack smiled as he turned around to see Holly stood on the bridge. He hadn't forgotten her test on their first meeting and he was glad of the time he spent working her command. "So far so good, Commander," Jack started, "Lt Cmdr Croesus is a credit to you, he's a bloody fine worker. We should have the Cutlass prepared for active duty soon."

Jack completed his work and went to join Holly where she stood. "Of course, if your not too rushed, I'm sure the Cutlass would benefit from a woman’s touch," he offered to her.

Holly looked at Jack and smiled, " Not in a rush at all. Never really pays to be in one." She then gestured for him to lead the way, "Would love to see what you gentlemen have been up to."

Jack walked over to the Operations Station and pulled up a schematic of the Cutlass on the Main Viewscreen. He then typed in some commands which led to various sections of the starship to be highlighted.

"Ok, so it turns out that the Cutlass wasn't in need of that much maintenance. If anything she's nearly ready for active service again," he explained as he pointed out where the various crews have been working. "Once Commander Croesus has finished with the Computer Core and the Deflectors, she's ready to go. He's a good officer you have there," Jack explained.

"That's good to hear Commander. I know he's good at what he does. He passed the test after all." She was looking dead at Jack when she spoke, "Old habit that didn't die with re-assignment. Had to make sure that piratical wise he was going to hold up. He has the chops and I am sure he will have the core and deflectors going very soon."

Jack smiled. "Thats good to know. As soon as he's cleared up I'll run a system check and then clear the ship for Duty. After all of the recent action, I've got plenty to keep me busy with the Pegasus refit," he explained, already aware of the mammoth task already underway.

About an hour later, Jack had completed his checklist of work to be done and he had received an update from Croesus advising that the Computer Core and Deflectors were back online and ready. Jack happily signed off on his final report and sent that over to Admiral T'Lar before leaving the Cutlass for the evening.


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