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Initial Contact - Pegasus Group

Posted on Fri Jan 3rd, 2014 @ 12:26am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Commander Jonathan Coleman & Lieutenant Colonel Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Sogh M`Kota & Captain William Riker & Captain Worf Son of Mogh & Commodore Geordi La Forge & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson

633 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Pegsus
Timeline: Following 'Pegasus Task Group, "Making a Move"'


"Aye sir, channel open." M'Kota replied as she tapped a few buttons and then looked at the Admiral.

“Krazzle vessel, this is Admiral Bremer aboard the Federation Starship Pegasus. We’re approaching a ‘No Transit’ area that is under the protection of the Federation/Klingon/Cardassian alliance. Alter your course at once.”

She waited a moment tapping a few buttons, "There is no response from the Krazzle ship sir," she stated checking out her readings. "Nor does it look like there listening sir," she stated looking up at the Admiral.

Mike let out a deep breath. He thought about taking the Pegasus to meet the Krazzle vessel, but that would appear to be aggressive. After a few moments, he tapped the comm again to reopen the channel as well as all subspace channels. “Krazzle vessel, you are approaching a new Transit area that is under the protection of the Federation/Klingon/Cardassian alliance. If you do not alter your course at once, you will be fired upon. We do not want conflict with your people, especially with ongoing peace talks, however we will not allow you to cross our line. Do you understand?”

After a few moments, K’Wor reported from Tactical, “The Krazzle ship has stopped it’s advance, they are maintaining position two million kilometers from the blockade line.”

Mike nodded, then looked at his brother, “Contact the section commanders closest to us, see if they have had any contacts probing their section of the line, then report our current situation to the Gladiator to be relayed back to SB400.”

K’Temoc nodded, “Aye.”

“Chief,” Mike then said to Branson at Flight Control, “Hold our position for another hour, if the Krazzle still hasn’t made any moves, take us back on our patrol route.”

“Aye sir.” Branson replied.

Mike walked back toward his seat, then said aloud, “Any report from Phoenix yet?”

Coleman nodded. "Sensors have been acting up a little bit and no one from her team has contacted us lately, sir."

Mike nodded, "Hail her."

He paused a moment as the channel open, "Pegasus to Phoenix, report."

"I can barely read you," Phoenix stated with a heavy crackle on the line.

M'Kota tried to clear up the static a bit more, "I have cleared the static up to the best of my abilities, there is alot of interference going on Admiral." M'Kota stated looking at the Admiral.

Mike nodded to M'Kota, then spoke again, "Phoenix, can you read us?"

Coleman perked up for a moment. "Sir, the Krazzle ship is near her position. I was just able to get the sensor resolution back to near optimal levels."

"Then it'll be launching fighters of it's own, question is, will they probe the line from within asteroid field or attack her flight?" Mike thought out loud. His gut feeling was the Krazzle wouldn't attack, but just probe the line and hope to anger an Allied ship or fighter into firing on them first to appear to be the victim instead of the aggressor.

"Phoenix, report." Bremer said again.

"We got jack foxtrot," Phoenix answered with annoyance. "It's a good place for bottlenecks and gangbangs though, Pegasus Actual. Asteroids have various mineral content on them, that sensors can't really detect much beyond what these asteroids put out."

Mike shook his head, a little more detail than he wanted in the reply but he got the picture. "Understood Phoenix. Deploy sensor buoys and return to the ship. Pegasus out."

His pilots had been out there for hours, he wanted them to land, eat, and rest before heading back out. With the Peace Talks just getting underway, and no movement at all from the Krazzle ship in the area, now might be the only time they had the chance to rest...



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