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Convoy 11-1

Posted on Sat Jan 11th, 2014 @ 12:28am by Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

372 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Multiple
Timeline: Concurrent

Admiral Sevlek was standing in front of the large holographic display showing the location of all allied vessels and encountered hostiles.

Sevlek noticed his adjutant, Colonel Andrenicus, moving to one of the consoles dedicated to communications and after a few moments he began moving towards the Vulcan with a determined stride.

Andrenicus stopped near Sevlek and said, "We've just picked up a distress call from Relief Convoy 11. They're under attack from 3 vessels and have already lost 2 of their ships."

Sevlek did the math, the only vessel able to reach and render them assistance was the Gladiator, "Inform Captain Zandusky to divert to the coordinates of Convoy 11. Open an active channel to Admiral Bremer."

A few moments later, the Human/Klingon/Vulcan flag officer was on the screen, "Admiral Bremer, the Gladiator is being redeployed to answer a distress call from Convoy 11. The Potemkin will be handling communication routing for the fleet until the Gladiator returns."

Mike nodded, “Understood. We’ve just heard of a similar report regarding Convoy 15. The Venator is the closest ship and is responding.”

"Reports from the peace talks also confirm that all convoys will be attacked on sight by Krazzle vessels." Sevlek turned away then turned back to the screen, "The Gladiator will return as soon as possible."

Mike nodded, “Understood. We’ve just heard of a similar report regarding Convoy 15. The Venator is the closest ship and is responding.”

"Reports from the peace talks also confirm that all convoys will be attacked on sight by Krazzle vessels." Sevlek turned away then turned back to the screen, "The Gladiator will return as soon as possible."

Mike nodded, “I heard the same, question is would they really risk the peace of the galaxy to attack relief convoys that hold little value in the grand scheme of things?” It was a rhetorical question, but was true too, the relief convoys had little military value, why risk an all-out galactic war on them.

Sevlek nodded at the question, "Posturing is something the Krazzle have refined to an admirable level." The Vulcan looked at Andrenicus who was indicating he had another communication to respond to, "I will keep you updated with the views and order of the Council and President. Sevlek out."


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