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Life on Starbase 400

Posted on Thu Jan 2nd, 2014 @ 6:05pm by Sogh Varn Son of M'ron & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Commodore Andrew Clifford & Ensign Sarah Ashley & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant JG Dye Heron & Lieutenant JG Thy'kor Shrok & Lieutenant JG Connor Maxwell & Lieutenant JG Victor Clayton & Ensign Vortek & Ensign Manuel Vega & Ensign Lovan & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork & Mar`g

1,331 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurent with events aboard the Pegasus and Venator



Varn was in Ops, working at Tactical Two. He'd heard the convocation between T'Lar and Bremer regarding crew members becoming ill. He wondered what was going on. He didn't like dirty tactics like trying to poison or make the enemy sick, as a Klingon he'd prefer to meet them head on in battle.

He continued to watch the sensors...

In Sickbay, Sarah’s heart was pounding. She had overheard the report about the illnesses and it was a little scary. Uncontained illness could quickly become a pandemic. She logged into her computer and started sorting through the reports for the last 48 hours. She would look for anything even slightly unusual. She started as a beep came up with the reports; it took her a second to realize what the beep was. With a sigh she thought, right after I take care of Ensign Markel. She put on her best smile and headed to where the young man lay.


On the Promenade, two Ferengi were looking down and across at a new, bright sign.


“What is a ‘Beaumont’? Mar’q asked his brother Zark.

The Ferengi Damon shook his head, “I do not know, but we may need to sell some too.”

“Profits were much better when there was fewer restaurants and shops here.” Mar’q commented as the two walked back inside Zark’s bar.

“Perhaps profits will be increasing again soon, with war looming between the Federation and Typhon Pact...and you know the Thirty-Forth Rule of Acquisition, ‘War is good for business.’


Sarah logged off duty for lunch and left Sickbay. She loved being a nurse, even if she didn't like all of the jobs, and she had the upbeat personality for it. She hummed as she made her way to the promenade. "Now Sarah," she asked herself, "what should we have for lunch?"


Ensign Vortek was patrolling the Promenade, he walked past Nurse Ashley and gave a respectful nod.

The Vulcan then noticed Crumm Widdy watching Zark and Mar'q, while the Ferengi were watching for activity in the new shop on the Promenade, 'Beaumonts'. As the Ferengi turned away and walked back into Zark's Bar, Widdy also walked back into the Skyline Lounge.

Vortek walked over to the Lounge and entered. He looked around and saw Widdy tapping away on a PADD.

"Mister Widdy, is there a problem?" Vortek asked.

Widdy looked up, then flashed a smile, "No, I was only watching Zark and Mar'q as they stared and talked about the new shop that's opening. I suppose they aren't too happy about additional business competition."

Vortek glanced back at Zark's Bar, then back at the Bolian. "Please, inform Security if any Station Policies are broken." The Vulcan calmly replied before proceeding with his rounds.


Andrew was still in Ops control room watching the screens. He was semi-consciously keeping track of the voice traffic going through the room. His ears picked up at the talk of illnesses, but he didn't react. He looked up from one of the screens he was watching. He called across to the Klingon on tactical two "Varn, what is the level of neutron radiation in the vicinity of the station, please? Dig through the sensor records for the last... 48 hours. Has it varied at all?"

Varn grunted at the request. 'What did neutrons have to do with belly aches' he thought to himself.After a few moments, he pulled up the requested information.

"Radiation levels are normal, they have not varied within the last forty-eight hours, sir." He reported.

Andrew shrugged, "Oh well, it was too much to hope for. But having a cloaked ship close to the Starbase would have raised the excitement level a bit."

Varn smirked, "The Romulans aren't that cunning."


Sarah smiled at Vortek as he passed her by. She would have stopped him to chat, but it was clear he was working and headed somewhere. Instead she turned her attention to the shops and eating establishments. She chose Zark’s Bar, after all the food was fast, decent, not too outrageously priced (thanks to regulations she was sure) and to be honest she secretly loved to watch the two Ferengis work. The whispered conversations, the constant quest for gold-pressed latinum. They were an excellent study in xenocultural differences. She entered and pulled up a stool. Because she was going back to work after she ate, she chose a juice and some sort of sandwich the waitress assured her was good. {if it isn’t good for me, at least I work in Sickbay} Sarah thought as the waitress walked away.


Varn's panel beeped as a subspace communication came through. Usually the Officer manning the Communications Station would respond, but since he was in the Head...Varn grunted and spoke up.

"Captain, a subspace message is coming in from DS14. Commander MacLeod is requesting the Second Marine Regiment of the First Marine Division deployed to DS14 aboard the USS Tirpitz. They need the additional security for the Peace Talks. He has also sent a situation report." Varn looked back at Clifford as he spoke to T'Lar.

Andrew didn't need relay the message to Admiral T'Lar, she heard it direct from Varn. Instead he just added a comment, "We could spare them Admiral, although I wouldn't want to lose anymore ships or personnel stationed here. If anything happened in this sector we would be hard pushed to respond."

Jewel walked onto Ops just as Varn spoke and then looked at Deela, "Deela," She stated as she used her first name. "I request permission to go aboard the Tirpitz to DS14 to help out with the peace talks, I have experience with diplomatic's sir." she stated looking at her. "I can be ready in ten minutes sir." she stated wanting to get back to active duty.

Deela turned around as she thought for a moment about her request, "Permission granted. Report to the transporter room in 10 minutes."

"Thank you Deela," she stated with a smile then turned around and walked out of Ops.

Jewel Quarters

Jewel made her way to her quarters to get ready, she read the reports to get caught up on the situation and the Marines were already on the Tiripiz waiting. She walked into her quarters and brought out her uniform. She looked at it for a moment and smiled. She quickly placed her uniform on and placed her Brigadier General ranks on each side of her collar. She combed her hair and placed it up in her normal braid down her head.

When she was ready, she had less then five minutes to report to the transporter room she quickly walked out of her quarters and headed straight for the transporter room.

Transporter Room, SB400

She arrived, "General USS Tirpitz is ready for you," the Transporter Chief replied. "One to beam aboard," she stated.

"Aye sir," the chief replied.

USS Tirpitz

She arrived on the Tirpitz, "Welcome aboard General," came the reply from the chief aboard the ship. "Thank you," she stated as she walked out of the transporter room and headed straight for the bridge, Once she arrive, "General on deck," came the reply from bridge officers.

"As you were, contact Starbase 400 requesting permission to disembark from the station." she stated. "Aye sir," came the reply. "And sir, the new First Marine Division First Sergeant, Sergeant Major Pepper also just reported aboard."

"Understood, thank you," she stated sitting down.

"USS Tirpitz to Starbase 400 requesting permission to disembark from the Starbase."

Starbase 400, Ops

Varn looked back at the Admiral, waiting for her approval before opening the space doors and giving the approval for the Excelsior Class vessel to depart.

After a moment, Varn cleared the Tirpitz to depart and the Excelsior ship slid out of the Station's space doors then warped off to DS14...



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