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Peace Talks - Day 1

Posted on Thu Jan 2nd, 2014 @ 5:58pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Colonel Danny Lennox & First Ramata`tar & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & 1st Lieutenant Taz

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Deep Space 14 / USS Sutherland
Timeline: Following 'A Surprise at the Conferance Table'


USS Sutherland

T'Lyn was sitting on the Bridge of the USS Sutherland, "Keep open scans of the area and let me know if anything unusual happens. Would like to keep the peace talks...peacefully going without any issues." T'Lyn said to the Operations Officer.

"Aye sir," came the reply. "Nothing as of yet," he also stated in reply.

Talan looked up from Tactical, "The Krazzle vessel is has made no aggressive moves, Major."

"Thank you," she stated looking at him. "Keep an eye on them," she stated to Talan.

Talan nodded.

DS14, Conference Room

There was only a few minutes before the delegates returned so the conference could get going again.

The comm-panel beeped and Mac quickly tapped the button. He read over the reply from SB400, then looked back at Hurd.

"Colonel, the Second Marine Regiment is on it's way from Starbase 400 aboard the Tirpitz, eta is 0345...just over thirteen hours from now."

Nodding, Col. Hurd said, ''That's very good, because i have a feeling that we are going to need all the extra muscle that we can get.'' Returning to his train of thought, he kept focusing on the man that had everyone in the room very, very concerned. jerking himself out of his thoughts, he said, ''Master Sergeant Duval, a word please.''

Duval who had returned from Operations not too long ago head the Colonel request a moment of his time, so he came over to the Colonel. "Sir?" he inquired, "What can I do for you?"

Walking over to a quiet part of the room, Col. Hurd got straight to business. ''Duval, i know little of the man that has everyone so concerned, except he is giving me some really bad vibes.'' Duval, i am asking you for you help, wisdom, and experience in helping me to fully understand what the deal is with him''.

Duval raised an eyebrow. "Well it really depends on his own goals." he replied. "He could be here as a disruptive influence because the other guys need this conference to work as this General is the one leading the efforts to conquer the C'hillakians." he paused. "there is no easy way to deal with this guy..."

Col. Hurd looked down for a slight second, and said, ''Are there any tips or things to watch out for when dealing with him?''

Duval paused. "There is no easy way to deal with this clown. If you offend him, he will let everyone know in no uncertain terms whats going on and why." he explained. "a guy like this will be a very serious threat to peace." he paused. "there will be no honor here... not with him..."

Sergeant Taz then spoke up, "Sssirr, if I may." He said as he walked up to Colonel Hurd. "The Rrra' isssn't herrre forrr peacce. They do not carrre if therrre isss peacce orrr not, the Krrrazzzzzal want to be sssurrre they do not loosssse anything they have conquerrred in battle. If that meansss peacce, then sssso be it, if not, then therrre will be galactic warrr."

MacLeod then stepped over to add to Taz's comments. "The Sergeant is right. While I don't think the rest of the Typhon Pact will allow the Krazzle to plunge them and the rest of the galaxy into war, the Krazzle hate to loose territory taken in battle. I also don't believe a terrorist attack is planned, it's too likely to cause bloodshed and lead to war as well. I think our primary concern will be fights, with a handful of Krazzle on DS14, as well as some Klingons....I'm sure you know what I'm getting at."

Duval narrowed his eyes. "This guy will be our biggest obstacle to peace.... We must not betray our allies by embracing peace at any price." he commented. "We should be supporting them, not by playing the old United Nations games.... but by real support..." he commented. "Will we let the Krazzle keep the space they took in blood?" he inquired. "The Challakian's are our allies, its as simple as that.... Peace will not be had until the Krazzle are forced out of all of Challakian space..." he shrugged. "we abandon them now.... it'll come back to bite us later.."

"That' to be decided." MacLeod replied coldly. It was true, the Federation and C'Hakilian had a peaceful relationship even if they were's officially allies. "The C'Hakilians are aware that the Federation Security Council voted no to supporting their war effort. I agree we need to support them, but let's face it, the Federation isn't ready for another war. We lost a lot during the Dominion War and then the Borg's been nearly a decade since the later but those were some costly conflicts." He paused, then added, "We're going to work to get as much back as possible for the C'Hakilians but like any war, you never recover everything unless you win and force your enemy to surrender."

Duval narrowed his eyes as he regarded MacLeod. "You'll understand that when I say politics should be left out of this." he commented evenly. "But then since we use hundred year old designs to police our own territory, yes, we're not ready for another war and honestly, unless we modernize, we will never be prepared to fully support our allies in this endeavour." he explained. "The Fuzzball over there will walk out before he lefts us have an inch of space back and you know it.." he added in a cold that indicated hell had indeed frozen over.

"Perhaps." Mac replied, "but my job here is to mediate the Krazzle and C'Hakilian representatives in their peace talks, not dictate what they do or agree to. Your job is to make sure the meeting and station is secure. We may not like the politics, but we have jobs to do, and we're going to do them, understood."

Mac glared at Duval for a moment, then his PADD beeped indicating the recess was over and the C'Hakilian and Krazzle delegations were on their way back to the conference room.

Delair walked over, trying to calm the heated discussion, "Let's focus on the meeting and get into positions, everyone will be back in a few moments."

Duval almost lost his temper right then and there as he turned away in the middle of MacLeod's statement as he did not care who had what job, his job was simple, it was counter terrorism and to that end, nothing else mattered as he made his way over to the nearby security station.



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