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A Surprise at the Conferance Table

Posted on Sun Dec 29th, 2013 @ 1:45am by Captain Paul MacLeod & Colonel Danny Lennox & First Ramata`tar & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & 1st Lieutenant Taz

850 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Deep Space 14 / USS Sutherland
Timeline: Following 'Peace Talks Begin'


Col. Hurd stared intently at the Krazzle that were present in the room, noting their intensity as they studied everyone in the room, and especially the Security and Marine Forces present. As the name Ra’ Graline was mentioned, he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up, for what reason he could not say. Also, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the looks Ermey and Lennox were exchanging with each other, and arched his Left eye brow.

Duval raised an eyebrow as he heard the name 'Ra' Graline'. The name jumped off of the page at him, he recalled that this being was a General and was regarded by his own species as a great war hero and a hawk. His presence here would be disruptive to say the least.

Clearly the other members of the Starbase 400 crew had encounters with this guy as Duval too noticed the looks going around the room as he turned his attention back to the Krazzle as he too seemed to smirk, clearly happy with himself.

While everyone took their seats, MacLeod typed in the Krazzle's name into his PADD. Name-Graline Rank-Ra'. A few minutes later, information populated the screen, and Mac realized these peace talks were going to be more difficult than he thought.

He read the information on the PADD to himself;

Graline, Ra'. De facto leader of the Purmar Clan. Krazzle Military leader responsible for the 2374 Krazzle attack on the Raeya system and subsequent attack on the Starships USS Pegasus NCC-1702-A and USS Bonnaventure NCC-2977-B. Later, responsible for the 2384 Krazzle incursion within Federation space and subsequent attacks on the Starships USS Pegasus NCC-1702-B and USS Vanguard NCC-82009. Decorated combat commander during the Krazzle/Klingon war of 2376-77. Known for transporting personnel from opposing ships aboard his own during combat and later using them as slave labor. Reportedly opposed to the Krazzle joining the Typhon Pact initially, but later supported the alliance.

Mac shook his head as he read. He now knew the Krazzle across the table from him was a warrior, not a diplomat...and in the end that might prove to be a blessing in disguise. Once initial meeting was over, he would share the information with his team, but until then he put on his fake smile.

"Thank you all for attending, as you know the Federation is looking for find a peaceful resolution to the conflict between the C'Halilian and Krazzle Empires. This session will be brief, we'll adjourn in one hour and return at 1300 station time to discuss the reasons behind the war itself." Macleod explained to everyone.

While the C'Hakilian Prince nodded, Graline only made a grunt-like sound.

Turning his attention back to Graline, Col. Hurd fixed him with a stare, trying to keep his emotions in check. He thought to himself, ''I am not sure who this guy is, but he is going to make this conference a whole lot harder than it has to be.''

After a few moments, Mac stood, soon followed by the deligates for the C'Hakilians and Krazzle. "We'll reconvene in an hour." Mac flashed a smile as the two groups left the Conference Room followed closely by several Security Officers"

Once the doors closed, Mac sent the data on Graline from his PADD to the monitors in the room. "You all need to see this."

Duval looked at the monitor closest to him as the information flashed up on the display, he raised an eyebrow as he now understood why the other Starbase Four Hundred personnel were nervous and uneasy, clearly they knew this Krazzle. "Well... The Krazzle sent their greatest war hero... will wonders never cease." he muttered aloud.

He sighed softly. "This peace conference just got a lot harder... " he turned to Hurd. "Sir, permission to go to Operations and brief the personnel there on this Krazzle war hero?"

Colonel Hurd, looking over the PADD, and various display's around the room, nodded, and said, ''Permission Granted Duval, and make it quick.''

After Duval had left, Col. Hurd turned to Commander MacLeod and said, ''Sir, these recent developments have me quite concerned, and i request additional reinforcements, and further request updated orders from you sir''.

Mac took a deep breath as he looked at the monitor again, then he turned to Hurd.

"We don't have any additional reinforcements, here. We've taken fifty percent of all the defensive ships' Security Personnel already, however I'll contact Starbase 400 to see if they can send the Second Marine Regiment of the First Marine Division, but it'll take the USS Tirpitz several hours to arrive...the Conference will already be back in session. Until then, we'll continue forward with our current security protocols in place."

Mac took a few steps away from the conference table, then looked back to Hurd. "I don't think the Krazzle will try anything here as long as their Imperial Leader and war hero is present, he's the one they don't want to risk."


OOC:Mac - Ref Missions 17, 69, and 70 for the info mentioned on Ra' Granline


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