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Pegasus Task Group, "Making a Move"

Posted on Thu Dec 19th, 2013 @ 11:35pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Commander Jonathan Coleman & Lieutenant Colonel Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Sogh M`Kota & Captain Worf Son of Mogh & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson

1,445 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: Following 'Watching and Listening'


On Pegasus

Mike paced the Bridge of the Pegasus, waiting for...something to happen, for some ship to pick up...something!

Operations was of no help right now to break the silence that was on the bridge. Holly was at her station doing the best she could to not go into marine mode and start humming to herself just to keep awake. If only they knew how good of a hummer she could be just to keep awake or moral up in a tight space. However, the equipment in front of her kept her hands relatively busy so she didn't indulge herself and keep an ear out for anything that might turn up. She only hoped that if something did pop up that it would be good news rather than bad. After all it would be nice to go home sometime, or at least that was her thoughts.

It had seemed to be hours…actually it had been hours…since the Pegasus arrived on station. Mike could see several Bridge Officers were actually becoming bored. But that boredom was soon broken with the sound of an alert coming from the Tactical console.

“Sensors are picking up a lone Krazzle ship nearing the blockade line, bearing 004 mark 095. Distance, nine million kilometers. Gramal class, sir.” K’Wor reported from Tactical. He’d taken over soon after Brody was taken to Sick-Bay.

Mike stood and walked up the ramp to also look at the display. “He’s at the extreme edge of sensor range…Gillo, boost power to the sensors.” He looked at the sensor display again for a moment.

Gillo worked her station and boost the output of the sensors by 200 percent. Once they were implemented, she turned over her shoulder, saying, "I've boosted the sensors by 200 percent tactical. Lets see what we have."

“K’Temoc, what’s the closest ship on our blockade line to the Krazzle vessel?” Mike asked.

“The IKS Gr’vak, Vor’cha Class, commanded by R’vis HoD.” K’Temoc replied.

“Hail him, put it up on the main viewer.” Mike ordered as he walked back down the ramp and stopped between the Conn and Ops positions. A few moments later, the Klingon Captain appeared on the screen.

“Yes, Admiral.” He answered respectfully.

“R’vis HoD.” Mike replied with respect, “We’ve picked up a Krazzle vessel nearing your position along the blockade line.”

“Yes, a Gramal class ship…we will make easy work of them.” R’vis replied with a smirk.

“Stand fast, hold your position, we don’t want to leave any holes in the line that they can exploit. The Pegasus is heading your way in case they do try to run the blockade.” Mike quickly replied.

The Klingon was clearly not happy to be sitting instead of going into battle, but he nodded anyway, “Understood.”

When the comm closed, Mike looked over to Chief Branson, “Set a course to bring us along the same area of the blockade line as the Krazzle and engage.”

“Aye sir.” Branson replied as he plotted the course.

Mike stepped back to his chair and took a seat as he tapped the comm button, “Pegasus to Warrior.”

“Warrior, Worf here.” Came the reply.

“Worf, we’ve picked up a Krazzle ship trying to probe the blockade line near to the IKS Gr’vak. We’re moving to intercept.” Mike said.

“Understood, we’ll adjust our patrol course accordingly. Warrior out.” Worf replied.

“K’Wor, signal Phoenix and make her aware of our movement too. It’s possible the Krazzle could be sending Claw type fighters her way to scout out the asteroid field too.” Mike ordered.

“Aye sir, transmitting now.” K’Wor replied.

"Phoenix here," the CAG replied almost instantly, though she was semi-attentive as she was making strafing runs as a massive asteroid.

"Major, we've detected a couple of Krazzle ships probing our section of the Blockade. The Pegasus is moving to intercept one of the ships. Keep an eye open for Krazzle Claw type fighters attempting to probe the line from within the asteroid field." Bremer advised his CAG.

As the Pegasus neared the point in the line where the Krazzle ship was roaming, Mike tapped the ship’s intercom button, “Bridge to Engineering, Coleman run a diagnostic of our section of the tachyon net, let’s make sure it’s operating within spec.”

Coleman replied, "Already working on it, sir. We'll have something in approximately twenty minutes."

After hearing Coleman’s reply, Mike looked back at M’Kota standing at the Mission Ops station, “Sogh, keep an eye out for any additional ships entering senor area.”

"Understood," M'Kota replied as she tapped a few buttons on her screen and looked at the readings, "Noting as of yet sir," replied M'Kota.

Mike nodded as he inner-locked his fingers then rested his chin on them as he thought…

"Wait, I have another ship on sensor's just around that asteroid field, looks like a Romulan war bird but not giving me a clear reading." M'Kota replied looking at the Admiral.

Mike quickly stood up and walked up the ramp. It didn’t surprise him a Romulan ship would be nosing around, but doing so uncloaked was a bit of a surprise. “Keep a sharp eye on that ship.” It made him wonder, was it a Romulan ship, or a Krazzle vessel trying to ‘look’ like a Warbird.

“The Gramal class ship is actively scanning the blockade ships, sensor buoys, and tachyon net.” K’Wor reported

Coleman reported from Main Engineering. "Admiral, we may want to be careful with the ship scanning them. The Gramal class ships have been reported as of late that they can break through certain types of scanning devices and Starfleet Engineering has been working on the problem. But, I thought I'd throw that out there, sir."

Mike nodded in reply to his Chief Engineer before proceeding. “Chief, ease up along the line, but keep us on our side. Unless they attempt to cross, all we can do is watch them, watch us.” Mike said, as part of him hoped the Krazzle would make a move…

M'Kota was tapping a few of her controls trying to get a clear reading on the ship, then the ship moved just right, "Sir, it's Krazzel not a Romulan ship sir," she stated, "They moved within clear sensor readings and looks like they are scanning the blockade sir." M'Kota replied looking at the Admiral. "They seem to be staying put for the moment," she added.

Mike nodded as he looked over the sensor readings too. 'Why would the Krazzle be trying to mask themselves as Romulans' he thought to himself.

Coleman walked off the turbolift and activated the Engineering station. He walked over to Bremer and gave his report on the grid. "Admiral, while working on checking out the specs of the grid and making sure it was good, I noticed there was a weakness growing near Phoenix's tactical wing and the USS Warrior. I don't know exactly what's causing it, but I believe it may have something to do with the Krazzle ship nearby, sir."

Mike looked over the report while K’Temoc also walked up to have a look too.

“It almost looks like the Krazzle is trying to flood the area with tachyons in an attempt to weaken the detection grid’s ability to see vessels trying to cross the blockade.” K’Temoc commented.

Coleman nodded. "That would make sense. They could say they were 'experimenting' and it just happened to disrupt our grid."

“If they do that, it’ll make it impossible for the Blockade Fleet to detect cloaked ships, the Romulans, The Order, or the Breen could ferry in supplies to the Krazzle without problem.” Mike added, then looked back at K’Temoc and Coleman, “Find a way to stop them, without us having to openly attack them.”

"Aye, aye, sir. I'll start working on it right away." Coleman headed back to the Engineering Station and started working on a way around the various ways the Krazzle were trying to stop the Task Force.

"Sir, you might want to see this," M'Kota said as she was confused as to what she was seeing. "It looks like there engaging there engines but I can't seem to get a very clear reading with all interference." M'Kota stated looking at the Admiral.

Mike took a look at the sensor readings then the chronometer, “The peace talks haven’t begun yet, no way they would try something before the talks even get underway.”

He walked around the Bridge for a moment, then added, “Hail them.”



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