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Peace Talks Begin

Posted on Thu Dec 19th, 2013 @ 11:35pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Colonel Danny Lennox & First Ramata`tar & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & 1st Lieutenant Taz

935 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Deep Space 14 / USS Sutherland
Timeline: Following 'Setting the Stage'

DS14, Conference Room

Ramata'tar looking around the Conference Room a few times before settling into the darkened corner behind the Krazzle side of the table. An instant later, he shrouded himself. He continued to look around, making sure he had enough room to turn without making a sound, then unshrouded.

"Commander MacLeod, this position will be adequate."

Mac nodded to the Jem'Hadar, then glanced back at Duval as he instructed the Sutherland's Security Personnel. On the panel on the far wall, he could see the time, the Krazzle and C'Hakilian diplomatic teams were due on DS14 within the next two hours, so they needed to hurry with their preparations...

Duval looked at the gathered troops who were standing in a half circle around him. "Alright guys, listen carefully. The Krazzle don't need these talks to succeed where as the C'hlakians do so watch everyone in the room at all times for anything unusual, we'll give them a checkup when they arrive, make sure none of them are going to die here or anything like that but you guys will be the first responders in here..." he explained briefly what their assignment was and the like.

Mac tapped his commbadge, "MacLeod to Sutherland."

"Major T'Lyn here Commander go ahead," she replied.

"Major, the Krazzle delegation is nearing the border, a little early. It's one Tigris class vessel, escorted by three Federation and two Klingon ships. I want you to take the Sutherland. the USS Asheville, and the USS Bridgeport to the border and escort the Krazzle to DS14."

"Understood sir," she said as the transmission was cut.

USS Sutherland

"Helm bring us away from Deep Space 14 set course to meet up with the Krazzle vessel. Also, let the other ships know to follow us." she stated. "Aye sir," came the reply as the USS Sutherland, USS Asheville and the USS Bridgeport moved away from the station and headed for the other ships that were near the boarder.

A few moments later they were at the coordinates, the USS Asheville and the USS Bridgeport went into position. "Sir, everyone is in position." The operations officer replied. "Very well, set course back to DS14" she said as the USS Sutherland and the rest of the escorts began to escort the Krazzle ship to DS14 with the USS Sutherland in front. "Keep sensors on the Krazzle just to be on the safe side, don't want any surprises." she ordered. "Aye sir," came the reply.

They slowly made their way to DS14.

DS14, Conference Room

While the Sutherland was away, the rest of the extra Security was beamed over to DS14, given their assignments, and deployed about DS14. Also, the C’Hakilian delegation, who was already aboard DS14 unbeknownst to the Krazzle, arrived in the Conference Room. They respectfully greeted the Federation team, and took their seats.

Several minutes later, the massive Krazzle Tigris class vessel could be seen as it approached DS14. As the ship neared, it took up a parking orbit around DS14, and was flanked by no less than four Federation ships that were already at DS14.

Within moments of the Krazzle ship’s arrival, it’s delegation was allowed to beam over to DS14, and they transported directly to the Conference Room.

Awaiting them, Reynolds, MacLeod, Delair, and the Marines were waiting. As they beamed in, the five person Krazzle delegation looked around the room. They noted where each person was positioned and his or her species, where the exits and computer terminals were, and how the room was laid out. Two of the Krazzle seemed to take special interest in Sergeant Taz and stared him down.

MacLeod took a breath, then stepped forward, “Welcome aboard Deep Space 14. I’m Commander Paul MacLeod, I will be representing the Federation and mediating these talks. This is Commander Reynolds, Commanding Officer of Deep Space 14, and this is Lieutenant Delair.” He then motioned to the C’Hakilians, “This is Crown Prince, Yinisl and his Staff.”

“Rrra’ Grrraline.” The elder Krazzle said in a heavy voice as he stepped forward. The Krazzle language was very different from Federation Standard. The Krazzle didn’t use words, instead they used sound structures for verbal communication. The most obvious differences were when they would say words with ‘R’ or ‘S’, and how prolonged and exaggerated the sounds were.

MacLeod thought for a moment, he’d heard the name before, he said to himself, ‘I’ve heard that name before…Ra’ Graline…where do I know that name from?’

Graline didn’t introduce the rest of his Staff, but they too appeared to be Krazzle Military. Two ranked Durg and two Ka’. Relations with the Krazzle had always been hard, first contact had been a battle between two Krazzle ships and the starships Pegasus-A and Bonaventure. Following the Dominion War, the Klingons and Krazzle had fought for a time, but then there was a brief period of peace when the Krazzle Clans united, but soon after the Krazzle Military took over and the peace treaty was thrown out. Then, the Krazzle attacked the C’Hakilians, a Federation ally, and joined the Typhon Pact. Tensions were again high, and it was obvious in the meeting already…

MacLeod flashed a smile, a fake one, and motioned to the chairs on the Krazzle side of the table, “Please, have a seat.” He made a mental note to check Starfleet records for 'Graline' as soon as he could.

Ermey and Lennox both recognized the name 'Graline' too, but couldn't place where from, however it did cause both Marines some concern.

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