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Getting into Shape

Posted on Thu Dec 19th, 2013 @ 4:35am by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

394 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Holodeck/SB400

Jewel decided that she would go to the holodeck and get back into shape, she wanted to get full use out of her new leg to stop using her cane. She was determined to get back to the way things were before all of this happened. But she wouldn't overdue herself now that she is pregnant. She usually didn't use the safety protocols in the holodeck but this time she was going to.

Once she arrived at the holodeck she activated the program she always ran when training. She had her Bathleth with her and entered once the computer confirmed the program was started. She began her training and began to fight other Klingons or whatever popped up.

She spent the next several hours training, when she felt that she was finished she stopped the program and wiped off her face with a towel. She walked out with the bathleth now on her back and headed down the corridor. She was going to talk to Mike when he returned from the mission about possibly returning to active duty on the station. She would let him decided on what position would work.

She was tired of not doing nothing, she hated being retired and wanted to do something. So Jewel decided she would work out and train and get back into shape with her leg anyways. She also worried about David and the mission, she knew what the Krazzle and Romulans are capable of and it worried her.

She continued to walk down the corridor, other officers passing her, "Hello General," one officer replied. "Lieutenant," Jewel replied as they passed. She made it back to her quarters and entered. Put the bathleth back on the wall were it belonged and walked into the bathroom and took a nice hot shower.

Once she was done with the shower she got dried off, dress and combed her hair and placed it in a long braid. She then walked out of her quarters and thought she spent the next few hours walking around the station not using her cane and applied even pressure on both her legs. She didn't want to rely on her cane for everything.

She had gotten through the cancer, the amputation, she was determined to get back to active duty some how. She continued to walk down every deck there was on Starbase 400.



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