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Posted on Mon Dec 16th, 2013 @ 4:16am by

623 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission


Lieutenant Siaxx Dvald
Medical Officer
Starbase 400

Rachael Yamaguchi
Civilian - Chuild
Starbase 400

***** Starbase Medical Suites - Starbase 400 *****

The Sevelte Bolian woman was looking over a PADD as
she walked past one of the entrances as she noticed
Rachael Yamaguchi who was just entering. "Doctor..
I'm here for my apointment."

"You're early and I have time.... come, I will see
to you now."

Rachael raised an eyebrow as she slipepd her pack of
of her back, she was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt
which concealed her figure but then she was only
thirteen and was rapidly developing from a child into
a mature woman.

Siaxx lead the child across the opening into one of
the various examination rooms where she had left her
medkit. "Have you been looking after your issues with
the Bloom?"

The child nodded her head. "I've been wearing the tracking
monitor which is monitoring my." she paused as she tried to
recall the devices name.

"Your hormonal and endocrinal levels." Siaxx responded as
she watched Rachael haul herself onto the bed as the child
made herself comfitable as Siaxx went to work.

"Computer, set for medical examination of paitent, Rachael
Yamaguchi, Start hormonal and endocrinal scans."

The computer hummed as it went to work as it began scanning
the child seated on the bed.

Siaxx watched the systems as they came up with the data of
what was going on inside Rachael Yamaguchi's mind and body
but eventualy the device produced a map of the changes as
they had taken place. "Okay Rachael, I'm going to give you
a nutrional booster."

Rachael nodded. "Okay."

Siaxx checked the hypo, it contained exacly what she said it
contained as she lifted the hypo and with the smooth grace of
a pet cat greeting her mistress, she gently placed it against
the childs neck, with a soft metalic kiss she injected the
contents into Rachael's corotid artery.

"So how is the martial arts contest going?" Siaxx inquired as
she opened her tricorder as she started a Physical examination
of Rachael's body.

"Its going well, I'm progressing well in the tourniment." she
explained. "I also advanced from Seventh Dan to Sixth, I now wear
a yellow belt rather then my old orange belt."

"Thats great news... your parents will be so proud of you."

Rachael smiled. "I know... I'm still writing the letter to Mom
and I'll copy Dad to it." she paused. "Looking after Xavier and
Kaylee for Doctor Brislan has been intresting as they are easy
to spend time with."

"I didn't know you watched over the Doctors children.." Dvald
paused. "Are they even hers?"

"As far as I know.... They are adopted but... Siaxx... It honestly
doesn't matter to me.... They are in her care and they call her

Siaxx found she had no good answer for Rachael's statement so
she let it pass. "How are things with you and Paul?"

"He's busy with schoolwork much of the time these days, plus he's distracted from not having anyone around to talk to, so he and I
spend all our time together." she explained evenly.

Siaxx smiled. "Well the good news is your time of blooming is
drawing to an end, another six weeks will tell the tale but you already have been through the worst of it." the Doctor explained. "All the
same, I want you to keep wearing your monitor and come in for your
next checkup which I'll schedual for two weeks from now unless something
goes wrong."

"Sounds good." Rachael responded as she hopped off the bed and then she bowed to the Doctor in a Halanian gesture of respect. "Thank you Doctor."
and with that, she departed.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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