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Pegasus, en route

Posted on Wed Sep 18th, 2013 @ 11:23pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Commander Jonathan Coleman & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Sogh M`Kota & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson

255 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Pegasus, Bridge
Timeline: Following 'Pegasus Departing'


Aboard the Pegasus, things seemed to be humming along. The ship was at warp, leading the blockade fleet toward DS14.

Admiral Bremer stood from his chair and started walking around the Bridge. He stopped at each station and looked over the Officer’s shoulder a moment before continuing on to the next. He wanted to make sure everything was operating correctly, the last thing he wanted was for the Pegasus to have to drop out of formation due to a malfunction in one of her recently upgraded systems.

So far, everything seemed to be fine.

“Chief, what’s our ETA?” Bremer asked as he made it to the front of the Bridge.

“We’re still just over twelve hours from DS14.” Branson replied. “We are within Klingon space now sir.”

Mike looked around the Bridge, then asked aloud, to no one particular, “Anything on sensors?

Coleman spoke up, "Nothing in particular, sir. Just the usual Klingon comm traffic and regular formations."

Mike nodded, "Good." He turned to look back at the view screen for a moment.

"Any ships in the fleet reporting anything?"

K'Temoc shook his head. "Negative."

Mike took a breath and headed back to his chair. Things seemed quite, for now. He just hoped no one became complacent...the mission was bound to heat up before it was over...


OOC: I know we've all been slacking a little lately, and I apologize for not being on much...but it's time to get busy again, so let's get to DS14!

-Admiral Bremer


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