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To hold or not to hold

Posted on Sun Sep 22nd, 2013 @ 6:27pm by Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan

358 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Security - USS Venator
Timeline: Current

Saith frowned. She looked up again at the hole in the upper corner of the cell. She had been dismayed when her officer had walked into Security from the hallway. Not with him, he had done just what she asked, gotten out of the brig cell. What had her frowning is that he was able to do it without the alarms going off. He had found a weakness in the holding cells. She did not like weaknesses.
So, now they stood there looking at the removed panel, and Mark explained how he found the panel he could get out of. He showed her how there was enough space behind the wall for him to move out to a maintenance tube, and on out to the hallway. She nodded.
“I get that, what I don’t understand is why no alarm rang.” She stood on the cot, stuck a light and her head through the hole and glanced around. It was very narrow, but anyone thin could make the same escape as Mark had. She glanced up and down taking in what she saw. Pulling her head out of the space she asked for a PADD. One was handed to her. She pulled up schematics of the ship. “I was able to disable the alarm on the maintenance tube. He replied. She nodded but added, “Yes, I get that, but you shouldn’t have been able to get out of the cell without one going off.”
An idea was forming in her mind, but she wasn’t sure if she was right. She would have to ask an Engineer or someone else with more experience if her idea was even plausible. She stepped down off the cot. “Record this passage so, I can add it to my report,” she said and as the officer nodded she headed for her office. Once there she took another look at the ship schematics. Maal had a lot of experience with Security and weaponry, etc. maybe she could run her thoughts past him first. She tapped her com badge, “Baratan to Sgt. Maal, can you please come to security?” She was still frowning.


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