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Posted on Wed Sep 25th, 2013 @ 6:16am by Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Commander Tressa Brislan

527 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Engineering


Tressa sat down at her desk and pulled up the Emergency Medical Hologram system. New and improved, she thought, scrolling through the features of this most recent version. Bedside manner was the most common complaint; apparently computer programmers had a difficult time expressing genuine concern in their products. There was a new personality program, she noticed; perhaps that would help to make the simulation more compassionate. She wrote a quick message to Engineering.

"Your attention please, this is Chief Medical Officer Tressa Brislan. We will be conducting a test of the EMH system in your area. Please do not be alarmed, this is only a test. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me immediately."

She typed in her authorization code.


A small man in Medical blue walked into the room and looked around. He spotted an officer at a terminal and moved briskly over to him.

"Hello sir, may I ask what is the nature of your injury?"

Quan looked up from his console. The work on the starboard engine software was not going well, and now this. "What? What injury? Is somebody injured?" He stepped away from his console, "Is somebody injured? Who's injured?"

"Please do not try to move, you may exacerbate the injury," the man said. He slowly moved a tricorder up and down. "Lieutentant, are you experiencing any bruising or swelling?"

Quan stood there bemused and a little concerned, "No should I be?"

"When was the date of your last menstrual period?"

"What?.... Are you even aware of who you are talking to?" Quan grabbed his tricorder and started scanning the medic. He looked at the readout and shook his head. He tapped his comm badge, "Quan to sickbay. Have you lost somebody?"

The man cocked his head suddenly and straightened it again. Quan saw a slight flash as the hologram updated.

"You are Lieutenant Alana Maybeth?" the hologram said.

Quan groaned, "Wrong answer Doctor Hologram." The hologram turned to face Quan as he walked around it. Quan looked at the hologram, "Keep still I want to look at you", and continued to circle the hologram watching his tricorder as he went.

"I can arrange to have you transported to Sickbay if you are unable to walk," the hologram said.

Quan shook his head but didn't look up from his tricorder, "that will not be necessary. I can walk wherever I need to go, thank you."

=^="Engineering this is Sickbay, we are running a test of the Emergency Hologram System on your deck, but we are not getting data from it yet."=^=

Quan smiled briefly, the Medical Hologram System was another system that was completely on the blink. Even worse than the engine alignment. "It thinks I'm Lieutenant Alana Maybeth. It can converse with me, but it is totally out of wack. Might be an idea to try rebooting it."

=^="Understood, thank you Lieutenant Quan."=^=

"Would you like to try a nerve block......" the hologram began, then he vanished.

Quan stood there and scratched the back of his head, "Oh well, " he muttered. Then put the tricorder away and went back to work on the console.


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