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passing the time

Posted on Wed Sep 25th, 2013 @ 6:44am by Commodore Andrew Clifford

157 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: holodeck 3
Timeline: Fleet Leaving plus 12 hours

Andrew stared at the internals of the Princeton, he had asked the computer to vertically slice the ship in half. In their discussions Andrew, Commander Coleman, Lt Grillo, and Ensign Baron had discussed boosting the structural integrity field to help the princeton raise its top speed to warp eight. To do that of course would require more power than the Princeton could deliver from its warp core alone.

In its heyday, the ship would have been on long exploration missions, so the cargo bays would have been used for supplies. Now the mission was patrol, which meant less requirement for long missions, certainly no more than a few months out of space dock at a time. He eyed the large cargo bay beneath the main engineering section.

"Computer install two fusion reactors in the main cargo bay beneath the warp core. Project power generation, against structural integriy field required to increase speed to warp 8 safe."

>/ Understood. working \<


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