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Catching up with work

Posted on Sun Sep 29th, 2013 @ 2:48am by Commander Jonathan Coleman

202 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Main Engineering-USS Pegasus
Timeline: Current


Commander Coleman walked down to Engineering while they were en route to their destination. He had some work to catch up on and he decided that now would be the best time to catch up on it.

The turbolift stopped and deposited him directly into Main Engineering. He wanted to make sure the new positronic core was up to shape in regards to field tests. He went to the office of the Main Engineering Officer. He pulled up the schematics of the core and pulled up the current data on the Pegasus' main core. He looked over the data and saw that the core was doing quite well. He ran the usual tests, as well as other tests that the Corps of Engineers came up for use with positronic cores. When everything came back fine, he smiled gently.

He continue to work out the rest of his backed up work and it took him nearly two hours before he was complete. He finished up his work down in Engineering and slowly made his way back to the bridge and waited for the rest of the time until they reached their destination.


Commander Jonathan Coleman
Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase 400/USS Pegasus


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