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Onboard USS Sutherland

Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2013 @ 1:12am by Captain Paul MacLeod & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

302 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Sutherland
Timeline: Present

Andy sat on the chair and asked CDR McLeod "Number One ETA for the station?"

"We're still thirteen hours away from DS14 sir." Mac replied as he stood behind the General. Unlike it's Galaxy Class cousin, the Nebula class Bridge didn't offer the XO their own chair...and while many Nebula class ships had received upgraded Bridges over the years, the Sutherland hadn't.

Duval was presently manning the tactical station near the back of the bridge, he found the bridge design on this ship to be somewhat different where as instead of everyone facing the front of the bridge like on every other design he'd seen, everyone faced the Captain.

The bridge to him felt like a bunker rather then a starship bridge but he kept those thoughts to himself.

Duval decided that when he got a few minutes to himself, he was going to stick in a recommendation that this bunker of a bridge get a replacement as soon as possible, to him this design was pitiful and woefully inefficient.

The Captain could watch what everyone was doing and nobody had any privacy to do their work which bothered Duval in particular.

T'Lyn was doing in the Marine Operations doing some last minute checks. She was avoiding the Colonel as she worked.

Col. Hurd noticed Major T'Lyn avoiding him, and calmly stepped over to where she was. In a small, gentile voice he said, ''Major, with all due respect, i do not wish to interrupt your work, but i have noticed you are avoiding me, and as your CO, and as your friend, i want to know what i did, and if there is a problem?''

Duval turned his head as he was curious as to how this conversation would go but he kept his focus on his console.



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